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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. even if they have , cancel pending order is a good request . this can be done also with a custom plugin .
  2. we need more event to be implemented in blesta like : Client Edit Profile Client Change Password Client Delete (Before & After action ) Client Profile Tab Fields (dropdown menu) Contact Add | Contact Edit | Contact Delete Client Dashboard Page Load Client Pay Method Client Pay Confirm Admin Dashboard Page Load Daily CronJob (Before & After action ) Invoice Payment Reminder Accept Order Delete Order Pending Order Order Checkout Shopping Cart Checkout Page Show Cart Page Module Create (Before & After action ) Module Suspend (Before & After action ) Module unSuspend (Before & After action ) Module terminate (Before & After action ) Admin/Client Services Tab Fields (rendered) upload Files action Ticket Plugin : Add - reply - close tickets Download Manager Plugin Download (Before & After action ) order plugin every step event (before/after)
  3. Hello Tyson is already defined and it appear in "Manage Widgets" section . the widget content appear when i use a static output . but when i work with arrays and database , not working . the same code in controller and model work fine in normal output page plugin , but no in widget .
  4. or at least make the first option selected in default .
  5. no response sent , is like no widget rendered , for that ihave asked for a debug code to make me show the eror code or response codes . the widget is not rendered at all , normally is should display the box with the widget title ? when i play with just a normal text it work perfectly .
  6. Thanks Tyson for your reply who he will make me crazy , is that the same code is working in a page without any probleme . when i change it to a widget nothing is displayed ?!
  7. maybe i have misunderstad the request of the OP .
  8. CODE as normal plugin in a page work perfectly , but as a widget is not working , is not displaying anything , even if the box widget . is there any tips to enable debug in widget ? my code as following controllers/admin_main.php /** * Pre-action */ public function preAction() { parent::preAction(); $this->requireLogin(); Language::loadLang("myprivate_notes_plugin", null, PLUGINDIR . "myprivate_notes" . DS . "language" . DS); // Set the plugin ID $this->plugin_id = (isset($this->get[0]) ? $this->get[0] : null); // Set the company ID and staff ID $this->company_id = Configure::get("Blesta.company_id"); $this->staff_id = $this->Session->read("blesta_staff_id"); $this->user_id = $this->Session->read("blesta_id"); } /** * Renders the system overview widget */ public function index() { // Only available via AJAX if (!$this->isAjax()) { $this->redirect($this->base_uri); } // $data = array(); $this->uses(array("Users")); $this->uses(array("MyprivateNotes.NotesStaff")); // $this->company_id = Configure::get("Blesta.company_id"); // $this->staff_id = $this->Session->read("blesta_staff_id"); // $this->user_id = $this->Session->read("blesta_id"); // Set my info notes if (empty($data)) { $staff = $this->NotesStaff->getNotes($this->staff_id, $this->company_id); // $staff->notes = $this->Users->systemDecrypt($staff->notes); // disabled temporary $data = (object)(array)$staff; } $this->set("data", $data); return $this->renderAjaxWidgetIfAsync(false); } models/notes_staff.php class NotesStaff extends MyprivateNotesModel { /** * Initialize */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Fetches a staff member notes * * @param int $staff_id The ID of the staff member * @param int $company_id The ID of the company to set staff settings for (optional, if null, no settings will be set) * @return mixed An array of objects or false if no results. * @see Staff::getByUserId() */ public function getNotes($staff_id, $company_id=null) { $fields = array("staff.id", "staff.user_id", "staff.notes"); $staff = $this->Record->select($fields)->from("staff")-> where("staff.id", "=", $staff_id)->fetch(); return $staff; } } views/admin_main.pdt <?php $this->Widget->clear(); $this->Widget->setWidgetButton("arrow"); $this->Widget->create($this->_("MyprivateNotesPlugin.notes.heading_notes", true), array('id'=>"widget_myprivate_notes_admin_main")); //$this->Widget->create(); ?> <div class="inner"> <div class="pad"> <?php $this->Html->_($data->notes); ?> </div> </div> <?php $this->Widget->end(); ?> as i mentioned before , it work perfectly as a normal plugin , when i change to the widget , nothing is displayed when i comment out the set function in controller , the box widget displayed normally .
  9. change the term to 1 mounth and the renewal date to 1-8-xxxx then the invoice will be generated every mounth.
  10. i will prepare the code and back to you again . what does mean this error Undefined property: MyprivateNotesStaff::$Record MyprivateNotesStaff is a model class ;
  11. i'm writing a plugin for "my private notes"->PauloV hack . the probleme the widget is not displaying the vars as array . when i set the vars as unique value like $vars = "test" ; it show in the widget , when i set vars to array i can't dump the value $data = array( 'test' => "test", 'user_id' => $tuser_id, 'company_id' => $this->company_id, ); is there any special tips for resolving this ?
  12. this bug is not related to the plugin code, is related to blesta routes .
  13. this should be a bug . you must report it .
  14. Fixed for release 1.0.3 , i will update the github reposity this night . more info here http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2778-tools-logs-convert-currency-url-return-404-error/
  15. maybe i have found the probleme . nothing related to the plugin code ..... but i will make more profond analysis for this . EDIT AND FIX : the are no probleme with the code , is related to the plugin dir name "admin_tools" and routes . i have renamed the plugin directory and updated all the path . and all is working . THE BIG QUESTION NOW IS . the tools link not working if the "admin_tools" plugin was installed or un-installed . i believe the final solution for the future is fixing this bug http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2779-uninstalled-plugins-are-accessible-via-url/
  16. this is related to admin tools plugins http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2925-admin-tools-plugin-edit-do-not-install/ normally if a plugin installed , how he can impact the blesta working rules ? also if the plugins is uninstalled how he can be related to blesta ?!!!! there are something is related also with blesta not just the plugin
  17. there are no cron folder in blesta package
  18. you should change it to your blesta url and your cron key
  19. plugins support ACL feature , but module no ( at least as i see fromthe wiki and the docs ) my request it to make TABS modules support ACL , exemple for real case . i have a module, i want to make the tab 1 available just for group staff 1 , and tab 2 for for group staff 2. best regards
  20. i have a semilir case here , every time we need to edit thetransaction as null , thene delete the invoice/lines that will not renew for it , and then re-apply the transaction to accepted . with v3.3 it will resolve this issue as i have read from some threads .
  21. another reason to achieve this request http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2687-make-gateways-available-for-all-currencies/
  22. the add company shouldnot be shown to a licence with no multiple company licence has . this is confusing , i have see it a long time , but i was thinking this is related to my developper licence , today i have discover that i'm using a normale licence that i have bought for my other project and not the developper licence .
  23. in my previos post i opt for three team to be in the golden 4 (brazil/germany/nethderland) all they was in semis . Germany deserve to win this worldcup , but argentina has a player named messi , so nothing is decided . +1 vote for germany
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