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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. all the big forums has a guideline to follow (bad or nice) , but they must follow . if i remember , it was a sticky thread for blesta in some days . is like a sticky paid thread
  2. Thanks tyson for clarification . our probleme is that we don't want to hack or change the core files .
  3. what about helpers ? is possible to include them in template , then i use helpers to retch database ?
  4. Thanks . is clear now , we should stop thinking about adding data to the templete files . with this situation we can't do more with template system . i think a feature request for something semilar should be done
  5. i'm not talking about API or plugin . i want to do this via template files , i want to make request to database from template file . for exemple , inside the template file client_main_myinfo.pdt , i want to do something like Welcome Back <strong><?php echo $this->Html->_($client->first_name, true) . " " . $this->Html->_($client->last_name, true);?></strong> Member Sinse <small><?php $this->Html->_($client->date_added);?></small> , Last Visit <small> <?php HERE_WHAT_SHOULD_I_PUT_I_CODE_TO_MANUPULATE_DATABASE ?></small> calling class from template file give a error "class not found" .
  6. yes Tyson ; i have this $clients->date_added and it show the date registration in template file i can call this function from template Logs::getUserLog($user_id) ?
  7. I remember there are anotehr thread talking about the same issue and requesting showing applied transaction to the bottom of invoice . i think this will be resolved in the incoming release .
  8. Real case now ; i want to get the last vist for client X and put it in the PDT file . i dont see any request/response to this record in the template . EDIT i get it with $client->date_added Now it left date_updated (last visit )
  9. Blesta Addons

    Smtp Settings

    maybe your firewall block your port or your ip is blocked in mandrillapp server .
  10. i have in my new theme a portal system and it having a div box for login , i want to add a ajax request with login , if the login is corrected the box is updated with some client info . also in some area i want to push some info from database that are not available (or i have not looked well at the data available for templete . the important thing is i have some php function that show some data based in the client IP and client Email . so i want to pass the client_id and client_email to this file n and this file return me a response , this is possible with blestaRequest ajax , but what is not possible is how that file (located in templete folder load or communicated with other models in blesta ?
  11. screenshot added to the first post .
  12. so i shold create a plugin and work with it ? i want to use some custom 'let say widgets' for theme . so is not possible at all to do that . for example i want to make a ajax request for login . normally if i call the login page http://xxxxx.com/blesta/client/login/ with ajax i get a html response and i want ji*ust a true/false reponse , i should create a custom page in php to handel this , no ?
  13. resolved probleme with this step , but i don't know why !!! in model i have changed the class name to class StaffNotes extends StaffNotesModel in controllers i have changed this lines from $this->uses(array("StaffNotes.StaffNotes")); $staff = $this->GetStaffNotes->GetStaffNotes($this->staff_id , $this->company_id ); to $this->uses(array("staff_notes.StaffNotes")); $staff = $this->StaffNotes->getNotes($this->staff_id, $this->company_id);
  14. Hello Micheal , please ; do not merge between two task (create invoice / create service) . see the first OP post . the thread is talking about invoice delivery in CREATE INVOICE MANUALLY , not related to creating services !!!! (client area , create invoice and not create service) they are two different thing . another time who is manually should be done instantally , who is related to the system is another thing . what is the meaning if i click button now, and the action done after some minutes (less than 5 mi of course) . i should wait the staff to see thier answer .
  15. is your work not mine, i just convert it
  16. Hello All . LAST UPDATE 09-06-2018 as promised , we are providing the widget for PauloV's MOD (original thread here http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2175-my-private-notes-encrypted-staff-private-notes/ ) . we have created a plugin as a widgets , that can be shown in the admin dashboard . as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download plugin from Blesta Addons . 2 - upload the staff_notes folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Encrypted Staff Private Notes . 4 - goto dashboard , manage widgets , choose location . 5 - enjoy the content . Screenshot ANY BUG/SUGGESTION REPORT IT I THIS THREAD . Best regards
  17. is there any tips or raod to call a blesta function from the template file ? or at least from a php file inside the template ?
  18. we are talking about generating invoice and ticking the invoice delivery . there are no modules here !!! when i tick the box to deliver email is manual labour sir , no ?! i think the probleme here 2 thing 1 - the word or the label should be corrected to be more sense . 2 - blesta has other methode for delivering invoice that is not instantally (paper) , for this i think blesta has this shulded to the cron . but who make sense for me is the email invoice should be sent immediatly if i create it manually and ticked the delivery invoice .
  19. we are not ttalking about invoices/emails that are generated by system . we are talking about invoice/email generated manually and i have ticked the send email . with your case , no emails is sent , as you have not generated the invoice/email manually , so that mean the system will handle them , if the cron is setup , then it will send it , don't worry you are safe . but in our case the thing is different , i have anticipate to generate invoice and send email , so blesta generate invoice and not sending email until the next cron . i think we have here to option 1 - either blesta change the text label from send email to scheduled email for sending . 2 - make the emails send instantally .
  20. but this task i manual task , like creating a service in admin area , so with your logic , if i create service from admin area i should wait until the next cron to activate the service and send the welcome email ?!!!! cron is for automated thing not for manual thing unless i have a option to make it postponed to next time/date , like the cancelation service , if i make a scheduled date then is should be done via cron , but if i cancel the service now it should be canceled now . so why the invoice is not created with the next cron ? and created immediatly ? i beleive this should be changed to sent it immedaitly with invoice creation .
  21. i have not tested , but i have told is normally should sent it immedialty . i have tried now and is not sent . i think this is a bug , it should sent it immedialty if the creation of invoice was successful . NOTE: Sometimes i ask why some usefull and normal thing was in v 2.5 are dissapeared in the v3 !!!
  22. is new one , is has a less featurs that you can go with it . if you need a free alternative is better to go with webmin or zpanel or centos webpanel , all both have full feature needed by a webhosting company http://centos-webpanel.com/ http://vestacp.com/ http://www.zpanelcp.com/ http://webmin.com best regards
  23. Normally if you create invoice manually and the box is checked , the invoice should sent immediatly .
  24. 1 - when we using a custom template/theme , if a template pdt file is missing , better load the default one shipped with blesta (boostrap/default ) (is the same as language role loading ) , this also will help themers to not stack with every release , and they will include just the modified templates files rather than all the files to the theme package . 2 - is better to make bootsrap and font-awesome as vendors , and let the themers/coders include it .it will help also in update versions . 3 - add ability to theme to include thier own file language , this can help in multilangue site . now if i want to add custom phrases to template i need to write it directly , but if it is as a language file inside the theme , it will be better for transalating to multi language. 4 - why not a custom controllers/models for template , if we need to write own php function for some widget template , ajax , custom code , that will help to produce more interactive theme . 5 - thanks .
  25. Hello Tyson is models issue/probleme . what i have do . i have load the Staff model and i have tested with get function and it waorked like a charm . i have copied the same function in my models and i have loaded it and no result . i believe i have made a mistake in somewhere but really i have see and see and i can't find from where is the probleme . i have created a staff_notes.php in models . the content are class GetStaffNotes extends StaffNotesModel { /** * Initialize */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // Load required components/helpers Loader::loadComponents($this, array("Input", "Record")); } public function GetStaffNotes($staff_id, $company_id=null) { $fields = array("staff.id", "staff.user_id", "staff.first_name", "staff.last_name", "staff.email", "staff.email_mobile", "staff.status", "users.username", "users.two_factor_mode", "users.two_factor_key", "users.two_factor_pin" ); $staff = $this->Record->select($fields)->from("staff")-> innerJoin("users", "users.id", "=", "staff.user_id", false)-> where("staff.id", "=", $staff_id)->fetch(); // Assign object properties only if staff exists if ($staff) { // Get the staff groups this staff member belongs to $this->Record->select(array("staff_groups.id", "staff_groups.company_id", "staff_groups.name"))-> from("staff")-> innerJoin("staff_group", "staff_group.staff_id", "=", "staff.id", false)-> innerJoin("staff_groups", "staff_group.staff_group_id", "=", "staff_groups.id", false)-> where("staff.id", "=", $staff_id); // Get a single or multiple groups depending on company if ($company_id) $staff->group = $this->Record->where("staff_groups.company_id", "=", $company_id)->fetch(); else $staff->groups = $this->Record->fetchAll(); if ($company_id !== null) $staff->settings = $this->getSettings($staff_id, $company_id); // Set staff email notices $staff->notices = $this->getNotices($staff_id); } return $staff; } } the controle file i have in it class AdminMain extends StaffNotesController { /** * Pre-action */ public function preAction() { parent::preAction(); $this->requireLogin(); Language::loadLang("staff_notes_plugin", null, PLUGINDIR . "staff_notes" . DS . "language" . DS); $this->plugin_id = (isset($this->get[0]) ? $this->get[0] : null); // Set the company ID $this->company_id = Configure::get("Blesta.company_id"); $this->staff_id = $this->Session->read("blesta_staff_id"); $this->user_id = $this->Session->read("blesta_id"); } /** * Renders the system overview widget */ public function index() { // Only available via AJAX if (!$this->isAjax()) { $this->redirect($this->base_uri); } $this->uses(array("StaffNotes.StaffNotes")); $staff = $this->GetStaffNotes->GetStaffNotes($this->staff_id , $this->company_id ); // $staff = $this->Staff->get($this->staff_id , $this->company_id ); // load from staff model $this->set("staff", $staff); return $this->renderAjaxWidgetIfAsync(isset($this->get[0]) ? false : null); } } the plugin dir is staff_notes . can you se any abnormal code in this two file ?
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