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GOT IT , the full code for reference : public function getPackageFields($vars=null) { Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Html")); // $module_row = $this->getModuleRow($vars->module_row); $fields = new ModuleFields(); // Fetch all packages available for the given server or server group $module_row = null; if (isset($vars->module_group) && $vars->module_group == "") { if (isset($vars->module_row) && $vars->module_row > 0) { $module_row = $this->getModuleRow($vars->module_row); } else { $rows = $this->getModuleRows(); if (isset($rows[0])) $module_row = $rows[0]; unset($rows); } } else { // Fetch the 1st server from the list of servers in the selected group $rows = $this->getModuleRows($vars->module_group); if (isset($rows[0])) $module_row = $rows[0]; unset($rows); } if ($module_row) { $types = $this->getLicenseTypes($module_row) ; } $license_type = $fields->label(Language::_("CpanelManagetwo.package_fields.license_type", true), "license_type"); $license_type->attach($fields->fieldSelect("meta[license_type]", $this->Html->ifSet($types['packages']['@attributes']) , $this->Html->ifSet($vars->meta['license_type']), array('id'=>"license_type"))); $fields->setField($license_type); return $fields; }
the probleme is not the code , the probleme is from the getModuleRow() this one is also not working // Fetch all packages available for the given server or server group $module_row = null; if (isset($vars->module_group) && $vars->module_group == "") { if (isset($vars->module_row) && $vars->module_row > 0) { $module_row = $this->getModuleRow($vars->module_row); } else { $rows = $this->getModuleRows(); if (isset($rows[0])) $module_row = $rows[0]; unset($rows); } } else { // Fetch the 1st server from the list of servers in the selected group $rows = $this->getModuleRows($vars->module_group); if (isset($rows[0])) $module_row = $rows[0]; unset($rows); } $types = $this->getLicenseTypes($module_row) ; i have tried the same code as cpanel but is not working , how i can see the output of the getModuleRow() ?
i think i have get the probleme $module_row = $this->getModuleRow(); $module_row = $this->getModuleRow($vars->module_row); is not returning any data ? how to get the getModuleRow inside the getPackageFields() function ?
another time is me i'm creating a module for cpanel manage2 , i have almost all done now, but i have something wrong with my code in getPackageFields(), i want to pass the outpot of array (packages) to an select box . my array is : Array ( [@attributes] => Array ( [reason] => OK [status] => 1 [version] => 0.3 ) [packages] => Array ( [@attributes] => Array ( [Pxxx7] => THREE-YEAR [Pxxx8] => ONE-YEAR [Pxxx6] => FREE-ONE-YEAR-ENKOMPASS [Pxxx4] => TWO-YEAR [Pxx61] => ONE-YEAR-VPS [Pxx46] => xxxx-INTERNAL [Pxx50] => xxxx-INTERNAL-VPS [Pxx90] => xxxx-CLOUDLINUX-INTERNAL-WITH-CPANEL [Pxx94] => xxxx-CLOUDLINUX-INTERNAL-WITHOUT-CPANEL ) ) ) what wrong in my code ? public function getPackageFields($vars=null) { Loader::loadHelpers($this, array("Html")); $module_row = $this->getModuleRow(); $fields = new ModuleFields(); $types = $this->getLicenseTypes($module_row) ; $license_type = $fields->label(Language::_("CpanelManagetwo.package_fields.license_type", true), "license_type"); $license_type->attach($fields->fieldSelect("meta[license_type]", $types['packages']['@attributes'], $this->Html->ifSet($vars->meta['license_type']), array('id'=>"license_type"))); $fields->setField($license_type); return $fields; }
[Template] Professional Client Side -Admin Lte-
Blesta Addons replied to Blesta Addons's topic in The Marketplace
Thanks Yes , Totally different . a lot of hours in work ... we have the intention todo more , but for sme limitation in blesta core we have decided to stop at this point . -
Your idea as you have post maybe workable , but we are searching teh best way with out any internvention from us with coupons . you solution has open me a new solution . if the invoice has multiple items where some are taxable and others no , we need here two sub-total . sub-total_taxable sub-total_no_taxable . apply tax to sub-total_taxable , and then show the total of both in the final price . then i think with this we can resolve your and any otehr case .
the probleme in how the calculation done , Tax should be applied to sub-total not to the original service price .
Credits In Client Side Return Always 0.00 Amount
Blesta Addons replied to Blesta Addons's topic in Bugs
i prefer the 1 situation . -
Hello The community LAST UPDATE : 23-08-2014 First i dont know if this is the correct forum to post ! another time we are happy to announce the release of the first professional Template for blesta called admin LTE , this Template is based in the adminLTE , is bootsrap of course (3.1.x) . to not talk so much i will let you with some screenshoot . Login Page Client Dashboard Client Other Pages when we get more time we will word in the admin side , but we need to add ability to select template for admin side like client side . any BUG/SUGGESTION port it in this thread . you can download it from github https://github.com/Blesta-Addons/adminlte just upload the folder adminlte inside the folder "app/views/client/" and select the template from admin area . THE BONUS : the color theme can be changed from admin side in look and feel , client section . if you like our work , thanks or donate
Credits In Client Side Return Always 0.00 Amount
Blesta Addons replied to Blesta Addons's topic in Bugs
we use the latest one 3.2.1 , just to note the data was imported from v 2.5 . Paulov case i was able to duplicate it . -
as the title see , we need a option to delete package from the Package Groups when we list them . a delete button near to edit . this will help as so much to gain more time , actually we need to click edit botton then remove it from the Member Groups and click update package . we will save 3 click with this feature : )
i have noticed that the credit shoed in client side always retunr 0 amount , even if the client has some credit . in admin side the credit is correct . to reproduce the bug , add a invoice with xxx amount , normally in client side it shoud show credits xxx (currency) . EDIT : also the fetch action return array with one id more empty . so if the client has 2 invoice with usd and euro , the returned data is array with 3 element id_1 empty id_2 euro id_3 usd
happy that you have resolved your probleme .
SAFE_MODE probleme do you have root access ? if yes you have two solution : 1 - disable SAFE_MODE in php.ini 2 - run the following command from ssh chwon -R username:username /home/username/public_html if you have cpanel and don't want to disable safe_mode then run the fallowing command /scripts/chownpublichtmls best regards
this is probleme of mal installed apache or missconfugured
we will try to complete the traduction in the future , at least the client side, order form , support ticket . best regards
we think that template should be accept custom language file . for example , some word are not loaded for all the system , or the themers want to include they own phrases in templates , so is better to allow language files for templete . with that the template it will be multilinguage and the author will just add language pack to add new language . maybe a direcotry language is needed here .
What is the reason ?
we are dealing with template , we have found that $client->settings return a very sensative info for company , is this normal ?! Array ( [amazons3_access_key] => ssssssssssss [amazons3_bucket] => [amazons3_rate] => 24 [amazons3_secret_key] => sssssssssssssss [auto_apply_credits] => true [auto_paid_pending_services] => true [autodebit] => true [autodebit_attempts] => 1 [autodebit_days_before_due] => 1 [autosuspend] => true [calendar_begins] => monday [cancelation_fee_tax] => false [cascade_tax] => false [client_create_addons] => true [client_set_currency] => true [client_set_invoice] => true [client_set_lang] => true [client_view_dir] => bootsrap [clients_cancel_services] => false [clients_format] => {num} [clients_increment] => 1 [clients_pad_size] => 0 [clients_pad_str] => 0 [clients_start] => 1500 [country] => MA [cron_key] => [database_version] => 3.2.0-b1 [date_format] => M d, Y [datetime_format] => M d, Y g:i:s A [default_currency] => MAD [delivery_methods] => YToxOntp4546FpbCI7fQ== [enable_tax] => false [exchange_rates_auto_update] => true [exchange_rates_padding] => 3 [exchange_rates_processor] => google_finance [ftp_host] => [ftp_password] => [ftp_path] => [ftp_port] => 22 [ftp_rate] => 24 [ftp_username] => [geoip_enabled] => false [html_email] => true [interfax_password] => [interfax_username] => [inv_address_to] => 2087 [inv_background] => [inv_days_before_renewal] => 5 [inv_display_companyinfo] => true [inv_display_logo] => true [inv_display_paid_watermark] => true [inv_draft_format] => DRAFT-{num} [inv_format] => {num} [inv_increment] => 1 [inv_logo] => [inv_method] => email [inv_mimetype] => application/pdf [inv_pad_size] => 0 [inv_pad_str] => 0 [inv_paper_size] => letter [inv_start] => 1 [inv_suspended_services] => true [inv_template] => default_invoice [inv_terms] => [language] => fr_fr [license_data] => SSSSSSSS [license_key] => owned-sssssss [license_public_key] => -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww/QXK wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww/dKDC32I 1blWT4lXG5gPfkxhiQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- [log_days] => 30 [mail_delivery] => smtp [maintenance_mode] => false [maintenance_reason] => [multi_currency_pricing] => package [notice_pending_autodebit] => 1 [notice1] => -1 [notice2] => 3 [notice3] => 7 [packages_format] => {num} [packages_increment] => 1 [packages_pad_size] => 0 [packages_pad_str] => 0 [packages_start] => 1 [payments_allowed_ach] => true [payments_allowed_cc] => true [postalmethods_apikey] => [postalmethods_replyenvelope] => false [postalmethods_testmode] => true [private_key] => ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss [private_key_passphrase] => [public_key] => -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- sssssssssssssss x7j/sssssssssss sssssssss+sssssssssssss Sl32iKIT912IO0U2eQIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY----- [root_web_dir] => /home/ssssssss/public_html/ [services_format] => {num} [services_increment] => 1 [services_pad_size] => 0 [services_pad_str] => 0 [services_start] => 1 [setup_fee_tax] => false [shared_login.key] => ssssssssssssssss [show_currency_code] => true [smtp_host] => server.sssssssssss.com [smtp_password] => sssssssssssss [smtp_port] => 465 [smtp_security] => ssl [smtp_user] => ssssssssssss@ssssssss.com [suspend_services_days_after_due] => 7 [tax_exempt] => false [tax_id] => [temp_dir] => /tmp/ [theme_admin] => 1 [theme_client] => 13 [timezone] => Africa/Casablanca [uploads_dir] => /home/sssssssssss/uploads/ [username_type] => email )why all this data is returned ? what is important for client side Array ( [auto_apply_credits] => true [auto_paid_pending_services] => true [autodebit] => true [autodebit_attempts] => 1 [autodebit_days_before_due] => 1 [autosuspend] => true [client_create_addons] => true [client_set_currency] => true [client_set_invoice] => true [client_set_lang] => true [clients_cancel_services] => false [default_currency] => MAD [delivery_methods] => YToxOntp4546FpbCI7fQ== [enable_tax] => false [inv_method] => email [inv_mimetype] => application/pdf [language] => fr_fr [tax_exempt] => false [tax_id] => [show_currency_code] => true [username_type] => email )
i remeber in a old thread , i have talked about the interest of adding order-id in database . as the logicbox API has a function to get it using the Domaine name . the same for NS entries , no need to store them in database , as we can get them via API .
you can use my module .... it not need to fetch the oder-id from database
using a plugin was our final raod to take . if i use a plugin , i can make the controller send the data to any view file without going to the url plugin ? for example when we access the page http://xxxx.xxx/blesta/client/main/ , we can load data from the plugin controller XXXX . ( as i know the controller send data to template file when is reached as url ( http://xxxx.xxx/blesta/admin/plugin/xxxxx/admin_main/ ) ? our last solution was the fallowing 1 - create plugin 2 - set fonction in controller to send a specific data like - http://xxxx.xxx/blesta/admin/plugin/request_ajax/totalservice/ - http://xxxx.xxx/blesta/admin/plugin/request_ajax/lastvisit/ - http://xxxx.xxx/blesta/admin/plugin/request_ajax/totalopenticket/ 3 - call this function with blestarequest ajax . Thanks
Core-1173 Reduce File Size Of Invoice Pdf Documents
Blesta Addons replied to interfasys's topic in Contribute