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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. thanks PauloV , i will bookmark this reponse to test it later this week . i will return to you with the result .
  2. we are working in a plugin for knowledgebase . this plugin is for our internal use , but i will re-think to share it with the community .
  3. as the title see , is better to add the name attribute to the widgets . and why not a specific icon for it instead for the plugin logo . we have created a plugin with two widget and we have found like a double widget in the manage widget , we can't distingue beetwen them unless we activate them .
  4. i think is better to change the way the importer work . it need to make the import in step and take a sleep between every step . for larger database this error is faced every time .
  5. we are now facing some lock of feature in modules , at least we need modules to be able to register widgets and events . for widgets we can use plugin instead , but is a bad task for us, we prefer to group the word in one side , not is a deferent sides . events is the important thing that should be added to blesta , we can't control add/suspend/unsuspend/delete actions of modules via plugins . let say we have a plugin that it should act when activating a service for a specific module , we can't achieve this proccess . for tabs , we need to allow some staff to access just the TAB X and other staff can access TAB Y , and allow all to access general TAB . i hope the ideas well explained .
  6. i have not used AWBS in the past , but they have a open source module so is easy to take the idea from it . i need also this fucntion in logicbox module
  7. NOT yet implemented , it need first to be a plugin or third patry addons . NOW we have just the intention to add the facebook login with this plugin files in this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2399-client-facebook-login-access/ we have not yet tested or any ETA for it now . the files is OPEN and anyone can add or improuve the template function and share it with the community .
  8. can you sput here a sample of duplication ?
  9. Hello All . we want to make a improvement of the actual proxmox module , we will try to add the falowwing and we need to see : - better implementation of re-isntall vm , as the current now freeze sometimes . - auto fetch the iso(for kvm) and template (for openvz) - allow change root password for vm (admins/staff) without using the console . (for openvz) - remove default tempalte from server creation , and make it under package . - add swap limit in package (for openvz) - add CPU limit in package (for openvz) - add QOUTA UGID limit in package (for openvz) - add Qouta Grace period in package (for openvz) - add start at boot (true/false) in package (for openvz) - auto start vm at the end fo creation/activation service. - option to choose template in add service for admin section . - Assign new containers to specific IP's in service info section - add option to edit user for that server in proxmox node (locally/proxmox node) . - add option to edit the vmid (locally) . - add more stats (uptime/cpu usage/prossess count/load average) - add option/tab allow admins/staff add more ip for vm . - add option to edit UBC for VM (for openvz) (admin tab) BIG BUG : - if more than one server added , the package just fetch the nodes in first server . even if we change the server in the list . - disable the console at the moment as it show a root paswword encreypted , and choose another console soft (normally it should use login/password for the vm not the root server . If you have any suggestion we can discuss it .
  10. you can, close it as not a bug .
  11. copy the english language folders and files , change them in your language you need to translate . then you can translate file by file or phrase by phrase as you need .
  12. package + coupon not reccurring
  13. i have cleared the cache and logout from both admin side and client side . now when i log as client it show the language selected by client .
  14. i will ad my voice to another request already requested by someone . we need option to download the file and translate in our pc , and then upload them to the translator website . any change toadd this ? or at least we send you the completed files and the blesta staff ad them to the language pack .
  15. logged as client also , andthe same result , client's language is not displaying , just the default language .
  16. 1 - the client side is not loading the client language , if we have english as default language and the clent has arabic language , the language won't load , until we change the language in settings (we have already ticket Client may set Language ) 2 - in clients side always it load the default language instead of user's language . 3 - we have changed the default language from english to arabic , after we revert to english or any other language(frensh/spanish...) the admin links show in arabic , won't change to the default language . any one can re-produce this bugs .
  17. i have completed the task for CORE-851 . i will contact tyson in private to send him the files toinclude them in v3.2.2 /3.3.0 Now we have a big probleme the navlinks get thier name from database , if we change the language , the nav link remain the same . is better to move the link name from database to language files .
  18. at wich whois server you send the request , i'm sut the whois.verisign-grs.com will return "No match for" response .
  19. PauloV now is playing 007 agent
  20. welcome,
  21. you got banned ?
  22. Blesta Addons


    if i will understand , that mean a relation between package (ort something like linker package ) if you select package A, B, C (you can get discount 10% or something else) . interesting piste .... groups here is not your solution ? we can talk here about coupons for groups ? i have not yet arrived to the order forms side until we finich some modules . but i'm getting some ideas/obstacles that we can feat in order forms .
  23. Blesta Addons


    what does mean bundles ?
  24. Blesta Addons


    it was a project in github , but i don't know if is complete now https://github.com/evolvewebhost/opensrs
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