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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. even if they haven't the order_id . use my logicboxe plugin in my singnature and you are done . my plugin can add the order_id auto in silent background . so don't worry about it .
  2. i think the module should be convert any uppercase to lowercase letter when cheking and registring .
  3. because it should add solusvm user/password for this VM machine . the same case of proxmox . as i told before , custom plugin cad do the trick .
  4. i use you can use <Files routes.php> Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from </Files>
  5. good look . is posible to add a choice that we can select a package to be default selected ? and to be with a special css class . (that way we can make owr own css for it ) ?
  6. I FOUND the probleme , is NOT A BUG ....... the probelem is from the word typed aghahdahdqq.com != Aghahdahdqq.com aghahdahdqq.com is valid domain name Aghahdahdqq.com is not a valid term to search in the phone , they always return the first letter to uppercase .
  7. i can reproduce it .... the same as you ,with my phone not working , tested in andriod phones . i will try it tomorrow from iphone to see if the same . from a emulator mobile phone in desktop , no error ... so is related to the device , we need to check the data sent or we need to log the whois action to se the sent/post data .
  8. i don't believe is a blesta related ..... if the module return a unavailable response , that mean the module communicate with the server . also blesta use bootsrap fro client , so no change in the core module of php code , is just a template matter . but you are sure you are subbmiting the domain without any space caractere . can you post your order form to test in our side .
  9. yes i have already found that , but it was not referencing the correct info , it should be corrected Sets navigation buttons along with Widget::setLinks(). This method may only be used in addition with Widget::setLinks()
  10. RESOLVED : i have mised to pass some other pparam in the setMessage, the correct format is : $this->setMessage("error", $errors, false, null, false);
  11. UPDATE : the error source is the $this->setMessage("error", $errors);
  12. this is not a bug , i think this is feature that can be added .
  13. can you paste the whole code for dropdown .
  14. i my new plugin i get this error when i pass the error or success message . $this->flashMessage("message", Language::_("SomePlugin.!success.cat_added", true)); the error message is from the main_admin views , in admin_manage_plugin no error shown . Files does not exist: /home/xxxxx/public_html/blesta/plugins/xxxxxxx/views/admin/default/message.pdt on line 120 in /home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/blesta/lib/view.php why blesta fetch the message.pdt inside the plugin directory , it should fetch from the templatev directory . NOTE : the same code in admin_manage_plugin working fine . the same code in adminçmain givving this error .
  15. is possible to make the two work togheter . $this->Widget->setTabs $this->Widget->setLinkButtons as now if they are the two in the view file , only the setTabs is displayed .
  16. post your request here .. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3059-rewrite-proxmox-modules/
  17. what is the structure of your files/folders ? you have created the the plugin file newsletter_plugin.php . also what is the content of this file ?
  18. this need to be reproduced by someone else . but in normal case the system should not run add service when the service in pending status . this the first time happen to you or more than 1 time .
  19. so if i will understand , the Configurable Options will add the var purchase-privacy=true to the module vars in creation ?
  20. you can add the VM and untick the use module box . but i believe you should add a database row for the vm_id . a custom import plugin for solusvm shoudl be request in the future request .
  21. your issue with the logicbox module , not related to this thread discussion . you can use my module in my signature , is made to avoid this error and correct it .
  22. Blesta Addons


    i assume in v 3.3 . we all waiting this new domain management .
  23. i think this is something related to the cronjob . can you run it manually and see if the service goes to active . but why is not logical , how blesta activated the service with a pending status !!!!
  24. thanks for the share . the protect privacy need a custom module to be attached to the logicbox module . we are looking for solution to achieve this task . Solution 1 : 1 - separate module (should be package just for addons ) 2 - integrated with logicbox ( the probleme we have in this it should have a separate price from the module it self (desisbled = 0 , enabled = 2$ ) we have successfullt added it to the logicbox module ,now user can enable/disable protect privacy from client side area . but we have not released it tothe public , as we know the pricavy will not be free in the future , so it can produce a probleme for reseller , as the client activate the privacy and not paying for it . sorry , we can't publish it now , until we have a logical working solution .
  25. Thanks and more in the next release .
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