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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. the flashMessage or setMessage in gateway give a error . how to corectly pas the message to the view (proccess) ?
  2. if the user has a language different from default language , the language file is not loaded . the gateway show the name putted in defaut language instead of language defined by user .
  3. in the final is a 4 vars to translate , why not to put it in the app_controller.php , and the job done .
  4. i have back again . the final solution will be as we have doit in v2.5 , a custom gateway for paypal and the others . the only probleme we have here , is we can't show any message to the client that the curency/amount to pay has been changed to a new amount/currency . but is better than we can't use paspay , stripe , payza ..... ) tomorrow i will share the paypal gateway with the community . EDIT : we can pass a message in the proccess.pdt file
  5. Hello PaulV today i get time to test this hack , but i have touth is just for the order plugin . from the client side will not work . but , thanks another time , i will re-check again for the full system solution . maybe i need to see the gateways class.
  6. Thanks mike . i have re-assigned the ACl and re-saved the group staff and the support departement and support staff . worked now . i think the admin (full admin) should by default have access to all without permission
  7. any core-id task for this
  8. +1 for this request .
  9. when i was translating ticket language , i have remark that i can't se tickets opened by clients !!! i'm (administrator root access) can't view ticket , even if the ticket opened by me in admin side !!! i have checked that the admin is the gourp departement , also hecked the staff groups acl ... which option i have missed to support ticket ? the ticket existe in client side .
  10. this for invoice sent , the OP ask for something in the client area like a new section for this .
  11. so is not added to translator.blesta . i think the helpers is not added for translate .
  12. Generate new aki key and test gain
  13. the request for resellers is sent without the ip/port . are other using interwork has the same prob in reseller creation ?
  14. have you empted this "https://:0/soap?wsdl" or is it as it now ?
  15. the navigation links for the ajax tabs not tranlatable first - prev - next - last
  16. is ignoring the app_controller.php file if the default language is not as the client's language . the system load the app_controller.php for the default language instead of the user's language .
  17. i have tested it in so many browsers , devices , with the same result . blesta is not taking in consideration AppController.lang.dir direction set in language folder if the language is not en_us . to duplicate the bugs ; install new language , change the direction from ltr to rtl , enter in client area as user (with username/password of the user ) , change the language to the new one , check the html output , yo will find is still ltr . the en_su language work fine . note the default language shouldnotbe the same as the client's language . NOTE : the languages difinition work with no probleme , this is related to the direction . what i have arrive to it , is blesta take the direction from default installed language instead of the user/staff language in thier setting . i have already reported this but i have not maked a deep analyse for what is the probleme in that time http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3055-multilanguage-site-bug/ .
  18. BUG of course . normally if invoice has a total ammount = 0 ; then it should mark it as paid or at least show a success message "your invoice not requiring any payment . thank for choosing xxxxxx company " . in v2.5 , blesta close instantally invoice with total of 0 . NOTE : some time i read question/case by something that already fixed in 2.5 , and is not exist or not fixed in v3 .
  19. Solution for your case : 1 - install client document plugin. 2 - in client profile add the document you want to attach in invoice (copy the document id/url). 3 - create invoice with puplic note , then add the ID/link for the file in text area . the client will recieve invoice with a note at the buttom that tell more detail about the 123 hours of webdesign/development/other work . That's all .
  20. Blesta Addons

    500 Error

    internal server is related to a server confuguration apache or fcgi setting .
  21. Blesta Addons

    500 Error

    so maybe his issue is not the same us mine but without any log error we can't know the originefor this error .
  22. can you paste the config in /etc/my.cnf . it will help us to se some config of your mysql . or just empty this file and restart mysql, then try installing .
  23. Blesta Addons

    500 Error

    try different browser . i have some semilare case until now , in clients page i have a 500 error page in IE , and is working fine Mozilla and chrome , so i have thinked is a IE related isseu .
  24. owwww , in ver 2.5 it was this option , in v 3.2 i have tested it now , the new invoice is not displaying any remarque or note about the old overdue ammount !
  25. as per this thread Request EVEnts , we want to see implementation of hooks system , something like : admin_header() admin_on_body_start() admin_on_body_load() admin_footer() client_header() client_on_body_start() client_on_body_load() client_footer() best regards
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