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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i have fixed it by adding this to the module $this->setPerPage(6); how i can set it via controller ?
  2. i want to override pagination setting , specially the total show result per page , i have put this code $settings = array_merge(Configure::get("Blesta.pagination_client"), array( 'total_results' => $this->total_announcements, // = 21 'results_per_page' => 6, 'uri'=> $this->base_uri . "plugin/announcements/client_main/index/[p]/", 'params'=>array('sort'=>$sort,'order'=>$order) ) ); $this->helpers(array("Pagination"=>array($this->get, $settings))); // $this->Pagination->setSettings(Configure::get("Blesta.pagination_ajax")); but is not working , it show 20 result instead of 6 result per page . what is working is the pagination tab , is calculated corectly , it show 4 page . i have missed something or this is a bug ?
  3. i have completed this task my self , now is time to share php class to truncate HTML content , https://github.com/Blesta-Addons/data_structure_html INSTALLATION just upload the helpers folders to the blesta directory . USAGE inside the controller add : $this->set("html", $this->DataStructure->create("html")); in the template file .PDT you can use it as the fallowing code $result = $html->truncate($text, $length = 150 , $strip_tags = true , $ending = ' ... ', $exact = false, $considerHtml = true ); you can sipmly you it as $result = $html->truncate($this->Html->ifSet($vars->text), 180 ); the class support the fallowing param @param string $text HTML to truncate. @param integer $length Length of returned string, including ellipsis. @param boolean $strip_tags If true , $text will rendered without html tags @param string $ending Ending to be appended to the trimmed string. @param boolean $exact If false, $text will not be cut mid-word @param boolean $considerHtml If true, HTML tags would be handled correctly this class is taken from the CakePHP framework .
  4. the class data_structure_string.php has already the option to truncate a text , but is not supporting a HTML out put . so 'im requesting adding a new function to truncate a HTML response/output .
  5. the pure html is WYSIWYG , i tink your attention is use a simple textarea . so you can se it with WYSIWYG editor also , the editor has the first box to disable html editor. can you try it
  6. i put your note to my TODO next release . i will finish this as the initial release , then i will make it for the upcome release . the reason why i will not add it to this release , because i added a new option , to set announcement by client groups and packages , by that we can set announcement for just the client group X (and/or) by client packages (exemple hosting package 1 , or vps backage 2 ect .... ) also the multi-languages i support it need a new structure of database table . a question for you PauloV ,have you see or tried anytime to change teh url to a freindly SEO url in blesta ? exemple from /client/plugin/knowledgebase/client_main/article/22/ to /client/knowledgebase/how-top-install-cpanel-in-vps/ any other one has tested or tried this ?
  7. this is the admin view of the plugin http://host-image.net/v.php?id=71102annonce_admin.png
  8. i have updated the tcpdf to 6.0.091 in a test blesta , i have just changed some vars in the default invoice class , the generator work and i can download the file and see it , the file size is now 17KB but i have the fallowing probleme , - the font dejavusanscondensed is not loaded at all , so the no UTF-8 caractere is shown as ???? - margin and padding for the client and invoice details need to be re-adjusted . i will make some more test this night to see if i can resolve this .
  9. the idea is now clear . but for what it can help ? mayb be it can help admin/staff to check the potentian user is it ? in the end to achieve this information task , is soo easy .
  10. i don't understand your idea ? it mean how much client has paid from the first order until now ? is something like the total amounts of closed invoices .
  11. i found that : TCPDF has a feature (in version 6.0.072, possibly older), that allows embedding only characters in the document that are used within the document (part of TCPDF::SetFont(); $subset parameter). However, TCPDF is a monstrosity (24K lines of code, 870 KB+ single file) that may cause more problems than it solves. so the problem they have now maybe a re-coding of the class generator for invoices , but is not sure that the new version will resolve the probleme
  12. with some research i found that the TCPDF has a option to embeded only the caractere used in the pdf with the $pdf->setFontSubsetting(true); i don't yet tested or searched in blesta side , but we will watign the blesta staff to confirm us this option is already in the pdf warapper or not . i do't have time to fetch the TCPDF genarating pdf in blesta to how how it work , but i belive the staff can reponse to save me hours of testing EDIT i see blesta is using a old library 4.9.004 , the actual version is Version: 6.0.091 Release date: 2014-08-13 this version maybe has the fix for this bug/problem . blesta should update the code .
  13. That will not work with language that have a special caractere as dejavu font is universal and support all language . i think ghis is the main reson why is includud by default in blesta .
  14. Hello All i will begin the work for announcement plugin next week , so i need a idea to go with it , from my notes i have the fallowing - no categories for announcement . - the announcement will have as table id - the announcement ID (unique) title - title for announcement body - the full announcement body date_added - date added visiblity - clients / publics and clients active - option to hide or show it in clients widget . - we will make a widget for client that will show new announcement (the title and some body truncated ) , then we way make a option to hide the announcemet after xx days ( 1 mounth or 15 days ) - a archive page for all the announcement (ajaxed of course) what is your idea about this ? there is any thing that i have missed or should i add before we begin coding ? best regards for all .
  15. You can now re-doawnload the files , the bug has been fixed . best regards
  16. at the moment the only bug is the modal box , is fixed now . if you found any bug report it here , we will try to fix it as soon as posible . The template has been updated now to fx the modal box .
  17. thanks for the report bug , i will try to fix it now ... next time add a reponse to the template thread as i can follow it .
  18. Thanks , glade to hear i will help you .... Merci
  19. Blesta Addons

    500 Error

    are you sur the fallowing file exist /home/multibyt/public_html/lib/init.php have you open_basedir disabled ?
  20. we are working in the module , we will try to release it after blesta v 3.3 will be out .
  21. as you told , no matter the name who is , who matter is the function that do this as i see it putted to 3.3.0 ... so i think is matter of days . with Appcontroller.preAction i think i have found a bug , but i will do more test to confirm it .
  22. can you check the logs in tools - logs - modules ?
  23. mark it as answered
  24. you can fetch them by $response = $api->post("logs", "getEmailList", $page = 1, array $order_by = array('date_sent'=>"DESC")); to fecth one email $response = $api->post("logs", "getEmail", $email_log_id ); more function for logs here http://source-docs.blesta.com/class-Logs.html i hope that can work for you
  25. the module has been tested and working as we want : ) we will make some more test to ensure if there are a bug or not .
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