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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. you can edit the articles from the articles tabs . when you save change it return you to the index page .
  2. so the solution is to move from adding names to databae to use the files language instead , like the config.json . so i have understand from your post #4 there are already the idea to change it , so go with it , is the right raod outside the subject ,take with you the descriptions in json file shold be token from the language file instead of the actual now .
  3. Fixed today the space bug . re-download the plugin again and re-upload all the files .
  4. what i have in my note lists for client area , a widget that will show the new or last announcement , with some settng to select how mush days the announcement shold be appear in client side . a popup windows can't be done now , until the v3.3 is realsed to benefict from preaction.structure event. any other suggestion i'm open to it .
  5. i have not yet decided wich one i will code or complete , as i have already some plugins freazed until the next release of v3.3 . (cloud backup / cookiescuttr / ovh server / admin tools / proxmox)
  6. offlline payment is not a standard term in the world .
  7. Fixed and updated in GITHUB any other bug found report it here .
  8. the same as this request ? http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1306-department-level-ticket-auto-replies/
  9. the sapce text is fixed for next release now , the same for knowledgebase .
  10. i will update the logo in next release ...for the sapce , normmaly the rendered text is done viathe textparser helpers class (blesta core class) , i think it should take care from this , i will make more test , and i think the solution will be $announcement->body = str_replace(" ", " ", $announcement->body);
  11. i will test it again , ... so wait .. EDIT , BUG confirmed, maybe a code has been change ,as the first thng i code is add/edit/delete . i will try resolving it tonight .
  12. Hello All . we bring exclusive content , this time is the Announcement plugin . A very clean and simple Announcement plugin for Blesta , allows you to post announcements , and make them , Publicly for all or based on clients groups and service's packages. the plugin can : add/edit/delete Announcement. List All Announcements Restriced Announcement based on client Group And packages . Show widget announcement in client side . Option to enable/disable widget in client side. Setting to show announcement in full or mixed views. Set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client TODO LIST : - show widget announcement in client side . Done - option to enable/disable widget in client side Done - set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client Done - allow share buttons or announcement - allow client to ignore announcement message . - hide announcement in widget after X days . - Add RSS announcements (just the public announcements) - add setting to show announcement in full or mixed views Done Some screenshoot : Admin Side : Client Side : client widget : This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment , in this weekend we will add support for client widget . as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file http://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/22/ 2 - upload the announcements folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install Announcements Plugin . 4 - enjoy the free content . If anyone wants to have it on their portal you can use this code: (thanks to @Licensecart) {% if plugins.announcements %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}plugin/announcements/client_main/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-info fa-4x"></i> <h4>Announcements</h4> <p>You can see all the latest news here.</p> </div> </a> </div>{% endif %} It will only show up if the module is installed. This plugin require Basic (Bronze) subscription
  13. This Module will not be available until the release of v 3.3 , then we will crank in it . some feature we have already done it , but some bugy function need to wait to see the release v3.3 . but anyway we will release it after v3.3 even if we will not complete all the task .
  14. have you installed blesta in the root directory , then youhave moved to sub-directory ?
  15. Sorry to bump this thread again , we really need this - and normally this should be exist - just setup a package with 1 - Mounthly price 256$ with 0$ Setup 2 - Mounthly price 156$ with 700$ Setup in the order form , it only show the first option term (1 - Mounthly price 256$ with 0$ Setup) , the second option is nt showed . @Daniel B was able to reproduce he case and the results .
  16. so a feature request shold be done for this , no ? or it was added already to core-id ?
  17. That normally should be a option in blesta to disable it .
  18. so the pagination ha notthing related to the databse query LIMIT , we should adjust query limit to feat the pagination settings results_per_page .
  19. i think the dev now will not reponse to any new/imporouvement feature ,m they are bussy with the v3.3 and it¡s task , i beleieve they will make attention to this and other requests for upcoming release .
  20. Thanks for th tip . we also need a option to disable this via blesta settings .
  21. that is a TIP not a FIX .
  22. can yiou read this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1174-support-manager-ticket-created-from-received-email-with-attachment/
  23. i think you have not understand the probleme . let say $settings = array_merge(Configure::get("Blesta.pagination_client"), array( 'total_results' => 21 , // = 21 'results_per_page' => 6, 'uri'=> $this->base_uri . "plugin/announcements/client_main/index/[p]/", 'params'=>array('sort'=>$sort,'order'=>$order) ) ); $this->helpers(array("Pagination"=>array($this->get, $settings))); this should normally show a page with 6 result and anvigation with 4 pages . but it show 20 result with pagination of 4 pages . when i have searched the code i have found request using $this->setPerPage() instead of results_per_page . the same code tested in native function like listing service and client , it always return 20 result insead of results_per_page value . can someone re-duplicate the case ?
  24. what is the value of $vars ?
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