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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. open the doors to others , maybe they can create a great template for admin . with the same option they can return to the default one if there are anu bug probleme with the custom template .
  2. I have UPDATE the plugin to version 1.1.0 . the new version has the magic code , now a widget will show in the client main page about the last announcement . Any Suggestion/Bug Please report it here .
  3. Thanks i have updated the files to new version 1.1.0 with some changes . i happy that will help you , always in your services . Updated the files to work perfectly .
  4. i'm almost sure there are no option to order the widget is client side . but i have get what i want with a tips . i have make in the widget a blestaRequest to another widget and i append the html data to the right_content div . in the second widget i have put my sql result also i have just discover that $this->setMessage is not working with $this->outputAsJson($response);
  5. what you search is here https://github.com/talkingtontech/observium/tree/master/html/includes/api
  6. i want to set teh order widgets in client area . in the announcement plugin , i want to put a widget in the top of other widgets , now he is renderer as the last widget . in the docs class there are a reorderWidgets() function , but no more info how it work .
  7. +1 for the button to be in the info page .
  8. hello Paul , let combine the two function with a fantastic realisation ; if the credit can cover the full ammount to pay , make it in the list as option to pay . if not make it as it's now with a sentance (pay partial invoice with your credit) ovh has this option , and they list credit/points as one of the payments . or make a option to allow as add the credit as a payment option . that way all will be satisfied
  9. the way upgrade/downgrade - change term - cancel options is not well done , i prefer if this option rendered as a buttons under or inline with the active status . that is better and make visiblity sense for clients . the more button is shown directly the less "How todo ...." questions by clients .
  10. if you want change the core files i can give you the steps to make it . by the way , i think normally when the maintenance mode is activated , it shold show a message instead of login form . NOTE the client still can reset password in maintenance mode . Maintenance mode = clients can't do anythings and can't access any area .
  11. @Paulov have you this option ticked in currency setup ? Use Package Pricing for New Services Only . try untick it . and test again .
  12. i prefer if the apply credit added to the select payment option rather than make it under the form . so the client will select wich methode he want to pay with it , exemple : - Available Credit - Offline Payment - paypal satandar.... - bitpay .... - stripe
  13. what isthe rule of currency exchange rate ? normally if no price setup for the selected currency , blesta should get curency exchange rate and dsplay the price for the second currency . i have tested it and well worked for me .
  14. confirmed
  15. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3195-textparser-encode-bug/
  16. the textparser not rending well the html output , to reproduce : add/edit package , in package description add the flallowing Basic 1 (return to new line) Html is alloweded inthe orderbox wizzard , the textparser render this in html as <p>Basic 1</p> <code> Html is not cpanel </code> the correct way is <p>Basic 1</p> <p>Html is not cpanel</p> this bug wasn't exist in v 3.2.X
  17. i think this releated to blesta upgrade v3.3 , is like the TextParser class is not making his role ... i will make frther investigations and tests this night . Found IT , as i have expected , the textparser has changed the way he work . tonigh the fix will be released , for knowledge base also . Finnaly is a Textparser bug in v 3.3
  18. if i have time i can do a plugin to hide the username field by jquery .that way you don't need to edit the templates and save your edition every upgrade . the plugin will only work with v3.3 and above .
  19. Fixed in Github .... download the plugin and go to plugin , then update . thanks for the bug discovery .
  20. i found the bug .... stay stunned with the fix .
  21. anyway i will make a further investigation and test
  22. How you have created the article ? The ID is incrementale , so normally should not be double !!! setField("id", array('type'=>"int", 'size'=>10, 'unsigned'=>true, 'auto_increment'=>true))->
  23. i se the structure event is there ::::: yemyem i can't wait to upgrade .
  24. where is the download link ? who have delete it (Mike or Paulo) ?
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