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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Well Done as my previos post , i have grouped all the setting in 1 array , so in don't need to loop when uninstalling , just i provide the key plugin to delete it's settings .
  2. i was inthe road to ASK the question about the company_id and setsettings, as there are no way to make settings per company . your comment was in the correct time, i will try and see .
  3. EDIT , i got what i want by a simple tip , so i will share it . let say you need to add settings to your plugin "my_plugin" ; so : $value = array('setting_1' => 12 , 'setting_2'=> "desc" , 'setting_3'=> "here some text"); // build the array of setting $this->Settings->setSetting("my_plugin", serialize($value) , $encrypted = null ); // save the settings the magic code here is serialize that convert array to string when you need to use the setting just call the function $value = $this->Settings->getSetting("my_plugin"); $vars = unserialize($value->value)); now you have a array of setting inthe $vars . hope this can help others .
  4. today i'm working in settings class for my plugin , i though that is better to make setsetting support array instead of 1 key/value . why ? this will help us as developper to add array of setting for one plugin . for exemple Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [key] => amazons3_access_key [value] => [encrypted] => 1 [level] => system ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [key] => amazons3_bucket [value] => [encrypted] => 0 [level] => system ) ..... ..... ..... [XX] => stdClass Object ( [key] => announcement_plugin [value] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [key] => setting_1 [value] => true ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [key] => setting_2 [value] => 325 ) ) [encrypted] => 0 [level] => system ) as we can delete this group of setting in one shoot if uninstalling the plugin .
  5. we have about 50% of bank deposit or transfer , we will have the same case as Paulov , so we push this post .
  6. a couner for announcement has no sense "in my opinion" . but maybe a will add in in some next release . about the design , i will add setting to enable/disable the full view . (thanks for the idea) . the plugin has been updated to fix some bugs .
  7. if you have cpanel ; t*you will find a click-to-add this setting .
  8. Give the guys some time , they are now very bussy with v3.3 , i'm sure after the final release of 3.3 they can get back for some feature request .
  9. i don't know well what you want , but from what i have understand you can't get them in the admin_client_view . as all the custom_field are sent to the admin_clients_custom_fields.pdt . you need to change the admin_client.php in the app/controller folder and make it add the custom field to the view() function , so go to line 177 (// Set all contact types besides 'primary' and 'other') add before it // Set client custom field values $field_values = $this->Clients->getCustomFieldValues($client->id); foreach ($field_values as $field) { $client->{$this->custom_field_prefix . $field->id} = $field->value; } then in the admin_client_view you can show it with this $client->custom_fieldYOURFIELDID change YOURFIELDID with the field_id already set in settings the fila code shoulde be Custom Field ID : <?php $this->Html->_($client->custom_fieldYOURFIELDID);?> i hope this can help best regards
  10. The number structure should be [numbers] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [number] => 256632541 [type] => phone [location] => home ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [number] => 145236222 [type] => fax [location] => home ) ) try $data = array ( 'vars' => array ( 'username' => $user_data['username'], 'new_password' => $password, 'confirm_password' => $password, 'client_group_id' => 1, 'first_name' => $user_data['first_name'], 'last_name' => $user_data['last_name'], 'company' => $company_name, 'address1' => $user_data['address'], 'city' => $user_data['city'], 'state' => $user_data['state_iso'], 'zip' => $user_data['zip_code'], 'country' => $user_data['country_iso'], 'email' => $user_data['email'], 'numbers' => array ( '0' => array ( 'number' => $user_data['phone'] ), ), 'settings' => array ( 'send_registration_email' => false ) ) ); the numbers should be a incremental array
  11. You have discovered a bug . normally it should display a list , theold announcemnt isthe first showen and then , so itmst DESC rather than ASC . fixed for next release .
  12. Fixed now in our test server . we will update the github later tonight .
  13. in wich view you need to display this field ? wich template you are trying to work with it ?
  14. i'm now in home , i will try now some test .
  15. i'm now in the ofice so can't try anything , i need to return to home to make some test . i hope you can arrive to w worked solution before i lose some hours in test also
  16. i'm also in this case ... if you or me arrive to a worked code , on share it .
  17. Let me try this weekend with some freezing plugin , and to see it live in with 2 or 3 plugins . Edit : we can use the controller/view files instead of direct putting data in the function ?
  18. it would be perfect if instead of showing payment option , showing a box to confirm the client password to confirm the free order .
  19. 1 - bug confirmed . 2 - bug confirmed . stay tuned ; this night i will trace the errors and fix them .
  20. Nice feature to add in next release (first option to show in settings tab) . if you didn't want to show a message in the client area just delete the content of client_widget.pdt .
  21. with your proof -1 MINUS = NULL
  22. reorder widget is just for admin panel . for client area , i beleive it take the order from thier ID in database . so now way now to re-order widget in client side .
  23. if this implemented ,i think this should be per gateway , a new option in gateway about some additional fees and then he gateway should show a message to the client about this fees . NOTE : it can be done now with a simple modification in the gateway , we have made a custom gateway for paypal named "paypal_payments_universal" that has a built-in rate exchange/curency change/showing message to cleints about the this modification . @interfasys if you need helphow to do your own gateways with your idea , just PM me . (a votre service ... )
  24. please a sample code to handle the Appcontroller.structure , is this code correct $params = $event->getParams(); // get any set data previoslly , to not overide other plugin data $params['controller'] += "ClientMain"; // this is the controller file name client_main.php $params['action'] += "MyFunction"; // a function inside the appcontroller file set in $params['controller'] $params['portal'] += "client"; // injest the markup in client side structure $event->setParams($params); // send array of new params with old and new data . and how the views file should be to set data in head or body ?
  25. This Option is very usefull and so used in companies that offer servers on mounthly price with or without buydown option .
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