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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Hello Again we bring free and exclusive content , this time is the CookieCuttr plugin . The CookieCuttr plugin wraps up the popular CookieCuttr jQuery script which is designed to provide an attractive solution to complying with EU Cookie Laws. the plugin can : Show Notice cookies use in top or bottom of pages . Select beetwenn 4 CSS style . TODO LIST : - show notice for guest only , or guest and client both . - option to enable/disable the googleanalytics message 'accept/decline the analytics cookies also) - option to Disable parts of your page and display a message . - add privacy page to notice - enable/disable the (reset cookies button / decline button / accept button) - enable the notice in just certain page (order form / support ticket ...ect ) screenshoot : the second style view on bottom of page This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment . as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from client area . 2 - upload the cookiecuttr folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install cookie cuttr Plugin . 4 - enjoy the free content . Any Suggestion/Bug Please report it here .
  2. Hello Cody . from my side , array is better , but take note ... we have begin coding of our new plugins , so all now in string mode . changing to array shold be now and release the B2 in the same day, or we will lose time in coding for something will change . what i really preffer is a array with text => html_output order => 1 // make it from 1 to 9 as we can set in wich order the plugin should be ouput , default 5 force => false // froce the output to be in the order set if another plugin is set with the same order , default false EXTRA OPTION php => 'Myplugin.Myfunction" // if set the fallowing php function will be exucuted . that all at the moment for structure event , and i make another push or the other event . Client Edit Profile Client Change Password Client Delete (Before & After action ) Client Profile Tab Fields (dropdown menu) Contact Add | Contact Edit | Contact Delete Client Dashboard Page Load Client Pay Method Client Pay Confirm Admin Dashboard Page Load Daily CronJob (Before & After action ) Invoice Payment Reminder Accept Order Delete Order Pending Order Order Checkout Shopping Cart Checkout Page Show Cart Page Module Create (Before & After action ) Module Suspend (Before & After action ) Module unSuspend (Before & After action ) Module terminate (Before & After action ) Admin/Client Services Tab Fields (rendered) upload Files action Ticket Plugin : Add - reply - close tickets Download Manager Plugin Download (Before & After action )
  3. it show the filename with extention .
  4. $this->base_uri and all the var related to PATH/URL is not working in the ____plugin.php file . wich file (model/helpers) we should load to make them working ?
  5. i have not tested witha custom logo . but i'm sur you can resize it to fit with just a simple css style .
  6. I will try reproduce tmorow and fix if confirmed
  7. back again , yes is working now , i get it working for me yesterday withthe same condition , and ihave already told this toPAulov in my post #12 , but i don't know how i have chende this and it stop working . Another Question if possible ; how we can make $this->Base_Uri , $this->view_dir inside the myplugin_plugin.php ? answer this and go to sleep
  8. don't go , stay 2 min i test and back , i remmeber i have already made this condition
  9. Hello Cody yes, but the probleme is what i have and PauloV also . we can't specify wich side the output shoud returned (client/admin) now all returned data shown in client/admin side both . theQuestion now is howto display just in client or admin side
  10. i have checked the client/admin side , and i found the same result as you, the return is sent to both admin and client side , even if the condition exist in my code . so all possibilities i have tried , and i'm now 99% sur the output is not controlled in wich side should returned (admin-client) . @Cody any explication about this ? or our result is true , then no way now to controle wich side should the output show . from docs this code should make output to client side only . $params = $event->getParams(); // get any set data previoslly , to not overide other plugin data $params['portal'] = "client"; // injest the markup in client side structure $event->setParams($params); // send array of new params with old and new data . so is a v3.3 bug the solution is $return['admin_head'] $return['admin_body_start'] $return['admin_body_end'] $return['client_head'] $return['client_body_start'] $return['client_body_end']
  11. Blesta Addons


    normally the cookies is created in pc visitor . not in blesta installation folder .
  12. you can replcae $loggd_id var with $this->staff_id $this->staff_id = $this->Session->read("blesta_staff_id"); about $this->base_uri is returning anydata ? print_r($this->base_uri);
  13. hello Paul yesterday night i have arrived to a working soltion solution .. when i return to home this night i will post it . but in general , my solutuon was based in : $params = i used it to just check wich controller or class was loaded (like identifcating the location . then i have made a condition to that url , if the $params match my condition then i use $return['head'] to pass my code to header . so the $params has no effect to sent data , is used just to identificating the controller/class admin/client side wich is loaded .
  14. glad to have worked for you . enjoy the plugin .
  15. Hello Paulov , have you got it working for you ?
  16. with this picture the empty div is missed in the admin_main.pdt . if you have made any change to the fles revet it .
  17. if it was working for you before with he changed route , it need to work now , no change in the url was made , i have just added some new settings/function , nothing related to the url . try uninstalling the plugin and remove all files , download the new files , upload , install , should have the latest version . i have checked the reposity and it has the latet files . anyone has the same issue ?
  18. i think you have some missing files .... re-downloads all the files . the settings tab should have this contents https://github.com/Blesta-Addons/Announcement/blob/master/announcements/views/default/admin_main_settings.pdt don't forget to update the plugin from the plugin manager .
  19. The RSS is planned for future release
  20. There are option for widget To enable disable . un settings tab .
  21. in the default value for username_type is email .
  22. have you passed the settiings with username_type ? * - settings An array of client settings including: * - default_currency * - language * - username_type * - tax_id * - tax_exempt the username_type accept (email/username) as value
  23. country is a required field, so passing state empty or not , will return a error as country is not set .
  24. Plugin Updated NOW 31-8-2014 to 1.2.0 ; i have added the fallowinf options in settings tab : - option to enable/disable widget in client side - set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client - add setting to show announcement in full width or with aside . Any Suggestion/Bug Please report it here .
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