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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. owowowow ..... i have tough that is re-issue just the last number , not all free slot numbers . if this is the case , the proforma feature has no sense . so in one mounth we can see 20 proforma invoice with the same number . difficult for us to track , if is just the last number who is re-issued is not a trivial, so 97% can't occur , with free number slot re-issue , is 90% will occur . what i can imagine as a fix the probleme , is adding a new field in the company setting that store the last issue proforma , so if is converted to invoice we still have the last issue number .
  2. you can use a custom regex for $domain to see if exist a "." in it after substract the TLD extention . so if exist return a error (false) or procced (true) .
  3. Navigation Links , this should be in core function . the $show_header should be dissapear from the code .
  4. we can wait until v3.9 or more , no probleme, we are just talking about methodologie of things or how it should be in correct way . also this is not a trivial bug .
  5. this wich mean , it probably occur , for a huge clients database and services , is 99.99% can't occur , but in a small system it can arrive to one client has two proforma withthe same number for different designation .
  6. there are difference .first you need to adjust your $tlds array . $tlds = array( ".co.nz", ".kiwi.nz", ".net.nz", ".nz", ); getTldA() domain.nz: .nz domain.co.nz: .co.nz domain.net.nz: .net.nz domain.com: .com test.domain.nz: .domain.nz --- wrong resut test.domain.co.nz: .domain.co.nz --- wrong resut test.domain.com: .domain.com --- .com are not in array . test.domain.net.nz: .domain.net.nz --- wrong resut getTldB() domain.nz: .nz domain.co.nz: .co.nz domain.net.nz: .nz domain.com: .com test.domain.nz: .nz --- correct extraction test.domain.co.nz: .co.nz --- correct extraction test.domain.com: .domain.com --- .com are not in array . test.domain.net.nz: .nz --- correct extraction
  7. i never see a duplicated pro-forma invoice , the same as invoices . i don't know if a law exist for proforma numbering , but what i'm sure of it with a long years of bussines , never i had se a duplicated proforma number, so i vote for paulov request . let imagine the fallowing case ; i request a proforma for some products , i get it with number proforma-4 , i accept theni pay so i get the invoice, i request another qouate for product , i get the proforma invoice with number proforma-4 , so i'm confused because i have two proforma with the same id with diferent amounts/products/date .
  8. try this $client_id = 1; $currency_code = "USD"; $obj = new stdClass(); Loader::loadModels($obj, array("Invoices")); $amount_due = $obj->Invoices->amountDue($client_id, $currency_code);
  9. Your idea Not clear . please describe more .
  10. it help for adding some extra info in some ccTld . for exemple .US or .CA or .ES ....
  11. try this code private function getTld($domain, $top = false) { $tlds = Configure::get("Webdrive.tlds"); $domain = strtolower($domain); if (!$top) { foreach ($tlds as $tld) { if (substr($domain, -strlen($tld)) == $tld) return $tld; } } return strrchr($domain, "."); } if is not the result you need , change $top = false to $top = true .
  12. are you sleeping over the keyboard ? so maybe you have touched some keys (DEL) + (CTRL+S) and job done
  13. near you can do like this task from the admin panel ..... stay tunned ,
  14. No , i have stopped publishing released for the reloaded module until v3.3 or maybe until the new domain module ; i get some free time to make a search in this , as we also need it , i have arrived to a working solution , now in the admin area you can select register or transfer , then the auth-code box will appear ,the tweak is the fallowing , change the getAdminAddFields function with this one public function getAdminAddFields($package, $vars=null) { // Handle universal domain name if (isset($vars->domain)) $vars->{'domain-name'} = $vars->domain; if ($package->meta->type == "domain") { // Set default name servers if (!isset($vars->ns1) && isset($package->meta->ns)) { $i=1; foreach ($package->meta->ns as $ns) { $vars->{"ns" . $i++} = $ns; } } // Handle transfer request if (isset($vars->transfer) || isset($vars->{'auth-code'})) { return $this->arrayToModuleFields(Configure::get("Logicboxes.transfer_fields"), null, $vars); } // Handle domain registration else { $fields = array( 'transfer' => array( 'label' => "Domain Action", 'type' => "radio", 'value' => "1", 'options' => array( '1' => "Register", '2' => "Transfer", ) ), 'domain-name' => array( 'label' => Language::_("Logicboxes.transfer.domain-name", true), 'type' => "text" ), 'auth-code' => array( 'label' => Language::_("Logicboxes.transfer.auth-code", true), 'type' => "text" ) ); $module_fields = $this->arrayToModuleFields(array_merge($fields, Configure::get("Logicboxes.nameserver_fields")), null, $vars); if (isset($vars->{'domain-name'})) { $tld = $this->getTld($vars->{'domain-name'}); if ($tld) { $extension_fields = array_merge((array)Configure::get("Logicboxes.domain_fields" . $tld), (array)Configure::get("Logicboxes.contact_fields" . $tld)); if ($extension_fields) $module_fields = $this->arrayToModuleFields($extension_fields, $module_fields, $vars); } } $module_fields->setHtml(" <script type=\"text/javascript\"> $(document).ready(function() { // Set whether to show or hide the ACL option $('#auth-code_id').closest('li').hide(); if ($('input[name=\"transfer\"]:checked').val() == '2') $('#auth-code_id').closest('li').show(); $('input[name=\"transfer\"]').change(function() { if ($(this).val() == '2') $('#auth-code_id').closest('li').show(); else $('#auth-code_id').closest('li').hide(); }); }); </script> "); return $module_fields; } } else { return new ModuleFields(); } } is the same almost for all other registrar modules , just change the language to your own use .
  15. the action for admin is addService , with a quick search in the logicbox module i found this under getAdminAddFields() // Handle transfer request if (isset($vars->transfer) || isset($vars->{'auth-code'})) { return $this->arrayToModuleFields(Configure::get("Logicboxes.transfer_fields"), null, $vars); } that mean that the transfer will done if you provide the 'auth-code' and selecting the transfer button . but as i see in the reurned modulefields no option for transfer is just $module_fields = $this->arrayToModuleFields(array_merge(Configure::get("Logicboxes.domain_fields"), Configure::get("Logicboxes.nameserver_fields")), null, $vars); so try change it to : $module_fields = $this->arrayToModuleFields(array_merge(Configure::get("Logicboxes.domain_fields"), Configure::get("Logicboxes.transfer_fields") , Configure::get("Logicboxes.nameserver_fields")), null, $vars); is not tested but it can give you the road to go .you can also see the code in getClientAddFields() . NOTE : if you use another registrar module you can search for a semilar workaround .
  16. but it should implemented in the core , no more words . let say every week you have 10 services abandoned not renewed , in 2 mounth you will have 80 service exist in the system and is not working , and some panel backup the active and the suspended services , the suspended servertake from space hard ..ect ... so it should be removed after XX days of unpaid invoice .
  17. check this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3202-order-payment-option-for-0-zero-orders/
  18. is the same concept of http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1360.
  19. this ned to make a custom regex and the admin should specify a customurl , as told before , i'm searching a basic way to work for all . the first link is not what we can implement , as need a master and client server , is used for monitoring servers with complexe data and structure like nagios , not usable in our case . the second link of cloudflare is a good way for the view template . Great note , i will add it to my code .
  20. you are talking about the support plugin ? you can disable it by deleting the line in plugins\support_manager\views\default\client_tickets_reply.pdt <img src="//www.gravatar.com/avatar/<?php echo md5(strtolower(trim($this->Html->_($reply->email, true))));?>?s=250" class="img-thumbnail img-responsive" /> EDIT : i forget to mention the admin side plugins\support_manager\views\default\admin_tickets_reply.pdt <img src="//www.gravatar.com/avatar/<?php echo md5(strtolower(trim($this->Html->_($reply->email, true))));?>?s=120" />
  21. Hello @Dominick , we feel your experience , your souffrence , i have to translate blesta in our language (soon we will make it available to the community ) , and i have to developpe and still developping some custom plugins/modules that are not for public because it use our own software or script or services . so we don't beleive it should be for others . in the maintime i'm creating releasing some free plugins for all , that is because a standard for all . i'm affraid about your request to not have time to make something for you , but i'm sure , in the future we will have more free time and we can do more thing to the community , main big bussines is not developping soft , i have my onw revenue from other service i offer , for that all my plugins are free , i beleive in my mind to success my services and still use blesta billing soft , blesta should succes and ashould continue , for that i'm helping blesta/users in this forum , if blesta disapear , i should fetch another alernative to run my billing . another think about blesta , i'm sur they are cranking in some feature and optimizing the code , but i have already talked some day with paul in the chat , and i have told him, to see and listen to users request , what users need is more important for what they want to offer , they ned to make some type of balancing with users requests and TODO list of what they want . whm** has arrived to all this modules/plugins/gateways for so many years of work and help from a lot of other devellopers/companies , blesta is taking thier road and we need to be patient with them for some times . as developper i have stopped working in some modules until the final release of v3.3 , i have stopped imporevement of orderbox registrar , because they will release a new system for domains , i can't accept losing time in coding thing that will not work after some weeks . for ideal gateway check this website, maybe they can do it http://www.php-solutions.nl/ideal . have you put any request in freelance website ? wich registrar you are asking thier module ?
  22. hello Mike , see this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3097-convert-domain-searches-to-lowercase/
  23. this request is duplicated , thera two threads that cover this request http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2853-idea-affiliate-system-plugin/?hl=affiliate . http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1064-affiliate-system/?hl=affiliate before any request , please use the search function .
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