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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. I believe You can get client info inside getadminaddfields , let me search for you this night . I wil back to you .
  2. ahh , i have misunderstand you . as Paul say , they are planning to limit support to php 5.3+
  3. phpseclib support php 5.3/5.4+ as i know
  4. i'm was thinking in a plugin to add custom pages for client and admin side . now i have removed it from my thinking . any ETA for it ?
  5. when v3.3 come, i will release a new plugin that let you customise css/js as you want without changing the core files
  6. i have not tested , but i have inspired from the migrator plugin . it should work .
  7. $db_info = array( 'driver' => "mysql", 'host' => "yourmysqlserver.com", 'database' => "database_name", 'user' => "database"user", 'pass' => "password_database", 'persistent' => false, // or true 'charset_query' => "SET NAMES 'utf8'", 'options' => array() ); $remote_database = new Record($db_info);
  8. changing the client info for registrar/admin/tech is possible in the admin/client whois tab view . so your request is not allow more vars like client_id , but what you want is possible . you need to create field for each info you need to be netered by the client/admin , then pass them to addService , make you addservice grab that fields instead of using the client info . i don't see any benifect from re-typing info that already can exist in the client info . if your register need a custom info , then add a custom field to client table , and make it required , then any client will register will fill this info for later use in registration system .
  9. Will Noted , is thier any possibility to make it inject php function ? something like $return_val['body_start'][] = my_own_phpfunction($vars); Note , i mean leave the function intact and run it inside the caller section (head/body_start/body_end) ?
  10. my new plugin can do this easy ,as you drink water
  11. what is your request ? this thread had 2 request for different case , wich one you ask ?
  12. ????? normally when you register the domain , the contact client should be sent to the regisrar as the domain registrar and admin/technique info , so them should be available to whois .... what you want to do ? because you can get the client_id and extra info , please refer to addService for inspiration .
  13. all togher we can bring a lot of thing to blesta system ... i have a lot of plugins/modules in my TODO LIST , i'm just waiting the more events to be included in the system . @Cody , how mush morevent will be in the final release 3.3 ?
  14. design a icon logo for it the plugin name is css & javascript toolbox
  15. is like a small Vqmod plugin very very usefull ... you will see it in action and you love it . Not so perfect
  16. interessting find ..... bookmarked for later use and test .
  17. What we need at the end . is a unique number . either random or sequential .
  18. Hello All last week i have accros with a particular issue , i need to change/override some CSS for certain page in blesta , like in support plugin / admin client view / admin client edit / login client / login staff . and some other pages of my own plugins/modules . i heat changing the core files , so i have decided to go with vQmod , until i get the idea pombing my though . i have begin coding and coging and coding . inthe end i have GOT it working my Magic Plugin "CSS & Javascipt Toolbox" , the idea was from a wordpress plugin . NOW what my plugin can do ? you need to add a image background to the login client page ? no probleme, add your css and let the plugin do it . you need to ovveride some css style just in particular page ? no probleme, add your css and let the plugin do it . you need to a jquery function in the add payment record ? no probleme, add your jquery code and let the plugin do it . you need to hide some input/label/div without changinf the core file ? ? no probleme, add your jquery code and let the plugin do it . you need to add custom css/jquery/javascript in all client side or admin side ? no probleme, add your custom code and let the plugin do it . how this can work in blesta ? so is soo easy , with blesta v3.3 . my plugin search all the controllers and all the function inside the files , merge then in one array to get the location we need to use it . we check the $params againt the actual URL . if is the url we need we load the custom css/js . first i was storing code in database , but for some reason if we have a large and huge system this can make some load , so i have changed to filesystem and the performance is so pretty . so after the final release of v3.3 i will make it free for all . i let you with some screenshoot Good Night
  19. i got it by the simple way $controller = strstr($dirfile, '.', true);
  20. you will see the need when i will release my new magic plugin soon this has saved me three like of code EDIT ; still exist a small prob $controller_name .= Loader::toCamelCase("admin_clients.php"); result AdminClients.php what i need just AdminClients
  21. already i'm using this method . but a lot of code , $scaned_dir = array_diff(scandir(CONTROLLERDIR), array('..', '.')); then i have made a regex to rename the file name (admin_client.php --- to AdminClient ) then i use this in the get_class_methods , $class_methods = get_class_methods('AdminClient'); foreach ($class_methods as $method_name) { $result[] = $method_name; } all this in side a boucle of result files scan , so there is no built-in function todo this ?
  22. with this case is not trivial
  23. is there any easy code to get all controllers and thier public function ? my actal code use the get_file_content with scandir function . i ned a simple way if already exist in blesta
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