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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i have not see your logo , but i have designed another one . the plugin is almost done now 95% . now supporting css, js,html,php .
  2. mhhh , why he didn't do it ? as i see from the wiki docs they have is a not complicated task . but i'm not see any potential case that ned to integrate any other ticket system , so it need to maintain updates for two softwares , manage two softwares (settings/users/departements ... ect ) what we are searching as admin is centralize our work in one reliable & stable system . in the end i prefer customize the core support ticket than integrate another one . @blesta_tester , have you tested the support from from our friend PauloV ? need you to test it . and maybe he can add some feature like this next versions .
  3. i think you are talking about licencing module ? theticket system also has a API function . i ahve made a quick view , is not so hard to do it . maybe in the future i will look at that module , but now we have more prioroties modules/pluging i nee to finish .
  4. you should run setSessionCookie with api command .....
  5. job done
  6. This Need a custom plugin
  7. wich name has the folder plugin ? can you lis the structure files name's ?
  8. you need to use setSessionCookie function setSessionCookie( string $path = "", string $domain = "", boolean $secure = false ) then you can get a shared $_SESSION . you need to set $_SESSION['blesta_id'] = $user->id; $_SESSION['blesta_client_id'] = $client->id; after the logout destory the session .
  9. Hello Cody , the array can support identification array for exmaple $return_val = $event->getReturnVal(); $return_val['body_start']['plugin_name'] = "<p>stuff</p>"; $event->setReturnVal($return_val); with this we can control the output , and we can override another plugin output if we need . or unset it totally . this is possible ?
  10. so you need more condtions and code
  11. you can got it by tweaking the template file with jquery code , so you hide the RAID fields unless there are 3 HDD selected , then the raid 5 will be shown , the function (hide/show - ischecked ) is your way .
  12. you should see the file /var/www/virtual/XXXXXXXXXX/htdocs/test/blesta/plugins/order/order_controller.php if exist not /var/www/virtual/XXXXXXXXXX/htdocs/test/blesta/plugins/order/order_form_controller.php
  13. 1 year is ok ... is there any info inthemodule log ?
  14. no , it will give error as the term will be null , because $pricing->term % 12 mean $pricing->term is divided by or not ; if yes it return 0 . 12/12 correct 9/12 is not correct 36/12 correct NOTE ; is not tested but i think it shold work .
  15. i have made a error in the fields array the correct is to change value to options 'name' => array( 'label' => "Name", 'type' => "text", 'options' => $client->first_name . " " . $client->last_name )
  16. i need this to override some varaible in the body , or to set other that are not set in some pages . also i need it to run my own function in the header , i use it for seo analisys ( the preaction event is not given me some info i need , like the title page and some other vars .
  17. for other module that renew by year , i think this should work : foreach ($package->pricing as $pricing) { if ($pricing->id == $vars['pricing_id']) { switch ($pricing->period) { case "month": if ($pricing->term % 12) $term = ($pricing->term / 12); else $term = null ; break; case "year": $term = $pricing->term; break; default: $this->Input->setErrors($this->getCommonError("term_error")); return; } break; } }
  18. typo I'd pay $4 for 5,12GB of RAM. I'd pay $4 for 512MB of RAM.
  19. the things should be like this i think 1 - add option in company setting to enable/disable auto cancel suspended service that are not paid ( should not confuse with suspended service for other reasons ) 2 - add option to set how mush days after suspension should the service be canceled . 3 - add new email template for notify users about thier service will canceled after X days if not paid (like the overdue invoice and suspension notice) 4 - before 1 or 2 days from canceling add new status to the service "pending delete" , whith this we can know wich service will be deleted ( this feature is optional) 5- the best of the best , if we can make modules register it own days to cancel services , for exemple, domain (com/net) should be canceled from client side after 45 days i think , cpanel we can make it at 10 days , that depend with the module itself , if no days are set , use the default one .
  20. make them generated as they are now in beta , but in final release make them as we need
  21. you have got the issue , but the solution is not complete . why ? if the term is 12 Mounths ? with your solution the renew will not execute .so it should have another condition to check the term in mounth and convert it to years (12 mounth = 1 year , 24 mounth = 2 years ) ect .....
  22. inthe package term , you have set 1 year or 12 mounth ?
  23. i think the probleme is here $vars['years'] = $pricing->term; if term is 12 mounth , the module try to renew it for 12 years , so this is not possible (limit is 10 years) but of the term is 1 year , i think it shold renew without any probleme .
  24. this can cause probleme when client downgrade php .... but i prefer the idea to make the two class in loader/models/licence (php) , one for normal and other for php 5.5 , is like a silent work .
  25. after some search i have get some workarround . for getAdminAddFields is not possible to get the client_id and no session is stored for it . so the only solution is to get the client id from the url so then load the clients model $tokens = explode("/", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); $client_id = $tokens[sizeof($tokens)-3] ; Loader::loadModels($this, array("Clients")); then get the client info by $client = $this->Clients->get($client_id); so then add oyur fields to be shown $fields = array( 'transfer' => array( 'label' => "Domain Action", 'type' => "radio", 'value' => "1", 'options' => array( '1' => "Register", '2' => "Transfer", ) ), 'domain-name' => array( 'label' => Language::_("Logicboxes.transfer.domain-name", true), 'type' => "text" ), 'auth-code' => array( 'label' => Language::_("Logicboxes.transfer.auth-code", true), 'type' => "text" ), 'name' => array( 'label' => "Name", 'type' => "text", 'value' => $client->first_name . " " . $client->last_name ), 'client_email' => array( 'label' => "Email", 'type' => "text", 'value' => $client->email ), 'client_address1' => array( 'label' => "Adress", 'type' => "text", 'value' => $client->address1 ) ); for the phone number you make a regex to validate the phone by jquey in $module_fields->setHtml () . i hope this can help
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