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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. can you make a thread just for this two plugins , if it's free is good , if not make a contant email to be contact with it , at least other know thier are some module even if they are not free .
  2. really i want to help you , but i don't have any free time to look for what i can do as plugin , but take this alternative for free https://teamweek.com/ http://www.gantter.com/ https://www.zoho.com/projects/gantt-charts.html for desktop use http://www.ganttproject.biz/ best regards
  3. this plugin has WYSIWYG editor , so for HTML yes you can add it , for javascript i have not tested , but i assume is not possible due to security case . no , Restriced Announcement based on client Group And packages i think you are looking for somethink like the private message (PM) .
  4. or you should make the change in your upgrade function and upgrade the plugin from plugins tab .
  5. also the same here .
  6. a new table in database for queue up services every line is linked with the invoice , if paid upgrade on cronjob run .
  7. with your solution is better to be the field in the company setting than in the invoice table . just my opinion . in the end what we need a workaround to solution that feat to our need just a question : why not the numbering method is not the same as the invoices ?
  8. EDIT enable to produce the bug,after i have tested with your step in database it show for me proforma in last step . but i have discouvered another bug EDIT 2 : the bug already reported http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3359-pro-forma-invoices-wen-creatin-a-draft-invoice-it-converts-to-an-invoice-and-not-a-pro-forma/ .
  9. Blesta Addons

    Generate Password

    Believe or not , this is possible with my new free plugin
  10. this in my TODO list , i'm working with it for previos version , i will upgrade it to v3.3 , but i don't think i will make it free , it will be a paid module . EDIT ; my module is just for CPanel/Whm zone dns .
  11. for wich registrar or for cpanel/plesk/.. ?
  12. for that reason a warning or info message is suggested , so others will know that multi-curency in the order page will not work with this settings .
  13. if it reset every year ; so in the cronjob "00:00 1-1-20XX" make the reset directly in the database field .
  14. i agree with paulov , because it will render a error in the order page when swittching to other currency .
  15. Yes , and also don't make the same error to not correct this in the next 5 years
  16. i know there are a feature request for this already , i'm asl*king if someone has already donea solution for that . ihave readthe above thred , i not asking how to disable registration with username instead of email , i'm asking if the email already exist , how to stop it , i know also that can be done with hacking core file , i'm asking of already someone has done a plugin or sometip to prevent that case . if no , i'm obliged to spent some time to do this task .
  17. Sipply change/edit the logicbox module and put your own info for admin/tech . in the wois tab , you can disable the admin/tech from bieng edited ( i think this is against ICCAN plicies , not sure )
  18. Hello All due to a bussy work , i have not the time to search and inspire solution , so i act to ask the queston here and see what other has done for this semilar case . i want to disable registration with email already exist , i don't need to change core files . from my todo list for this "my solution was : 1 - a jquery request to custom php file that search for the email ,if exist disable the sent button and make the field in red . 2 - use a plugin with preAction event . (this solution is not possible because the preAction can't return a Set Error message . so it remain now the first option . i believe if the there is a event before client::add or user:add can solve the isseu . any one has already made a working solution . NOTE : i can make it but i have no time to do it now . @Blesta_Staff -> more events == more plugins for the community .
  19. as now , the article kan be viewed by anyone, visitors nd clients , in next versions i will make the visiblity option and groups . you should put the html embeded code of the video not the url video directly .
  20. i cna't produce your error's !!! the icon show correctly the image shown as the size putet in the editor .
  21. Great work Paulo ; i have contracted a new dev in our office just to make a APP for blesta . he begin the work , but we have some defirent role , you just create a symlnks . and we are working in it with the API and blesta SDK , until now i don't see were he arrive , i give it some days to understand the blesta working . we are working with eclipse .
  22. Good News . one of the big missed module for blesta ...
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