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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. PauloV has the attention to made a openSRS module , he posted that in other thread , just search to see the thread about this .
  2. from what that will offer is a good future competitor to others . is thier any feature list for the roadmap ?
  3. 1+ for @PauloV & @interfasys @Licensecart , your idea for reasoning is not applicable with this situation , if we need to make a emulation in cars . you have the right to choose wich cart you want , dirve in snow or in the road , is your choice , but what happen if your cars hasn't the tyres for snow weather ?!!! one day you will make accident , this accedent is the security hole .
  4. have you request them to do a plugin for blesta ? https://www.namesilo.com/contact_us.php
  5. +1 a tooltip also is welcome .
  6. the website is still online !!! if any new update please share .
  7. good idea .... with github all will participate in transalation and correct defition is is wrong .
  8. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.3.0

    my function to move threads if (file_exist($beta_forums)) $threads = $beta_forums['threads'] ; else { move_function($beta_forums['threads'] , $forums); $threads = $forums['threads'] ; }
  9. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.3.0

    hours of moving !!!!! i suppose the forum administration has a mass tools to move all thread from forum to forum . the threads has a goud information to share and a very useffull discussion is a shame lose it . i can spent this hours in move it , just send me access
  10. this case is not considerated as announcement , and also if you have about 2000 or 4000 clients !! how the long list should be ? as i have mentioned above a new plugin specially for your and clare case will be coded .
  11. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.3.0

    great news ... what about the forums for 3.3 , it will remain or it will be hidden ? please don't make them hidden or move the thread to thier respective forums in the community . some thread has a good informations .
  12. what the @flangefrog say , that is not possible with a simple or complexe plugin now .
  13. Today , i have in meeting and i have meet a chef executive of a Software . i have asked him about this subject , how do you keep invoice intact after creating it , the response was so easy , is like MAX answer , the data should be stored in the same invoice line (in proforma you have the right to change it , in final invoice you can't unless you change it in database . so +1 for storring data in the invoice field .
  14. with the PAuloV aprouch , we store what will be in the invoice in a array (date , invoice number , cleint id and all other detail , even if the company setting (phone, fax, adresse , email .....ect ) so any data should be saved even if the background and logo images . per CORE-923 , cody has mentioned a probleme with cached PDF , the size !!!! also this solution , what happen if the files is deleted ? What we need is a good and reliable solution .
  15. How do you setup the package and the cPanel module ?
  16. Resell.biz is a logicbox platteforme And it work . for more function use my custom logicbox reloaded .
  17. the plugin server page monitor i'm working in it , but no ETA for release , what i can confirm is that the plugin will be free . for the needs you have putted aboce , sur it need a custom plugin just for you
  18. your request is already in developpement , can you see this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3269-ideas-about-server-status-plugin/ . also the new CMS plugins will have the create/add pages , that way it can feat your need . best regards .
  19. for the head , i have a new plugin that will give you this option , is named "CSS & JAVASCRIPT TOOLBOX" , with this plugin you cann add the code just for the client side . for the body content , as i told in my other thread i will code it for you , but not now . the ticket system can't offer you a temporary solution ? the client document can't offer you a temporary solutiin ? the both plugin can asign content/file per client .
  20. you need for each client it own content ? so if you have 200client you need to enter 200 html code . or 1 content is followed by all user ? i feel @clare need the first option and @wantoo need to second option . can you post a sample html/javascript you want to add for clients .
  21. the private message is just a name for plugin semilar for waht you need is developped for software . i don't know a plugin for private message is already done , maybe but is not released until now . can you post a sample code of what you want to show to your client (java and html) . (use the other thread , this thread is just for announcement plugin ).
  22. my promise for you , i will code a plugin that let you add html content as a widget for client . somethink like the client document . but not now , when i finish some task and module i have to do . and is free from my side
  23. +1 and it must have tis option . in v2.5 we have alot of reclamation and support tickets just for this .... and we have solved this probleme by storing all generated invoice in pdf format in a floder , with this we can track how it was before . but really really this must have option , maybe in US is not p^roblemeto change a final invoice , but in europe it can cause a big probleme . my suggestion is to make the final invoice a stored pdf invoice in webhost , or add array info as paulov suggested .
  24. in v2.5 that function was exist and it was very usefful for us , specially when we found a duplicate client account , or if the client want to merge two account they have . in v3.3 that function not exist , and is planned for future release, and i think is better to talk about it now how it should work . @PauloV , maybe when mergin clients, the client row should be removed and let the user row or maybe the reverse , in V2.5 the merge clients delete the merged account from the database and add contacts, services, invoices, tickets and transactions from old client to the new client , so no trace for the old user_id . i think like this scenario is workable . i vote the paulov idea to quick add this function , because the more plugins/modules created before it , can cause some trouble after it created . i beleive this function is not present in the core now because for some good reasons, or it just for lock of time ?
  25. with upgrade function , you shoukd register the new event and delete the old event . look at support manager plugin to insipre the how the upgrade work .
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