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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. But the title is not a tooltip . he need tooltip .
  2. Take in note that you need to check the package id related to the service and not the service id value .
  3. Change the title to tooltip in the above code .
  4. Which module you gave installed ? Can you run the crown manually , and see if you receive the email .
  5. Thank for sharing . I hope it can help others
  6. You can add a dedicated contact for billing from client area
  7. The info is checked in addservice function ,the step before is used just to render the info posted . The module can't act unless is called . If you want to check some data via jquery you can use my plugin toolbox .
  8. You can limit resellers by limit disk and bandwith and even if limit number of account should be created . all that from reseller center , priv/nameserver
  9. We call this credit note . there are several thread about it . not yet implemented . and is under discussion , as it need support negative value .
  10. Zamfoo is not cpanel core package . is a third party plugin. Ask him for a module .
  11. add them without invoice ... also you have the system under your hand , make a test for every case you don't lose anything ... take our time with testing before go in production .
  12. if we get the 404 page error , the logo in header is linked to the same page 404 , instead of the index page url .
  13. Sorry to up this thread , is just to remember the staff about CORE-1320 .
  14. any update for this ?
  15. yes . it work like that .
  16. Really i don't understand adding categories to invoices ? if i well understand your request , you can do that , but it need some customization and request directly to database . invoice , has status field , you can use this field to store your catagory . that is highly not recommanded and i never tell you how, but if you are a expertise user , you have now the road to go with it .
  17. are you sure ? from my x-large years in administration is slow donw . and slow down more if you have more active users . finnaly let the database subject as is not OP subject . are logical for you saving welcome email for the last 2/3 last years ?
  18. that hs no relation to space , but to mysql imorouvement . a databse of 100MB is not a database with 1GB . for me i will have internal plugin to do this task . saving email copy that have 1 years or more have no sense for me . but is highly should be for emails in the last 6/12 mounths .
  19. in native cpanel , there are no support for sub-resselers , so if you are reseller you can't ad subreseller account . that work only if you are a root . so your screen is normal .
  20. one day , when you have more clients, more services activated , you will revert the -1 to +1 .
  21. this has already discussed and assigned to task CORE-1387 . ihope of that can be in 3.4.0 rather than 3.5.0 , as alot of new clients request it .
  22. in that case , you can add a coupon code to make a free 1 mounth .for reggullar package , that , ythe first mounth will be free , and the second will be billed .
  23. Good found , that should be encrypted or removed when loged to database .
  24. that for serverwide . the OP ask i think for single account , with return-patch else than the sender email . this option should be added the email header php . i have not make a deep looking for it . but i believe it should do some tweak in php file .
  25. you should disable the not required thing from the php file migrator . do not use that just if you know what you are doing . the file is : plugins\import_manager\components\migrators\whmcs\whmcs_migrator.php
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