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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. this is related to other request http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3306-pro-forma-invoices-numbering-are-not-sequential/ if we can add fields that store last invoice (number) and last proforma (number) . we can easy reset this field in every new year . and resolving this two issue . i'm sure with the more users use blesta they will request this . so prepare fromnow to this
  2. that isthe only way without moding the core files .
  3. ahh yes , our probleme was just the invoice should not be sent unless it fully or partially . in the past we have to manupulate the PDF class to change the label from invoice to Pro Forma is not paid .
  4. why not a company settings to reset the counter invoice every start of year ?
  5. with the proforma features , this problemehas been solved , as we can't sent invoice unpaid .
  6. Blesta Addons

    Partial Pay

    in client profile ,look in record payment action .
  7. you want to put this in your module action ? creation / suspend /edit ? the config file is not supporting jquery code or any type of css .... what you need is to make a validation with input on submit form (getrules()) . check this post can help you http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3291-how-to-transfer-domain-from-admin-panel/?p=24037
  8. let say last invoice in 2014 was 20141523 next invoice in 2015 will be 20151524 , the OP need to begin from the first value 20150001
  9. if you need just a billing , what you need is a cronjob that collect the usage and the price every end of mounth or end of term then create a invoice with that information . the information collect should be done via API , the USAGE command is your friend http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn236427.aspx the php sdk here http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/cloud-services-php-how-to-use-service-management/
  10. as i told you before, in registration template file under order plugins .
  11. the same here
  12. Test + api url or file . Via pm .
  13. OVH has a lot of products , Domains, Servers , Hosting , Vps , SMS , ...ect . all are managed from thier powerfull API plateforme . ovh servers, and domains is the most wanted modules in internet from ovh client's .
  14. @webjive , i have well understand your case, so in creation you need to make 2 domain ( 1 is principal, second is subdomain for select domain ) if this is the case , so is not a complicated task to do . i have not see a lof of request for this case , but is semilar to subdomain request . if you have some knowlegde for coding , i can help you (free) to setup it in your own module (PM me) .
  15. @webjive can you exmplain more ? (note that is not related to the actual module, i want just to understand your case) .
  16. in other thread he say almost done , so is near to release .
  17. you can use my plugin "css & javascript toolbox" to acheive this , add the css you want to the class you want .
  18. Great work , keep the good work . @webjive , he has the Parked Domains feature already in his release .
  19. i think it support just the form input (text, hidden, textarea, select, multiselect ...)
  20. i tried before todo a plugin to set the Route.admin path , but i found is not posible at that time , i believe the same case now , no way to change it from outside that file .
  21. my first question , why the account is inactive ? the client can't make thier account inactive , but it mean that you (the staff) has made the account inactive for some reason , and you need to make it active for some reason . inactive account can do anything from client side .
  22. this issue is not for whmcs importer , also for blesta 2.5 , i have the same case until i found the premissions tips . hope that can be added/enabled as default after the import end .
  23. you got the idea . about TCPDF have you any attention to change it ? wich engine in your focus ?
  24. check this for more info http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3059-rewrite-proxmox-modules/
  25. yes , but is not in the first release of my re-write , the most important for me is to build a module capable to add feature easly without changing the meta field or other fields after the release . let say a good framework to add features every couple of days .
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