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Everything posted by Blesta Addons
[Resolved] Show Pricing From Yearly To Monthly On Order Form?
Blesta Addons replied to PreMadeKB's question in Support
you can/want edit core files ? -
even that is not what i search , but How ? wich setting should i select coupons ?
Hello ... how you sell hosting with free domain ? let say we have hosting A = 10$ hosting B = 100$ Domain = 12$ if select hosting A, the domain cost is 12$ . if select hosting B then the domain cost is 0$ , the domains is 0$ in recurring term if the hosting B is active , if canceled the domain price is return to 12$ . how this can be achieved ?
Remove Do Not Cancel Option In Active Service Model
Blesta Addons replied to Blesta Addons's topic in Feature Requests
Now the radio input mean Do not cancel = cancel a request of cancellation at end of term . The cancel botton mean : cancel, do not change = exit from the modal box So every one has it own rule , the radio button do not cancel has no sense to exist if the service was not in cancelation term . Is like the cancel at term , has no sense to exist if the service was already set to cancel at end of term . -
Multicraft Not Automatically Setting Up Dedicated Ips For Clients.
Blesta Addons replied to MariusB's question in Support
this was already a bug and corected http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3175-multicraft-does-not-pick-ip/?hl=multicraft also check this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3302-multicraft-module-dedicated-ip/?hl=multicraft -
this is not implemented yet in core files , you can add it for your registrar module, the how to from this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3291-how-to-transfer-domain-from-admin-panel/?p=24037 this behavior should be in core modules registrar
more info , that way the others can help you .
first impression the prices is old at least for resell or you have put the first slab . the acual price for .com 8.61$ .net 6.66$ ...
tio hide it from the client side use my toolbox plugin and : Add Custom css simple pages : client side Markup to set in : head tag CSS To Add : #tax_id {display:none} [for="tax_id"] { display: none;} Save .
@gutterboy , i have re-test the code again , i have a test account that has multi-currency invoices and some with the code is disabling also a row of currency . so i have test atest , the final correct code that disable just the email invoice delivery is, the magic here is the ">" sign .row > .col-md-3 > .list-group a:first-child i have updated the first post to future use.
it housld now work , but i beleieve my code is also correct, as i have tested in that day in mozilla and it worked . i will re-test it again to see .
the imported invoices in v3.3 has correct date ?
this file ned authorization can you make it public for 1 day
Have you checked the spam box ? Have tried senting text email instead of html ? Yiu are sur that you have tesred mail () function outside blesta in your host .?
The commun factor here is term of 12 mounth converted in 6 mounth in pdf . Question : the service show renew date correct ? This service is related to any module ? The old invoice imported , has the same case ? This questions can help in identificating the probleme .
I believe the a element will hide just the text , but the il box will remain .
Logicbox -- resell.biz good interm of support and prices , but they have a high prices in some extentions.
Anyway , You can change it from language files
Glade you have finally resolved.
Has Anyone Else Noticed Plugin / Gateway Values Going Blank?
Blesta Addons replied to gutterboy's question in Support
Never noticed this kind of issue , the field is stored in database . ony the uploaded files in the attachements are stored in file system . -
This has been fully added to my next release of "Admin Tools" plugins , now you can set wich IP to access admin area , if not authorized redirect to 404 error page . also i have implemented a new security way , to block access direct link of uninstalled plugins , now if the plugin is not installed no one can access it , i'm working now in modules too , to forbidden access if not installed . need also block access to client side by IP i will finish the complete rewrite of this plugin and making some tests and i will make it available next week .
Fatal Error: Cannot Redeclare Class Preaction Event
Blesta Addons replied to Blesta Addons's topic in General
i have renemaed the files and fucntions , all back again to work normally !!!! -
Hello i'm loading a model inside a preAction function event . but i get the redeclare class error . when i load the model and i call a fucntion inside the module i get the error Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class AdminSecurity in .......... the code for this is : Loader::loadModels($this, array("admin_utils.AdminSecurity")); $this->AdminSecurity->ipRestrictions(); EDITED : event is loading 1 time .
finnaly i will go with my function , the function is below if anyone else search for it . private function CheckSection() { if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], Configure::get("Route.admin"))) { return "admin"; } else { return "client"; } }
i need to check this out side the event , in a model file , and the model is not supporting some good function in controller.php . the actual workarround is the url filter like you have posted . but i prefer if thier is any easy way than that .