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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. just disable the pro-rata completly . you are done
  2. not possible ... in my plugin "announcement" i have a jquery code to make the widget in the first view of all . you can inspire from it
  3. you have added the code after the installation of the plugin ? try uninstall and then re-install the plugin .. you can also check the plugins_actions table to see if the action has been added to database .
  4. the actual code is public function getAction($plugin_id, $action) { $action = $this->Record->select(array("plugin_id", "action", "uri", "name"))-> from("plugin_actions")->where("plugin_id", "=", $plugin_id)-> where("action", "=", $action)->fetch(); if ($action) { if ($action->options) $action->options = unserialize($action->options); } return $action; } this code always return error about indefined options , because is not included inthe query result . also the $action var is used as var and as result var . the correct one is public function getAction($plugin_id, $action) { $query= $this->Record->select(array("plugin_id", "action", "uri", "name", "options"))-> from("plugin_actions")->where("plugin_id", "=", $plugin_id)-> where("action", "=", $action)->fetch(); if ($query) { if ($query->options) $query->options = unserialize($query->options); } return $query; }
  5. that should be done directly to database via phpmyadmin .
  6. i have tough for a easy solution , what i have arrived , as we have already the plugin_id in this table , we can easy get the plugin directory . we should add a new language to the plugins , let say plugin_name.php . then load the file plugin/".$plugin_name."/language/".$client_languege."/plugin_name.php . the file plugin_name.php should only have the plugin name , description , and widget/actions names .
  7. the ETA this week will be released with some HOT feature , block admin area by ip , block acces to uninstalled plugins via , add/edit/delete custom links in client/admin side . now i'm making a full rewrite to this plugin . if you want to add custom link , you should add it to the Table: plugin_actions . nav_primary_client = client side . nav_primary_staff = admin side .
  8. module for ovh domain .. great idea. go with it . EDIT : i will donate to you when you release it .
  9. i don't make any test for that , but i think loding just the init.php file is enough . as from the init.php is loading all others library . have you enabled the Configure::errorReporting(1); in your blesta.php ?
  10. wait my new release of "Admin tools" plugin , you can add/remove custom primary/secondary staff links , primary client links .
  11. the plugins link names in "plugin_actions" are not multilanguage in Table: plugin_actions . for example , if we install the support manager or client documents or any other plugin that add action , the action name is added to database with the language that has been installed with it . if the plugin installed in admin side in english , and the client has spanish or frensh language set , the link will be shown in english . this is not a bug , as the name set in the table plugin_actions already . what we need is improvement to how to get the action name . 1 - make action name inserted in array for every installed language. array( 'en_us' => "english name", 'fr_fr' => "french name", 'ar_sa' => "arabic name" ) the only probleme here is if we install new language in the system , it wil not have any entry for it . 2 - load the name from the language file if exist . make client or admin interface has mixed word in two different languages has no sense for me and for my clients .
  12. re-upload all the files, again , it apear a missing file .
  13. check this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3426-whmcs-import-error-option-pricing-id-cannot-be-nul-migration-from-whmcs-5310-to-blesta-32/?hl=option_pricing_id
  14. if i remeber well , this is was already fixed .. i assume you are using a old importer . download the new importer and try again .
  15. The second code is clean and easy to use . Is good to have a semillar plugins , if my todo list was emty sure i will add this plugin to it . But it now has some task .
  16. blesta really need to take care from some incomplete field , do not proccess of some data is not complete or missing .
  17. uncomment it , and make the function return any string like "renew service success" .
  18. is still blesta send renew command ?
  19. yes , it working , it show just the checkout payment standard . normally it should show standard checkout button and recurring button if enabled in the gateway module .
  20. your code change is not correct , take attention to the recurring checkout by paypal . noter your button or type button has no graphics for subscribe checkout the correct way change you code from $button_url = "https://domain.com/paypal.png"; to $button_url = $recurring ? "https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/en_US/btn/btn_subscribe_cc_147x47.png" : "https://www.paypalobjects.com/webstatic/mktg/logos/bdg_payments_by_pp_2line.png";
  21. no .. you can test it . it will just make it adjusted to the same line as other links .
  22. you mean some registrar accept registring domains for 1 mounth ?
  23. Sorry for the delay ... open the file /app/models/packages.php search (line 1428) order(array('period' => "ASC", 'term' => "ASC"))->fetchAll(); replace with order(array('period' => "DESC", 'term' => "DESC"))->fetchAll(); you are done .. NOTE :every upgrade of blesta you should do the same .
  24. to correct the issue just change the "width" in .nav1 from 48% to auto or remove the attribute of with /*width = 48% ;*/
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