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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. is a very strange issue ... the plugin is working , but the plugin manager is not working !!! anyone can test and send feedback . i have tested in 2 installation withoyt any issue . try to comment all the function inside the plugin //$this->UtilSecurity->ipRestrictions(); //$this->UtilSecurity->UninstallPlugins(); //$this->UtilSecurity->StopSpam(); //$this->UtilSecurity->BlockDuplicate(); try change the browsers and test ? have you any modified core file ? or a custom htaccess rules ?
  2. give me 1 min to test something . i have checked my code , and i found i use the Configure::get("Route.admin") instead of admin , so if you have any other admin location it should work for you . when you install ity can you access any admin page ? open admin_utils_plugin.php and commaent the line 104 . $this->UtilSecurity->ipRestrictions(); to //$this->UtilSecurity->ipRestrictions(); can you now acess admin pages ? and the plugin pages ?
  3. uninstall the old one . and install the new version . in your screen shoot , the plugin manager is not showing the plugin logo , the authors name .... is like the files is missing . also redirecting you to 404 page is due to the restrinction ip section , have you enable it before upgrading ? but any way try uploading the old files , the uninstall the plugin , remove and upload the new files , install . i have tried upgrade from the old version and is worked .
  4. thanks pauloV owncloud i use it for files sharing with permisions . zimba and open exchange is not free . i will try Horde groupware to see if it feat my request
  5. tested in two blesta instalation , no probleme here , try deleting the old files and reupload the new files . if you have activated the protect admin area and not set the authorized ip, you can't access the admin area and you will returned to the 404 error page .
  6. Hello Tyson . to understand what i mean , you should look at the whole function . the unlink is target a error path and not the corrrect . the correct path is (CACHEDIR . $path . $item) and not (CACHEDIR . $item) public static final function emptyCache($path=null) let say we have a directory inside cache directory called "yaya" . if we want to empty this directory the command is Cache::emptyCache($this->company_id . DS . "yaya" . DS) normally the code public static final function emptyCache($path=null) { if (!($dir = @opendir(CACHEDIR . $path))) // here we are in /path/to/blesta/cache/1/yaya/ return; while ($item = @readdir($dir)) { // we get the files inside that directory , let say wqkjwhqkjwhq.html if (is_file(CACHEDIR . $item)) // this function is chekingthe file in error path /path/to/blesta/cache/wqkjwhqkjwhq.html // the correct path shold be /path/to/blesta/cache/1/yaya/wqkjwhqkjwhq.html // we shoudl add the $path var to the fucntion @unlink(CACHEDIR . $item); // the same incorrect path . } } i hope this is has more sense . best regards
  7. i'm searching a solution (open source) that allow me to share a email adresse with other employers (3 presons) , and i can track emails recieved/response/sent ...ect also i don't want to use the PIPE of blesta . for this case we need email software to be used . so what i need 1 - share email addres like (contact@xxxxx.com) with 3 staff 2 - all staff can see the recieved emails , and the answered emails . 3 - the soft client used is not important for me , outlook, thunderbird or any other platteform . 4 - 1 master account that can change/password settings . any one know a solution for this case ? actually i use IMAP with cpanel archiving service for emails . but i need s professionel soltution . and for other company i use the blesta pipe service .
  8. If you can share the custom change withe the community , so others can see the response to your request .
  9. new release has been out LAST UPDATE : 27-10-2014 , Version 1.6.0 download from first post .
  10. the emptyCache function is not working , when i have make a look at it , i found a mistake in the code , the actual code while ($item = @readdir($dir)) { if (is_file(CACHEDIR . $item)) @unlink(CACHEDIR . $item); } the correct code should be while ($item = @readdir($dir)) { if (is_file(CACHEDIR . $path . $item)) @unlink(CACHEDIR . $path . $item); }
  11. today i was testing my final work of my plugin . i have found that every plugin can only add 1 entry for each action . so the plugin can't add 2 primary link for staff or admin . the same for widget . and client nav and link for actions staff . this is not a blesta limitation , is a database shema limitaion . what i can suggest as a solution is to add a new field that would be the unique ID for each action . that way we can , easy delete/edit , and add multiple action for one plugin .
  12. is safe to add url in language definition ? or it should done via another way ? i want to return a message(error/success) from language file , that containa a url in the message . what is the correct code ? native html or a custom BBCODE ?
  13. i have searched all the dev docs and some other stuff . i found a reply from tyson that is not possible . so i have opted for my custom solution to make what i want to do , and without hacking the core files . is a tip and is not a returning error message to the controller . i will share the tip in my admin tools plugin .
  14. normally the check domain usethe registrar module, as plesk is not a registrar module it can't be used . what you need is a custom code to communicate the registrar with the plesk module's API . if you have skill you can do that with changing way of the checkdomain in your registrar module . But i think when youy create a service with restricted domain the plesk/interwork should return error in creation .
  15. the new release is soon , available feature for next release Locking Down Admin Area By Ip to only authorized IPS block ips from accessing the system . stop spam user registration (check the StopForumSpam database). Modify Text/links In Navigation Bar (client/admin side) stop registration with duplicated email in primary contact only
  16. this feature has been added to my next release of admin tools plugins .
  17. i want to make a return of error iwth preaction event , but the event is not returning any data . also i have tried the structure event , the same . my goal is , analyse $this->post and return error if i found some data in the post fields . also override some data of post to another data to use it in the caller function like the addclient . anyway to do this ?
  18. Blesta Addons

    Ban Ips?

    Be stooned , the new release of admin tools has this option .
  19. this butons if for admins only . client can add service via order form , or you should write a custom plugin to make that .
  20. thanks for your exmplain . and more thanks if you can share later your experience with this custom solution , just to enrich the community ideas .
  21. Now the requests of add/edit work with loading the core files without api ?
  22. My point of view , the more modules/gateways integration exist for blesta , more possibilities for new clients . I already talked with paul one day about this , blesta dev should make EQUILIBRATION about they todo List and about community requests . I believe if the staff can add 1 or 2 new modules/gateways every release , that should be good enough . For me i prefer more core feature than new mod/gat... but blesta should acquire new clients to stay alive in term of economy . In the end we love blesta and we want to see it as the more used soft in billing management .
  23. This command can only be called locally . So is not workable in remote host, that reason the API EXIST .
  24. have you any custom rule for mod security ?
  25. +1 our registrar cctld will use it for the new web authentification .
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