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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. can you add more detailes or send them to blesta staff .
  2. Which language var are not showed in translate . Just to try reproduce the case.
  3. the client language is the old language ?
  4. activate the debug mode in blesta config , that way you can see the errors handlers .
  5. very happy to serve you . thanks for your correction . and waiting your feedbacks: and notes )
  6. Hello All . we bring free and exclusive content , this plugin will help admin to set a notice for each client (text or html contents). this plugin was coded specially for some request by memebers in this forum . with the plugin, you can : - Add/Edit/Delete notice for each client - Set notice in text or html format . - Filter notice in the list notices page with Jquery . TODO LIST : - nothing at the moment . Some screenshoot : addmin list notices Add/Edit admin page admin staff action in client profile notice in client side as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file from your account 2 - upload the client_notices folder inside plugin directory . 3 - goto plugins , and install client Notices . 4 - enjoy the free content . Best regards
  7. Add second ethernet for each device and make a private connection .
  8. this task are planned for the next release .
  9. i will add new task to TODO list . log ip/referral/useragent ..ect for dennied access to admin area if iprestriction is enabled . email admin if failure attemp to access admin area . add API key for StopForumSpam to add entries in StopForumSpam database . add option to enable support ticket widget in client area .
  10. it was better if you have made it as a new template with your change . this way no core files has been touched thanks for your share .
  11. a marketplace system can help us and the blesta itself .
  12. as i have see in the Event Handlers , in v3.4 will be new event for services (Services.Add -- Services.Edit) , but i don't see any trace for Services.Suspend !!!
  13. the events has helped as a lot to add some fucntion to blesta . today i was thinking if some events (that already exist) can be called before the actiona dna after the action . like Clients.create , Invoices.add , Users.login , Services.add ..ect the new triggers will call the event "Clients.create.pre" before the cleant will be added to database , and "Clients.create.post" after the client was added to database . also it will be top if the event can set errors and send it to the controllers view . this is not priority , but is open to discussion .
  14. i suggest of the support manager has a widget to show in the client dashboard , in that widget he can see the open ticket and closed ...ect .. as now , the client need to go to support link to see if the ticket is updated or closed or .... blesta 2.5 was this feature ; sorry i'm a fan of blesta 2.5 EDIT : i know is easy to add it via custom plugin , but i prefer if it can be in the core support manager . if the staff accept i can help in adding it to the support manager .
  15. i'mnot so familiar with the new API . but i think what you request can be done via the new hooks (available in v3.4) service.add service.suspend service.edit . in the past i have requested a new feature to add a suspension reasons to the suspended service . with the hooks i have a plugin idea that will allow admins staff to set suspension reason with the hook (service.suspend) . what i hope it will be ready in v3.4 .
  16. @Sixwichlist , you have right to ask your question , is not bad or wrong . @licencecart be relax , some big company has been stopped suddenly and his clients just found that they are losed . I remember a years ago the same question has been posted to blesta . In that date they said that they use severals servers for licencing , if one get down others are still up . For small companies they can't offer such service . But they can provide semilar solution . Of course if the company has a lot of clients cant stop thier bussines without any notice in mounths before that date . I believe modulesbakery has the attention to grow not to dissapear
  17. to see it in action , create a new group staff , add staff to this group . log in with the new staff login , goto /cache/1/nav/ , you should found 2 file , 1 for your administrator group and other for this new staff . at this point all is ok . now from administrator account try to emptycache (NOT clearCache() function ) . in ftp you will find the two file still exist . change to my code and empty cache , goto ftp and you will find just 1 file , is for the active staff (is you) . i hope i have well explained now .
  18. I will check it also Thanks for the info .
  19. Hi Clare , wantoo . as promised , the plugin is almost done , i named it "Client Notices" . the idea is like the same as the client documents . this week i will release it .
  20. new release LAST UPDATE : 28-10-2014 , Version 1.8.0 . fix a error with emptycache , due to this bug http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3620-emptycache-error-code/ . fix a redirect to 404 when error reporting is not set in blesta config file . (very strange behavior) .
  21. i need more testers and feedbacks , to detect what is the real probleme in this . in my side , it work in two blesta installations.
  22. but empty field ? which guess is here !!! also it should have some captcha to block robot .
  23. in reset password , even if we fill the field or not , always it return a success message . A confirmation email has been sent to the address on record. !!!!
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