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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Hello ... what is the easy way to get all the loggen in clients ? the loggen in staffs ?
  2. are you reference to my plugin ? i have test it now and the tax-id in not displaying in the client edit page . first , to debug the probleme, when you load the client side , check the html page source and see if the header has aded the css file style . if the plugin has not worked for you , that not mean is not working , maybe there are something special for you that not let the plugin work , the same as blesta it self , so many poeple can't get it installed , that not mean blesta is not working , all my plugin i test them before any release , is there is a bug i'm open to correct it , but i can not correct something like "is not working!!" . in the plugin thread post more info that i can track or make it working for you .
  3. have you already created the field in the admin settings ?
  4. maybe you will have probleme in upgrade . use my css toolbox plugin to not re-doing the same work in every upgrade .
  5. do you have sub-resellers ? for resell.biz , almost what i see all other extention is high than others like internetbs , the support is the most factor that i'm stayed with resell.biz in all this past years . what i heat really in resell.biz in the 149$ in the restore fees regarding others has about 70$ . what i think now, let the resellers with resell.biz . and work with different registrar for each TLD . like the PauloV are doing now .
  6. normally , the images/isos can be retrieved from the storage in the server . you mean you need to add more than 1 storage for isos/images ?
  7. it's nice to share your soluton , for upcomming questions from new users
  8. hello Shimas , yes , as i notified in other thread , the admin panel is already done, now i'm in the client side .
  9. in my test dev server is still working .... and nearly a new release comming : )
  10. Any response for this ? really make plugins add only on widget or link type is a obstacle for us . to add a secondf widget we need a separate plugin !!!
  11. the error is clear , you need to ad more info in the API commande 'phase' . this need a modification in the logicbox module . more info here http://manage.resellerclub.com/kb/answer/752
  12. Hello check this thread , may help you http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3695-cant-get-pdo-to-execute-a-select/
  13. actually , i'm using resel.biz as my registrar for soo many years now . the price was very cool , in the last two years the thing year by year was changed . exepct the .com/.net all other extention was very expensive now . the new gtdl also very expensive regarding other egistrar . in the last year i have tested OVH , the price is good , the probleme is ovh add VAT , so the price back hight little compared in the market , i'm looking now for other alternative , like resellerclub or internbs ... any experience for other registrar , i want just to use them in some extention . i can't move allmy bussiness in it , as i have a a lot of resellers that practically impossible to move completly to other registrar .
  14. in my actual working in proxmox , i inspired a idea for reselling vps from solusvm . proxmox has not reseller feature , but i get the idea how can make it just from blesta . now is time to make it , but in a separate module of course .
  15. tested in my end , and the sign appear correctly in all order templates . have you edited the currency setup ?
  16. i think you have not sen my plugin Support Manger Addons (Add Widget/badge) http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3670-plugin-support-manger-addons-add-widgetbadge/ i have already coded it enjoy your life and blesta
  17. i'm working in it sinse 10 days ago , the admin side almost done . we will attack the client side soon . what request you want it ? or wich probleme you have with the core module ? prepare your boonty
  18. we are working in it now ..... http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3059-rewrite-proxmox-modules/
  19. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.3.2

    any more info about it ? howit should work ? the plugins will be added by blesta staff or the dev can add plugins also ? the MP will allow direct download/install if the plugin/module/theme has no licence or free licence ? is true the first release is 28/Nov/14 ? i can though v 3.3.3 also will be in that date ?
  20. i just want to see the new KB in support manager . first of view from your url . plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/186/how-to-set-up-a-package?/11/ the link has the title KB included , good for seo . the link has no qouted HTML encode , good to block some XSS attack . the link has the sign "?" at the end , i think is better to remove signs "? / ! # ) ( ...ect " from the url link . the link has two number request "186" and "11" , i think one of them is the article_ID , so i don't see any benifict to add other ID(maybe the client_ID or the category_id or ... and the better is to make the seo in option , so we can select betwen the ID or the TITLE . plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/11/ or plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/how-to-set-up-a-package/ thats all for the KB from your url .
  21. @Licensecart , i think in the website licensedemo , is better to make a screnshoot of the default theme , the same in the admin area , that way the users will not confusing about the design and colors . there is a probleme with your certificate in the Licensecart website .
  22. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.3.2

    Good Shoot blesta no new events in this release , so no probleme maybe next release wity the huge work i have a will upgrade maybe with v 3.4 EDIT : i see the marketplace ws added to jira http://dev.blesta.com/browse/MP
  23. what i have get as inclusion , that your client buy vms from outside your company . and you can manage them only by client API ? you need to give your cleint access to reboot-stop and show status ? or you need just acces for you ? the vms should be suspended/unsuspended ? whith this question we can decide is a module or plugin for your case . i can code a free module for this task , but i can't now , if you are patience , you get my promise . i need to finish my Proxmox Rewrite/OVH servers/Orderbox rewrite modules . then i can begin with your module .
  24. i remember i old request for that , and the response was blesta is not a accounting software , so we have added that task to our internal plugins , maybe i will release it when i code it .
  25. he is a spammers . he was come with my blesta system a few mounth ago .
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