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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. you have isseu with your custom php code ? note, the feature is not completly in a workable state , so some code may not be work for some limitation of blesta core . normally any echo/show or returned function should work . can you paste your code to debug it in my test server . about vqmod , i have not tested , but i sure is no issue with it .
  2. Blesta Addons

    Tax Exemption

    i got it http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2013-registration-form-vat-number-and-e-mail-address-verification/
  3. Blesta Addons

    Tax Exemption

    if i have a good memory , a user has already made a contribution how to check the registration vat or something like that . but i have missed the thread . also the search does not returning me a result because the the word searched maybe incorrect .
  4. Blesta Addons

    Tax Exemption

    cheking the taxid auto is a good feature , but as @darin say , not all tax are exempted , some taxid is not exempted , i believe also in the european taxt system , the are a result to indicated that the provided tax is exempt or not .
  5. ohh yes, i missed to signal this . all the template that use ajax in thier request are not supported by this method .
  6. Hello i think your plugin is good, the only isue i se is the html output . your output contain a modal , so no mesage will be shown until you add a button to show the modal change this <!-- Modal --> <div class="modal center-block"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"><span aria-hidden="true">×</span><span class="sr-only">'. Language::_("AdminToolsPlugin.security.buttons.close", true ) .'</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">some label</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">test message</div> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> </div> </div> </div> </div> with the fallowing <div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">test message</div>
  7. Hi thynan . another request to event system , please add your vote to this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2979-more-events/ this other thread is about before/after the event , but no reply from staff http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3640-events-beforeafter-event-set-errors/ i believe the events is the most wanted feature for developpers . now for your request , you can create a plugin for that , i will assist you for this . first your plugin shoud be registred to Appcontroller.preAction event . then you should check the post in your fucntion , something like if (isset($_POST['action']) && $_POST['action'] === "signup" ) { //be sure it's a new signup request $args = array( 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] , 'country' => $_POST['country'] ); // here you can put your matching fucntion } you can inspire from my admin tools plugin, i have a function that block spambot from registring .
  8. We are talking about service .so addons Is Not the interest here and can be ordered as many times. If i want a package per Client i will never put it in addons .For the admin side, or for cancelled service ,a simple option to allow this or disable it . I think the OP request this because some clients ordering more than one time the trial modules . For me , the interest here is a event for the order plugin .
  9. i have touch that his validateservice is a set for rules to use in in somewhere . you have touch a good point .
  10. not usefull for me . in the plugin that i work for it , i need something like the facebook chatbox (see who is connected -realtime- ) . i get yesterday some usefull post for doing this . maybe i will release this plugin for free also to the community . please no one ask me what is this plugin and ETA for it !!!! is another fabolous plugin for admins and staff, they can se any client connected nd what is doing and wich data has been changed and .....
  11. good point , can you add it to JIRA ?
  12. yes, you can . and it work also . all my works/project i inject the js to the footer section .
  13. +1 . is easy to do a plugin tha can determine if the client already has a service from the package X . the probleme is how to implement it in the order form (without hacking the core files ) ?! the solution is a new event for that. and another time i will push the events subject , the more event we have the more plugins we can do .
  14. blesta has already 3 of 4 requiered info * Customer’s address * Customer’s phone number * Customer’s IP address blesta also is compatible with geoip database (just download the .dat file and activate the service ) . now what you remain is create a plugin that check 2 of 3 data that already in database , what you can do now? 1 - make all accepted orders pending mode .then verifiy the data manually , then accpet the order . 2- another solution is use maxmind and make the client adress should be belong to the visitor ip . for edit client info ; install my css js toolbox plugin and Add Custom js advanced Controllers : client_main_edit Markup to set in : head tag JS To Add : $(document).ready(function(){ $("input").prop('disabled', true); $("select").prop('disabled', true); $("button").prop('disabled', true); }); you are welcome .
  15. i think this rule is enough 'organization' => array( 'format' => array( 'rule' => "isEmpty", 'negate' => true, 'message' => "Organization name is required" ) ) but your probleme i think is not the validator , is how/where the validateservice should act . normally if the validation return error , it should not go to next stop , is sending a error set and then the page should not go to other page .
  16. subscribed to this thread. watching the result at the end .
  17. that is the exact probleme i have . i thing i will search a ready to use class (php/javascript) to achieve my request . i have a old working code , but is adding a request in database and check/update the database every 10 seconds , but the huge system i have i don't want to bomb my database/server with request just to see wich connected .
  18. you mean from ingrammicro ? can you shoot me thier email via PM ? thanks
  19. at least paste your code of validation and the fields you need to validate .
  20. i need to get the online (connected now) ... as the above methode give me some errors (false/positive ) , the user is logged out and i still get it as logged . i think i will look in the sessions . can i get positive result ?
  21. thanks for the reply .
  22. have you get the SPLA licence prices from wich company ?
  23. i want to include the package name in the welcome email , wich tag should i use ? {package.name} ? the second question , is possible to add a returned data service creation in the welcome email tags without saving this data ? exemple , in module addservice , i have the returned data from $response , the returned data has a lot of keys , and i want just to save 2 keys in the service field , and i want to use two more others key in welcome email tags without saving them in service fields . // Return service fields return array( array( 'key' => "my_data", 'value' => (isset($response->my_data) ? $response->my_data : (!empty($vars['my_data']) ? $vars['my_data'] : null)), 'encrypted' => 0 ), array( 'key' => "ip_address", 'value' => isset($response->ipaddress) ? $response->ipaddress : null, 'encrypted' => 0 ) ); is this possible ?
  24. if your question is about service status change , already posted and answered here http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3641-event-servicessuspend/
  25. +1 for staff
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