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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Is working for me i will try to upload them in other host .
  2. in wich area you want to edit it ? use my plugin "css js toolbox" to add your custom css, that way you are safe in case of upgrade to next version .
  3. yes i use error report in config file . happy to know it was normal and not a strange issue .
  4. are you know stupid domain manager = more clients = more benificts , more money ..... if you have in v2 , and blesta has asked what you select in the new v3 mass mailer plugin ? modules for licences ? if you can sell licences with just mass mailer plugin , we will also try to sell domains with mass mailer plugin . and please , remember you are just a blesta user like us , interested is some request and not for others , as i see you re the only here that don't want the domain manager . the domain manager + hosting is our core work , and we will not stop to ask blesta do it . and if wehave a good domain management why we will ask improuvement of it ?!!!! @blesta , as paulov say, is better to do it now , as other can move thier domains in the new system (auto or manually if there are just some) , in v2 it was big probleme to import domains to v3 (logicbox modules) it should to change all the domains in database to work , in my case over 6000 domain is something creazy to change 1 by 1 , and i have spent hours and days searching a way to do it auto , finnaly i have arrivd to it and putet the module free for others .
  5. Thanks for your donation , attached you can see some screenshoot of the new module, it need some more extra time and wok to complete it . http://host-image.net/images/79160proxmox_package.png http://host-image.net/images/31682proxmox_adminside.png
  6. Thanks max, but i want to get the total output of the tabs , let say i have a tab for getting info of active proccess in the system , i want the tabs to fetch every 10 sec for a new value of the process list . but any way i will try your idea .
  7. +1
  8. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.4.0

    time to upgrade now ... good work .
  9. the modules can set the errors messages , but the they can't set the success messages . and based on this response from tyson the modules can't set success messages http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3145-flashmessage-or-setmessage-in-gateway/?p=22741 the main need here in the tabs section , when a client/staff make some post/change , if error occur the error is shown , but when is finiched with succes , no message is diplayed . why not to add new Input::success() , Input::info() , Input::warning() ?
  10. i was have almost the same case (with different needs ) in my actual module , what i have do . the server return a status of the task of creation (running/stopped) , what i do in the addservice function , is to look up this taskid status . if finiched go to the next task . $finished = false; while( !$finished ) { $task = $this->Tasks($module_row , $params , $response) ; if ($task['status'] == "running") $finished = false; else $finished = true; sleep(2); } with this i'm sure the task has been stopped and i can go to the next step/job . for the same case , i have already request that modules should have the ability to add job task , but until now notyet implemented . but you can create a helper plugin that will create plugin with cronjob . then in the addservice function , poll the info in the database , then the cronjob sendthe jobto the server , when the task is marked as finiched , send the welcome (that shouldbe done via the plugin not the module ) , and then send the next task in the cronjob .... i hope i have give you some idea to help you .
  11. so the difference was in the config.php , in the mine it was empty value . maybe the probleme was in the upgrade .... or something else with it , because the config was a empty value .
  12. i want to reload the tab contents of my module with ajax , but is not working . i have added the class "ajax" to my link , no result . let say i have tabStats , i want to add a button inside this tab , when clicked the content of this tab reloaded via ajax . any tips to achieve this ? EDIT : ihave arrived to some result , but till something is not working . now i can send the update post via this javascript . but the content is not updated , i s in the dev tools the request is loading the new data . $(".refresh").click(function() { var a = $(this); $(this).blestaRequest("GET", $(this).attr("href"), null, function(data) {}, null, {dataType:"json"}); return false; });
  13. are you using b2 ? if yes , can you go to app/models/navigation.php search 'name' => $this->_("Navigation.getsystem.nav_marketplace"), paste the lines associated with it , the main is array( 'name' => $this->_("Navigation.getsystem.nav_marketplace"), 'class' => "marketplace", 'uri' => Configure::get("Blesta.marketplace_url"), 'attributes' => array('target' => "_blank") ) one of us has a wrong version/files !!!
  14. i have found the market place setting empty in the config file , i have added the market place url , and is now working fine . Configure::set("Blesta.marketplace_url", "http://marketplace.blesta.com"); i don't know if the upgrade has missed up to ad the value or is a bug in v 3.0.4.b2 .
  15. i have tested with otehr browsers , the same error , al the admin side work , the company setting work . admin/settings/system/ --- is workign admin/settings/system/{anylinkhere} --- not working and give the above error . EDIT : i have found that the marketplace url is getting it from the config file . don't if this url is added to the upgrade script . i will add it manually and test again . EDIT 2 : there are no upgrade file upgrade3_4_0_b2.php related to 3.4.0.b2 in the file downloaded from blesta site .
  16. i get a error when i want to access any link in the system tab . i get the error : substr_compare() [<a href='function.substr-compare'>function.substr-compare</a>]: The length must be greater than zero on line 12 in /home/*****/public_html/blesta/app/views/admin/default/settings_leftnav.pdt all other links in blesta are working fine . note i have multi-company enabled .
  17. if i remember will your voting thread , it was not radio button , it was multiple checkbox . so any member can select his needed module and his favorite plugin . like me , i have selected the domain manager and mas mailer and afiliate system . if we compare mailer and domain manager , we found the mailer plugin is used by all , and all need it , but domain manager is neded by webhosters . i'm 10000% sure if it was a radio button for one slection , the mailer plugin will not get a lot of votes , because every voter will select the wanted module and not a value added plugin . our goal from this discussion, is not attack blesta staff or blestars like you and me and PauloV , the attention is to rich and give some feedbacks from our experience . staff should take care to enrich the core and the core plugins (order-support... ect ) , in my case the order form and the domain manager should be rewrited in the next release . about plugins , we can take care of it ,^personnaly i have a lot of plugins/modules to write , but i can't lose time in it and i'm still in v2 , i prefer add more features to my modules of v2 that writing new for v3 . we can make a deal , blesta adjust and enrich the core files, and we make a and release new plugins and free (yes is free) ... P.S - I LOVE BLESTA
  18. i'm totally agreed with your idea . i'm very happy that i'm not the only one in this road , until this moment , i prefer stay in v2 than moving to v3 . in fact , v3 is so modular and very customizable in so many aspect , but what is related to the core files , i can't touch it until the staff do it . in my simple idea , what is better to do next , more modules or add more feature to the core ? the webhosting market is the big market for billing software , and us as we have a lot of years in this market we can see what is the needed and better to add as feature , i don't see any benifict from coding more plugins than ignoring some great feature to the core system (domain manager , powerfull hosting managerment -cpanel/plesk/directadmin- , server management -softlayer/ovh/hetzner/leaweweb/ect .... - , coupons , powerfull shopping cart system , ...) .
  19. another question to add . i have a field in service that has a value as array , what is the correct way/format to print the value of this field in the welcome email ? array( 'key' => "options", 'value' => array( 'options1' => "options1", 'options2' => "options2", 'options3' => "options3" ), 'encrypted' => 0 ) is this should work {service.options.options1} or {service.options['options1']} ?
  20. the module is almost done . i have used the PHP API class https://github.com/CpuID/pve2-api-php-client . the admin side is 100% completed . the package section is 100% completed . the order form is also 100% . the openvz party is 100% done . the kvm is not fully completed now . the client side is almost 80% . i will try to release it the first week of 2015 . a lot of work with a little of free time .
  21. your request is allow renerate renew invoice before the invoice are generated auto as tyson say . if i remember will , already a request for this has been posted .
  22. The probleme is not what the module do. The problem here is the tabs and contents when the service is suspended or in pending status . Suspend services = block clients from getting/seeing/making action to the tabs. So I will assume all the other software including blesta v2 are doing the wrong thing . and blesta v3 has the correct thing that should be in this case . Even if small plugins in WP and joomla has this feature !!!! If you use a module that is not related to this bug , or you think is a module issue . I need to open thread for almost all modules shipped with blesta that are concerned for this bug (plesk. cPanel . directadmin. Proxmox. Solusvm . vpsnet . BuyCPanel ....). I'm still waiting the blesta staff for his point of view .
  23. They can unsuspend = no . this is not our compliant . They can edit = yes and yes . this is our compliant . A sample case . if a vps is suspended . normally is shutdown in the node , the client can start it from the action tab . Another case Domain is suspended , the client can change dns, contacts, get EPP code , remove the lock ... So what is the meaning of suspended here !?!?
  24. You are the only who think that is not issue !!!! If you provide domains/hosting/vps you will consider it catastrophique bug . All others soft has this in native . v2.5 also has this function , what is new in v3 to call it this is normal !!!
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