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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. 28-10-2014
  2. upgrade === admin task not guest task . this is the first time i see great software give the guest/visitor acces to upgrade proccess .
  3. the last version in the github is v1.8.0 and not 1.6.0
  4. Updated to the latest version v3.4 final , no issue at all ... it will be crazy !!!!!!!! maybe it can related to a conflict with other plugin with admin tools . wich otehr plugins is installed with the admin tools plugin .
  5. i have uploaded the files 3.4 to the blesta installation , i was not logged in as admin , and i have upgraded the website as visitor . the upgrade proccess should check if the user is logged as main administrator .
  6. installed and i have imported some data, and tested , all thing work for me !!! the popup windows is working http://host-image.net/v.php?id=70227popup_disabled.png http://host-image.net/v.php?id=83364popup_packages.png http://host-image.net/v.php?id=95000popup_uninstall.png what is strange , the popup windows is working with a javascript code , the admin tools have nothing to do with the javascript code . the second thing , the popup is showing as others say , but with no messages inside . something what is really strange . EDIT : Oppss, the version i have is 3.4.b2 , i will update it to the latest one .
  7. i will install a fresh blesta 3.4 and test again to try to reproduce the error .
  8. i never experienced this issue , and i can't reproduce it !!!! are you using the latest files of admin tools ? wich browser do you use ? are you able to give me access to check the probleme in your system (thzt if you trust me of course ) ?
  9. put your fields for admin in "getAdminAddFields" , for client don't put this fields in "getClientAddFields" . Best regards
  10. put your fields for admin in "getAdminAddFields" , for client don't put this fields in "getClientAddFields" . Best regards
  11. +1
  12. what is your real probleme ? you can't uninstall admin tools plugin ? you can't uninstall other plugins ? you have probleme with support manager ?
  13. i have already this in my proxmox module so many feature of openvz is not available in kvm architecture .
  14. if blesta can add more event, so like this developpment will be so easy , others has a lot of plugins/modules because they have so many hooks/events . no software can offer anything, but if the software is designed to accept more hooks/events , is designed to be more flexible and can accept any idea to be inegrated . hacking core files is not my hoppies
  15. Tested . And i can uninstall any plugin !!! I need more info/error message to make a profound invistigation .
  16. try this links http://host-image.net/v.php?id=79160proxmox_package.png http://host-image.net/v.php?id=31682proxmox_adminside.png
  17. do you probleme with support plugin or admin tools plugin ?
  18. the same as mine, and i can uninstall it without any probleme The plugin was successfully uninstalled. wich error your recieve ?
  19. Hello all, i'm not agains your request or your attention to sell the plugin, is the developper accept your deal, so is not probleme at all , but i'm talking about myself , i never accept request to code plugins for just 1 person / 1 use , all the plugins that i have coded, i reserve the right to re-sell it again if someone resquest it from me , and i prohibit the owner to resell it . if i accept coding something for "30$--200$" is not a big deal that i give the owner the right to re-sell it without i can profit also ... is the same as blesta licence, youneed to use it in one instance licence, sinse all my plugins are opensource (till the moment i never encrypt the modules/plugins) . the second thing bout your plugin , is not easy (at the moment imposible to make it work without hacking the core files ) , so is not possible to make a powerfull plugin or benifict from all the feature of Sift Science in the plugin , any way if you or any one want to code it , they can use my approuch of stop forum spam check in the signup of new clients .
  20. you can't uninstall the plugin ?!!!! wich version do you have ? i can uninstall itfrom my test server .
  21. I have see plugin in github that can do the same . Not tested with contact logins. But users can switch from campany to company .
  22. why not the developper sell you and can sell to others ?!! for me i never accept coding module just for 1 persone , i prefert code it and release it for all the comunity rather than make it just for 1 people . share is not a concept in social network , it should also in our life/work .
  23. nice feature to add .
  24. what you are looking is attach departement to a package or multiple packages . that could be a good feature .
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