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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i almost done the plugin , the openvz section . the fully kvm support is coming after the first beta release . what i want now to discuss , is about some points . 1 - change pasword root from admin/client tab. this is not possible now, because proxmox is not supporting this methode . 2 - about the stats graphiques , is better to group them with timeframe or by section (cpu/memory/diskread...ect ) exemple : a - memory graphs for (hour/day/wek/mounth/year). here we load new graphs by ressource (cpu/diskread/netin). b - hour/day/wek/mounth/year) graphs for memory . here we load new graphs by timeframe . 3 - limit mounthly bandwith for VM is not implemented with proxmox , this can be done inside blesta , but this also is not possible (blesta doas not a llow module to add new cronjob , maybe i will try to make direct request to database in install -not tested yet- ).
  2. this is not a big probleme , but is easy to fix . when a package is assigned to a group , and in editing mode, we want to leave the group Membership empty , , after the save we package reassign the last group assigned to it . so we are forced to create a unused group to assign it to it . simply , try to save a package with a empty group Membership field .
  3. i can't duplicate the issue .
  4. small resposne for this my tools are free , and i try my best to extend it in my free time . also my code is hosted in github , and anyone want to help or improuve are welcome to send thier push in github . blesta are paid soft , so don't compare what is free with what is paid .
  5. as Paul said is complicated to do more in this case , but if the client add order that mean is shold recieve invoice/proforma invoice for what he orderer , and maybe he ill pay it later . the thing that should be controlled here is : 1 - the order should never be placed or activated without invoice/proforma invoice should be paid . thais is already done and exist . 2 - the not paid orders shouldbe removed after X days if not paid . that i think is not yet implemented and we have here two scenario . a - if the proforma invoice is enabled , the order should be canceled with the proforma . b - if no proforma invoice enabled , the invoice shouldnot deleted , but it should be voided , and the order sholdbe deleted . the best option that can be added is to make a condition , if the client has more than X orders be placed and not paid in the past don'taccept more order from itand convertthe account status to "inactive" .
  6. Do you mean no option to add this request ?
  7. The client should receive proforma and invoice if paid . The actual scenario the client just recieve proforma and not the final invoice .
  8. the structure is correct and i don't think the error is coming from that line . maybe the probleme is comming from the controller app coded file .
  9. nice work .
  10. a option to allow using a premade html template is a good feature , like the mailchmp or any other mailing system .
  11. wich plugins you have ?
  12. i have freezed the working in toolbox plugin at the moment , for loading controllers files of plugins is working , but i have some strange issue , so i can't release it until i'm sure is safe to work with it in a production server .
  13. all this ideas is good , the important here is not to let the upgrade directly anyone . but if i'm forced to vote , i will vote for licence number option .
  14. the answer is
  15. client tab , is working for me ,with error reporting on and off .
  16. +1 for all module registar
  17. i don't know why you didn't want to protect the upgrade script frop unauthorized users !! at least ask for licence number in upgrade , this is the simple way .
  18. the feature is already exist , it need just a message to show
  19. if you and me didn't know how they can , other maybe know how , because this is thier profession . we here just to minimize the risk of some way . i prefer listen other opinion , i know your opinion in tis subject . i don't have the attention to continue in a false/positive conversation , the staff has the final decision to accept or reject .
  20. if a over-exaggerating now, is to avoid surprise in the future , mate . keep in mind nothing is this world is 100% secure . and stop advertising blesta as other think blesta is the 1 soft ranking in this world . blesta is good and is not a complete piece of art in his category, this is the reality and you should accept it woth "FAIR PLAY" spirit .
  21. i have found the source of the probleme . i will fix it next week , to use the admin tools just uncheck the "Block Access To Uninstalled Plugins Via Direct URL" in security tab of admin tools .
  22. so this is a blesta code probleme , not mine . the upgrade script in all the other soft , has just a login page and next step is upgrade , you think the upgrade script should get the admin fields and profiles and other detaille from database . just make it validate the login/pass . the login page just need 2 input and 1 hidden , and check it in the database !!!! let imagine the worst case , the upgrade script has a security hole , the guest can send command to the database directly without to check the authorized user or not , and next day you will find your database in a dirty hands . security is a + in blesta , don't play with this point . finallyn , if you find this is not really a probleme, close the thread as not a bug .
  23. Good found ... can you try to uncheck "Block Access To Uninstalled Plugins Via Direct URL" in security tab of admin tools .
  24. if anyone has this issue in a test platteform send me the admin/pas to try to debug the probleme source .
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