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This a old thread . it was writed before the proforma option was added . and all now is added to blesta except what was mentioned in the other thread . 1 sequential numbers for proforma 2 storing client details in invoice . don't be changed .
The "TIME" is the only obstacle i have in my life
i want just to give you more info that can help you todo this task . the TCPDF wrapper support saving file to a local folder , so basically you didn't need to code any thing to save the output , what you need is just a code like this Loader::loadComponents($this, array("SettingsCollection", "Upload")); $temp = $this->SettingsCollection->fetchSetting(null, Configure::get("Blesta.company_id"), "uploads_dir"); $upload_path = $temp['value'] . Configure::get("Blesta.company_id") . DS . "pdf_files" . DS; // Create the upload path if it doesn't already exist $this->Upload->createUploadPath($upload_path, 0777); $this->pdf->Output($upload_path . $name . "." . $this->getFileExtension($this->mime_type), 'F');this code will save the files to the upload folder inside the c ompany folder , in pdf_files folder .you can customise more to add a subfolder fot the dates of the generated invoice .
just copy the default_invoice to any other template you want letsay my_invoice . don't forget to hcnage all the name files and class from DefaultInvoice to MyInvoice . have this already done in my test server . i can't share the files , because i have option betwen HTML output and PDF output , but is not completed totally , so there is some bugs/fix to finish , after i will puplish it freely .
so from the begining i misunderstand you . i have though that the tax calculation is wrong , what you are refiring how the tax line should be shown in invoice .
this change is just for the invoice pdf .is the amount are well set in the invoice due shown in billing ?
i think this was already discused in old thread about tax calculation . have you tried the inclusive tax calculation ?
Maybe is ignored .
Hello All . This Module has more than 2000 lines of code . IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here LAST UPDATE : 08-02-2015 , Version 1.7.0 we bring free content , this Module for Proxmox in blesta , rewrited the full code from scratch , i have used as API the pve2-api-php-client . NOTE : THIS MODULE IS NOT YET FINISHED , DON'T USE IT IN A LIVE PRODUCTION ? NOW IT ONLY SUPPORT OPENVZ . ANY BUG, feedback post it here , i more testers , sowe can fix/improuve howthe module work . with the Module , you can : Admin Side - Add VM . - Reboot/Start/Stop/Shutdown - Add/Edit ip_adress , hostname , serachdomain , nameservers . - View VM Config/Settings - View Graphs - Views Tasks - suspend/unsespend/destory VM . - add swap limit in package (for openvz) - add CPU limit in package (for openvz) - add QOUTA UGID limit in package (for openvz) - add Qouta Grace period in package (for openvz) - add start at boot (true/false) in package (for openvz) - auto fetch the iso(for kvm) and template (for openvz). - edit the vmid IN ADMIN SIDE (locally) . Client Side - Order VM , with choosing os template and hostname . - Reboot/Start/Stop/Shutdown . - Edit hostname . - View Graphs (if enabled from package) - Views Tasks (if enabled from package) In gneral i have fixed all this error of the core module . - Add/Remove/Edit servers. - remove default tempalte from server creation , and make it under package . - auto start vm at the end fo creation/activation service. - option to choose template in add service for admin section . - option to edit the vmid (locally) . - more stats (uptime/cpu usage/prossess count/load average) - allow admins/staff add more ip for vm . TODO LIST : - add Qemu Section (kvm) - better implementation of re-isntall vm , as the current now freeze sometimes . - allow change root password for vm (admins/staff) without using the console . (for openvz) - until now is impossible - - add option to edit UBC for VM (for openvz) (admin tab) Some screenshoot : add server Add Package Admin Vm Config Admin Vm network Client Actions tab View Graph/Statistique View Tasks of Vm as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file https://github.com/Blesta-Addons/proxmox-module . 2 - upload the proxmoxv2 folder inside componenet/modules directory . 3 - goto modules , and install Proxmox Reloaded . 4 - enjoy the free Module. This Mosdule has more than 2000 of line code . IF YOU WANT TO THANK ME WITH A LITTE DONATION , you can do it with PAYPAL DONATION from here NOTE : THIS MODULE IS NOT YET FINISHED , DON'T USE IT IN A LIVE PRODUCTION ? NOW IT ONLY SUPPORT OPENVZ . Best regards
i have misunderstand you . i have though the Check/ID # field , i do the same as Pual see . i put in the Check/ID # field thebank reference key .
if you will , you can if you ned any help i can help of course . just make the first work,then we can all correct and improuve the code .
i'm agree with log , but totally 10000% agains log themin mail log . as seggested a separated log that can be viewed from the plugin section also .
i preffer get invoice by invoice , if all are zipped in one file is great . but the essiencial is to store them in a ftp folder , not attached all in email .
i see that maybe changing the cron_task.php is not a option for blesta team , so why not creating anew cron class just for modules , like cron_task_module.php is just dedicated to the module tasks . then include it under the main model and in the automatisation section in admin side ? is a good solution ?
i need the same feature , i have this MOD in my personnal TODO list . but until i arrive to this mod , i have almost 20 plugins/modules to finish (personnal) , and about 10 plugins/modules for the cummunity in free version . i don't count the payed plugins/modules . but if you want to make a plugin for this , is not to complicated , i have the scenario -/+ how to do it in my mind . 1 - select generated invoice between date xxxx and date xxxx . (here store just the invoices ID in array) 2 - for each invoice run the donwload invoice function , and store it under a custome folder . enjoy
and what about a background proccess via crontask ? if i have 3500 clients , i will not stand front of the screen to see is completed or not . also a log os sending like sending email to xxxxxx1@xxxx.xx , userid "1111" has been "success" sending email to xxxxxx1@xxxx.xx , userid "1112" has been "failed" sending email to xxxxxx1@xxxx.xx , userid "1113" has been "success" also don't add this log to the mail log , make it separate from the mail sending log .
for a long time developing and discovering the new v3. i have found that allowing modules to add it own crontask like plugins , will be a great feature , as the addition for this is a easy task and not a heavy coding . the modules is already handle the install() and uninstall() function inside module . and we can easly add and remode tasks . public function install() { Loader::loadModels($this, array("CronTasks")); $task = array( 'key' => "my_task", // a string used to identify this cron task (see MyPluginPlugin::cron()) 'plugin_dir' => "my_plugin", // the plugin directory of this plugin 'name' => "My Plugin Task", // the name of this cron task 'description' => "This cron tasks does stuff", // the description of this task 'type' => "time" // "time" = once per day at a defined time, "interval" = every few minutes or hours ); $task_id = $this->CronTasks->add($task); if (!$task_id) { $cron_task = $this->CronTasks->getByKey($task['key'], $task['module_dir']); if ($cron_task) $task_id = $cron_task->id; } if ($task_id) { $task_vars = array('enabled' => $task['enabled']); if ($task['type'] == "interval") $task_vars['interval'] = $task['type_value']; else $task_vars['time'] = $task['type_value']; $this->CronTasks->addTaskRun($task_id, $task_vars); } } until here there are no probleme . the problem is comming from cron_task.php model , because it will not exucute any cron that is not belong to plugin enabled . if blesta staff can make some change the cron task structure , we can arrive to a working solution to achieve this task . why modules need crontasks ? some modules for registrar need tgis to check the transfer status . some modules for hosting need this to sync data between blesta and server . some modules can be mainly need to get data from api to parse some info into database , like statistiques and reports . ....... also i know is possible to add a separate plugin for achieve this scenario , but i prefer maintain and code in one place , rather than make two reposity to achieve 1 more task .
Client Can View The Tabs For Suspended Services
Blesta Addons replied to Blesta Addons's topic in Bugs
i got your idea , so what i can suggest "with my poor level" is to add some data passed to the tabs like array . public function getClientTabs($package) { return array( 'tabClientActions' => array( 'lang' => Language::_("module.tab_actions", true) , 'active' => true, // if not set by default is true 'suspend' => false , // if not set by default is false 'pending' => false , // if not set by default is false ) , 'tabClientStats' => array( 'lang' => Language::_("module.tab_actions", true) , 'active' => true, // if not set by default is true 'suspend' => true , // if not set by default is false 'pending' => false , // if not set by default is false ) , 'tabClientConsole' => array( 'lang' => Language::_("module.tab_actions", true) , 'active' => true, // if not set by default is true 'suspend' => false , // if not set by default is false 'pending' => false , // if not set by default is false ) ); } with like shema we can controle the tabs should be shown in active/suspend/pending status .... if not set in module , use the default config (can be a option setting in blesta ) . -
this featur is also exist in v3 , just use Record Payment . you will find Check/ID # .
that make sense now for me .
so what is the benifict here from using maxmind ? normally if maxmind refuse the order , or class it as a high risk level , blesta should get this in consideration and reject/accept the order based of maxmind result . and that laso should be the same for any other fraud system protection .
found it , go to language folder , and change the folder en_nz to en_us good luck .
i tested and i get the same error, i will try to find the problem .
wich module you are using ?
Client Can View The Tabs For Suspended Services
Blesta Addons replied to Blesta Addons's topic in Bugs
i respect your idea of reasoning , but i push our idea's is the better one . service suspension = client can't access/do anything in tabs . the middle solution between our idea and yours idea , is to create a new tabs like 'xxxxx_suspend' or 'xxxxx_pending', so any tabs that has suffix "_suspend" can be shown in suspend mode , and any tabs has suffix "_pending can be shown in pending status . is this a workable solution ? in the END , what we need in case of suspension/canceled/pending status no access to normal tabs . @tyson, if we take your idea , you "blesta" should update all the core modules , because they have this issue . they never check if the service is suspended or not , and it shown in all status .