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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. +1 for this . another related thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3782-blesta-is-multi-languages/
  2. this is my case , i never complaint about blesta cron for 5minute or more/less , or the qeueq delivery . tonight i will write a feature request with our real case ...
  3. i have not understand your attention . normally 1 generate invoice 2 send invoice this is the normal proccess , no ? i'm not talking about batch invoice creation , but the manually proccess of creation from admin side .
  4. Is thier a possiblity to change the way of this . When we check send invoice should be sended in the post action not added to the queqe delivery
  5. you ned to change the gateway name displayed in the payment page . so imposible , you need to change it in database . OR you must make a condition in the app/views/client/bootstrap/client_pay_method.pdt file search for foreach ($this->Html->ifSet($nm_gateways, array()) as $gateway) { replay with : foreach ($this->Html->ifSet($nm_gateways, array()) as $gateway) { if ($gateway->name == "PayPal Payments Standard") $gateway->name = "Paypal";
  6. Components has been updated to v1.5.0 , now added support to downloading pdf invoice from the html page : ) added the print invoice function and some enhacement in code . enjoy
  7. v3.2 has some limitation and somelock of feature in v3.3 and v3.4 , so i suggest you to update to v3.4 .
  8. Thanks i have found a tip for this question , i can now downloading the pdf invoice from the html view nearly i will update the components ... now realy if blesta can help , i help for this two question How i can add link to blesta section using the core class "base_uri" ? (or use the template system ) how i can force open the html template in a new page ?
  9. are you sur this working for you ? i think the correct way is 1. add the following in "language/en_us/client_pay.php" $lang['ClientPay.method.paypal_payments_standard'] = "PAYPAL as you want";2. edit app/views/client/bootstrap/client_pay_method.pdt#81, replecing $this->Html->_($gateway->name);with $this->_("ClientPay.method.paypal_payments_standard", true)this i think the correct way .
  10. are you sur you have uploaded all the files ? the file cart.pdt is not exist from the error .
  11. maybe 3.2 can work , but it will not includes payment transaction in invoice . can you test and confirm .
  12. yes, this is for blesta 3.3 and above . install instruction in the first post .
  13. from what i have see in this plugin , is not hard to do it . maybe someday i code it and freely
  14. Updated, added print invoice botton .
  15. Question to blesta staff , How i can add link to blesta section using the core class "base_uri" ? how i can force open the html template in a new page ? How i can send resquest to add a download link for PDF format ? (my template support also pdf format)
  16. Hello All . this Components for invoice_ template , now the client can view the invoice in html format and then decide to download pdf format . screenshot EDIT : 3.0.0 + Added Support for 4.4.0 2.1.8 + rewrite HTML engine output . 2.1.7 + fixed invoice type numbering label in PDF + preparing the class for handling the PDF cached (EU invoicing system) + remove RTL alignement in PDF file to prevent malformed PDF file in RTL languages 2.1.6 + fixed invoice type numbering label in html + added col-md-x classes for better rendiring in devices + separate language file for HTML and PDF 2.1.5 + added button for edit invoice (staff view) + added jquery and bootsrap js + added bootsrap theme css 2.1.2 + added payment botton 2.1.1 + fixed logo design 2.0.1 + added link to return to client view + remove language difinition from invoiceinfo function output . 2.0.0 + fixed attach invoice in email in pdf format + recode the class to a new handle mime type . 1.5.0 + added print invoice botton . + added download PDF botton . + improuve code structure to be more flexible , now, you can almost control all the aspect from the template file . 1.0.0 + fix language vars. + cleanup code . ANY BUG, feedback post it here , we can improuve the work . as always the installtion steps is : 1 - download the file http://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/6/ . for new release . 2 - upload the html_invoice folder inside components/invoice_templates directory . 3 - goto settings & Invoice Customization , and select html_invoice , then select in type HTML/PDF . 4 - enjoy the content . if you want to use your own template file , just go inside directory template , you will find the default one , copy it and change name , and change the html output as you want , then change the template used html_invoice.php from private static $template = "default" ; to private static $template = "you_template" ; the magic here is you can use your own html template for invoices , just go inside directory template , you will find the default one , copy it and change name , and change the html output as you want , then change the templated used in Invoice Customization setting . Best regards
  17. no, the core CORE-1148 is not a fix, but is a feature , so it well complated , now it should use the transaction id of the gateway instead of the ID of transaction , i think it need a join_left from the transaction table .
  18. day+7 - day+6 = j+1
  19. thanks serge , but this is not what i want or this methode is impossible with my request . the invoice template system didn't accept the base_uri var , also note that the upload directory is out side the public html . but anyway i have found tip that is working for me , i convert the image to the base_64 code and i use it in the img tag . so if anyone want the same thing this is the working solution $type = pathinfo($this->meta['logo'] , PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $data = file_get_contents($this->meta['logo']); $base64 = 'data:image/' . $type . ';base64,' . base64_encode($data); $buffer = '<h1><img src="'. $base64 .'"></h1>';
  20. a yes, i have see your remark , the payment detaill show the transaction_id but this ID is not the gateway transaction number , like you have write in your remark , it show "8" (transaction internal id instead of "5ND0132358817940D" gateway transaction number .
  21. i'm writing a component to display invoice in html format , almost done and work like a charm . what i need is to use the inoice logo if set displayed in my html page , ny quick code to include id in my template invoice ? what i have as solution , is copy the logo into a temp directory and use it .
  22. the invoice include payment transacion .
  23. This word should be changed to "Next Invoice" , you can do it via language file .
  24. is still in my radar , but i have some other task to finish now . i don't have ETA for it now .
  25. maybe this related http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4034-mass-export-of-invoices/
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