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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. why not simply to use tinymce ?
  2. fixed now , updated to 2.1.1 2.1.1 + fixed logo design 2.0.1 + added link to return to client view + remove language difinition from invoiceinfo function output .
  3. don't forget , we are here always to help
  4. @Paul , can you ate least make the admin template selectable like the client one, and let the rest for us (the developpers) .
  5. if the service is suspended , exist a option for this .
  6. i wil fix it this weekend , it need a thumbail class to be adjusted to the div .
  7. I hope this weekend i can push it to next version .
  8. I have looked at this case in profound , because is something trivial and critical and cant be wrong , because it could try trouble with fiscalite . The only good solution that can be good enough for almost all case (maybe theee case i have not rhough in it) is to make the invoice date in date of creation (changing from proforma to invoice) , with that We are sure no invoice with old date . Waiting the other for thier remark . So for me -1 for payment date . +1 for convertion date from proforma to invoice .
  9. What i suggest youbto do now before importing , is test blesta and licence module . Then try to code a passerel from the old url of cheking licence to the blesta one via api , then you have saved all your old licence for check . In new release or update add the blesta licence url and check .
  10. i have not yet tested or reproduce it , but from the OP i have this remark . the date showed is the date of proforma creation . i think it should have the date of the day converted from proforma to invoice . i have other scenario . some of our client pay with bank transfert , and some transfert take 2 or 3 days to appear in our account , if we apply the date of the payment recieved it will have 2 days ago , and can be a probleme also , what i suggest to to make the date of the conversion from proforma to invoice . proforma created (PR22) with date 2-1-2015 client pay by wire transfert in 5-1-2015 we recieve the payment in our account 7-1-2015 (7-1/8-1 is saturday and sunday not working in office) 8-1-205 a client has made order and pay it with online payement invoice created auto with date 8-1-2015 INV-10 ) we apply payment 9-1-2015 fro proforma PR22 and INV-11 is created with date 7-1-2015 . so in this exemple we have also INV-11 has date older than INV-10 . what is suggest is to make the date as the date of converting from proforma to invoice (in our exemple is 9-1-2015)
  11. well found . +1
  12. the tax is shown when the user is loged or registred . and normally it should be shown in all proccess with the default value of tax, if the user is logged and are illigible for tax exempt it should be exempted .
  13. i'm prety sure is a permission . i have already requested to not enter root administrator in this permission ACL . for my poor opinion is has no sense "root" user, in this case "administrator" has no access to certain area/place/settings !!!
  14. you solution is just for root users .other thathave just simple host or reseller account will not work for them . at the end thank for your solution , i will try it .
  15. fixed now , upload the new version , goto invoice customization , then slect pdf as type . + fixed attach invoice in email in pdf format + recode the class to a new handle mime type .
  16. i have found a solution . but it need some change in the code . in the final it work perfectly
  17. I m working to find a solution for this .
  18. Just to clarify . I m not talkink about the cron delay . Tyson has got my idea , and well descriped the obstacle of it . Not a cron subject .
  19. I have found an idea to achieve my request . Not tested and i have not see the code yet . I will create a plugin to be executed in invoice.add event , then i will check the valeu of the get.admin . If return a id off staff exist that mean the invoice is created by staff , then i will execute the send email function . Other wise nothing to do . Is this can be done or i have missed something ?
  20. If this will cause a lot of probleme , ingore it , i will try to find my own solution . But just to enrich this discussion , why not to add new field in invoice , let say 'sended' , put it in false per default , if invoice sended put it true , if proforma converted to invoice then reput it to false , this way the invoice will be ready to sent again , this is just my 2cent in this behavior . This because i think you have made a complicated/ugly system for invoice delivery . But is working
  21. Hello All . The Gateway is no longer offered for free , you can check the pro version that has all the working features and the bug-fix . This Gateway allow you to accept paypal payment with any used currency in your site . as always the installtion steps is : 1 - order the file http://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/14/. 2 - upload paypal_payments_universal folder inside components/gateways/nonmerchant directory . 3 - Goto gateways and install it , configure the paypal setting and select the currency to be used instead of no accepted currencies . this Gateway require a Pro Subscription Best regards
  22. as the title say . THIS CASE IS ONLY FOR MANUAL INVOICE CREATION IN ADMIN SIDE . when creating invoice manually from admin side , there are option "Invoice Delivery" and a checkbox "email" , when we shoose email , and saving/creating invoice , so the invoice well created , and added to queue mail delivery (it should be delivered after some time (no more than 5 minute) . so we need the invoice to be emailed after the creation of invoice immediately . (this feature was exist in v 2.5 ) . our case , we have some potential users that call our staff by phone to create a proforma invoice for them , after the creation of invoice they consult the email to check the proforma, and then confirm it by phone to be executed - that was in v2.5 ) , in v3 , and from the test period , my staff toll to our clients please wait some time to recieve the email , then call us again to confirm , that was a something borred to our clients , because they always when they end call , theyfinish the order and confirmation , now they ned to call 2 times , and is a task plus for our staff (the time matter in our work ) . NOTE : in the test persiod i have not make any attention to the send invoice from the client profile page , but any way i preffer to be snt immediatly rather than exit and select to send it .
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