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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i have updated the admin tools plugin with the feature , second step is to add the online edition . then the option to generate a zip file for the language files (to share it with the community )
  2. updated to 2.1.0 added languages verification for mised files and phrases .
  3. i will merge this plugin with admin tools plugin , i got some idea from your points , i don't know if i can do exactly what you have request (time here is matter) , but anyway i will release it with the basic function in admin tools plugin , and in every new release i will add more options to it .
  4. a lot of us want to translate blesta to thier native language , but this are a obstacle , big obstacle , is the translator website , is not easy to manage translation and to correct some old translation . the worth is in blesta upgrade , how you can know wich file has been added to it some new lang ? so i have this issue for long time , and i have resolved with my own way , today i have dedcied to share the translator plugin with the community , my translator motor , check the native language 'en_us' with the existing languages , with this plugin you can know : wich file are missing from your language directory . wich phrases are missing from your language file . translated the files within your blesta system , save it . off course drink coffe with you playing with the translation . before i upload it , what you need tose in this translator plugin . screenshot http://host-image.net/v.php?id=69170admin_languages.png waiting your's idea .
  5. i have this in some of my made-in-home modules , in case of error module , i display the module error response . and that is the correct way . because the success message has one difinition , error message is multiple and has some cases , also in some controle panel when updated it has more error message and rules .
  6. i have a idea to add it , but not sure if it work .
  7. are you looking in my papers i have this in my TODO list . is easy to add it if we hack the CMS portal , but as i'm not a funny core hacking , i need to search a alternative way , i have a great idea to work with it (NOT tested yet and maybe will not working , and maybe will work ) , when i get more free time i will play arround it . really what you need is not possible with my plugin , and also i need the same features . what i have for this only 1 way . CREATE A SEPARATE PLUGIN "CMS ADVANCED" AND CHANGE THE ROUTE.PHP FILE TO CHANGE THE DEFAULT CMS WITH NEW CMS PATH . only this feature is not related with CMS, is related with blesta navigation links , and i have aleady sent a request/complaints about the database shema for the links in navigation here http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3619-primary-key-in-plugin-actions/ . blesta should help us with making our request to the core , only and only with this we can do more and more plugins/contribution for blesta .
  8. Updated to v 1.6.0 1.6.0 -fix language difinition success in updating file. -fix include multiple files in one controller (css/html/js). -fix preselect page/controller in edit page.
  9. what function/feature you need to do with the CMS ?
  10. so , i thunk is a bug , because the module is sending a no success message , and blesta should take i consideration this error response , like the other no success message .
  11. you should go to cms plugin itself , as my plugins is just for adding/editing/deleting page , bacuase the portal plugin hasn't yet this feature . so the cms plugin is responsible for get/render the pages .
  12. i think he mentioned someway as a anchor link . but any way is not required , as Licensecart told, the pagination is limiting the page to be long .
  13. updated to 1.7.0 . date 08/02/2015
  14. That was related to error-reporting(0) in php and the regex syntax of uninstalled function . who has errorreporting enabled it was not affected with this bug .
  15. any news in this ? this is still a obstacle ... we need this to be removed, and controle links from navigation links , as now we need to make them in template code and tis is not a good option .
  16. updated to 2.0.0 + fix bug in plugins disable/uninstall popup modal . + added support to add edit delete CMS pages . no chaneg needed in the cms portal . for CMS portal , add a new page , the URI is the path to that page in the url adress . exemple , new page with uri "about-us" canbe accessed with the url http://yourdomain.com/blestaurl/about-us enjoy the plugin .
  17. my next version of admin tools plugin , i have added option for cms portal , you can create/edit/delete page from cms without topucing any files in cms plugin . i have tested it and is working .
  18. this is related to csf not cloudlinux .
  19. very good resume you have zipped all the ideas in 3 lines .
  20. i have asked blesta staff in my post #2 about some question that can help to achive this . but i don't think is possible to let compenent send data or use controllers/views !!! using lightbox is something need to make change in tempalate files , that is what i don't encourage poeple to do it . from
  21. i have tested with a very big pictures and is fit to the div . can you pm or put the link for your logo to test and play with it ?
  22. upgraded again 2.1.5 + added button for edit invoice (staff view) 2.1.4 + added jquery and bootsrap js 2.1.3 + added bootsrap theme css 2.1.2 + added payment botton
  23. if you go to transaction you will find date of transaction insead of date applied . this give some confusion on what is shown . transaction show date transaction invoice show data applied .
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