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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Blesta Addons


    so is a simultanous cronjobs
  2. morocco has just 16 stats http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regions_of_Morocco , and a new shema will be of just 12 regions . but at the moment the first 16 stats is the official . blesta is like use the cities (even if cities is not complete) in the stats list .
  3. Blesta Addons


    can be a simultanous cronjob ?!
  4. for the page numbring is not a bug or issue, i have misunderstand the issue . when sending multipleinvoice via email , normally every invoice is a single file , even if is all in 1 pdf doc . i have almost finich searching the files, i think the change above is the only change i have made so i think is time to update the tcpdf class .
  5. i have found some sign and let go now with what i have changed . in tcpdf_wrapper , found $orig_cell_padding = $this->cMargin; changed to $orig_cell_padding = 0 ; in default_invoice_pdf.php found $this->AliasNbPages("{P}"); change to //$this->AliasNbPages("{P}"); that was all at the moment , can you try Paul . in my other test server , i have found that i have just uploaded the new font files and is working . EDIT : i have found a text file , that i ahev write in it some probleme , the header and footer can use a custom font , so it should also set the header font and the footer font . in case of multiple pages , is notshowing page 1 of X , but it show page 1 of 1 in all page .
  6. i have already tested with background and it working , also the logo working , i have the invoice weel showed in pdf and size is less than 100kb , in some i have just 44kb . but i will try from the bigin again and i will found all the change , what i sure i have a change in tcpdf_wrapper .
  7. i have checked now the tcpdf folder in my blesta installation , and i found 3 directory (tcpdf1/tcpdf2/tcpdf3) that i have played with them , so i dont remember what change/modification i have made to make it work ..... but what i'm sure , i have PDF fle with unicode letters in a pdf less than 100kb .
  8. as i have read in a thread here , the tasty cpanel from MB has a plugin for this . and i imagine that the cpanel account need to have a email set it it to match it in blesta .
  9. Hello regarding this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3001-core-1173-reduce-file-size-of-invoice-pdf-documents/ and for the http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1173 , i have beore tried to update the tcpdf and it was successfully , i have changed dejavu font to another unicode font , in my case "aefurat" , and the size reduced dramaticly from ~650kb to less than 100kb . i have tested almost all the unicode caracter and acented letter and it showing correctly in pdf . so i suggest the new version 6.2.6 , because it have a new fonts and new feature .
  10. For exemple they bill you for what is activated in the moment of generating invoice . The same as cpanel licences with cpanel . Nice feature .
  11. Solved all issue now. I need to make a profound test before release . Sequencial proforma is done Invoice date is date of closed proforma , no probleme in dates Invoice paid , saved auto in a folder with pdf format , so dont worry if the client change thier info , yiu have a saved pdf with old info .
  12. The addons is not a solution for you? You can group packages in addons as a bucket with prorata . What i'm not sure in it is the client can remove addons and assign a credit note for it w
  13. Hello , when proforma is active , the case is . -create proforma -apply payment (now the proforma is converted to invoice) -unpply this transaction for this invoice . -the invoice remain "invoice" . and normally it should be converted to proforma again , because is not PAID .
  14. this will be available in next version . also i have idea to solve the probleme of editing the invoice closed . the EU invoicing will be fully integrated in my next version of admin tools , stay tunned .
  15. i have release a new version of admin tools plugin 2.2.0 . this version has option to fix the sequencial proforma invoicing . i need a tester and a false/positive case . for invoice date, i have a obstacle, that i can't know the returned invoice from the invoice.setclosed was a previos proforma . if i can know it i can set the new invoice date easly .
  16. new release 2.2.0 -add proforma invoice sequencial numbering option. -add new events handler .
  17. so your job now is catch @Cody and bring him to this forum , take note, we need it alive
  18. or they have a resource monitor like(cloudlinux for mysql) to kill any query that use a lot of time/ressource .
  19. i think ihave found the solution and without hacking the core files now time to work and test .
  20. @Tyson , i think this is another reason to unlock the primary key for navigation . to add just 3 navigation link , you need to write 3 plugins , is this logical for you ?
  21. i think i have found it ....... now i will attack my next project .....
  22. Hello is possible to override default langauge by any plugin in controller or model ? via events ? or via sessions ? or via anything ....! as i have search for most files but I see the default language to load is defined in the crypted files . it's true or i have not looked well ?!
  23. You should not upload the whole directory . You should upload the css_javascript_toolbox folder that has the plugin files .
  24. unable to duplicate it , which language your are using ? are you well uploaded the files ?
  25. I will try to duplicate it to night .
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