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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. if you use my admin tools plugins, you can enable option to save the copy of the generated invoice, so if the client change thier info , you have already a saved pdf with the exact info when it was generated , so is EU LAW , is not officiall fix , but something that can you live with it until the official fix .
  2. you need enable Enable EU Invoicing Correct Date For New Invoice if you want a copy of invoice when it generated , this usefull for EU LAW enable Save Invoice as PDF file when PAID Totally
  3. 1+, i preffer also separate culumn to adlin and client view . Some column i want to be viewed by staff only .
  4. Yiur probleme is attachment system not working or files attached not working . Have you tried to download the files from ftp and open it ?
  5. You can look to the form components . And see the code for forms . I have not tested but you can have the basic idea .
  6. use my admin plugins , you can edit the nav and subnav links
  7. welcome
  8. Blesta Addons


    even if you use the var innodb_file_per_table = 1 i have though this var can avoid this situation , because every database in a separate file .
  9. i have created a separate plugin for testing purpose to do the same thing , the only thing i ahev not stored the info in crypted stat . what i have do : when i invoice/proforma are generated , i get the info from the event add.invoice , i have stored this infor in a new table called "invoice_clients_data" , in my html invoice template i have chenged the database query to get the info from my table and not from the client table . now even if the client change the info the invoice data should remaing the same . tested and is working fine at the moment in my test server . maybe i will release it soon , or i will include it in the admin tools plugins . BUT FINNALLY I HOPE THIS SHOULD BE IN CORE FEATURE .
  10. sometimes i feel you are against any complialt to blesta even if is true . we know the stuff is busy in coding new feature and making big changes , but answering here or in tickets should be regular and quick as soos as possible , even if the feature/request will not implemented , but if the client/visitor see a anwser that give a good sensation about the active staff .
  11. 1+ for no to ediditing core file 1+ disallow customer from editing invoices .
  12. this feature need a core modification files. We are already requested this and still waiting thé implantation
  13. normally what my plugin do , my plugin store the last proforma ID generated in a row table , and every timea proforma is created it increment it with +1 . when new proforma is created , my plugin check if the proforma ID is the same as stored in database , if yes it increment the last proforma ID to +1 . is the proforma generated has ID not the same as the last stored ID , it correct it and increment the last proforma ID +1 . is so simple , if the proforma created has returned to 0 , there two probability . 1- the last proforma invoice row are not exist 1- you have changed the value for this row in the admin tools setting .
  14. I will note it to include this info in my html/pdf template . Is very easy to add
  15. You should request this To PaulV .
  16. Blesta Addons

    Whois Guard

    I have not yet decided to release the new version of the reloaded module . It has this beta feature . Maybe i will decide to release or not soon .
  17. It should be activated auto . When you log as cleint a new cleint widget shiuld appear .
  18. blesta should respect the local ISO standard , not the global ....
  19. you can use my admin tools plugin until is fixed .
  20. is a strange issue ... i always get this error The one-time password entered is invalid. and the app is knowing the barcode from the page profile . i will search more for this to find the probleme .
  21. I hace tested the fonctionality , work will with email as uusernames , but if uusername is not set to email ; it not wworking , is thier any step i have missed .
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