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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. have you adminn tools plugin installed ? http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2925-admin-tools-plugin/
  2. i'm watching you from the first post , you have beat a record in blesta forums , you know what is it ? is posting questions and answering your questions in the same thread happy that you have done it .
  3. simple case i will give a client a free domaine , so i will create a preforma with 0€ , and it should normally converted to invoice but i think you have misunderstand the PualoV case , go to admin side , select client , add new proforma . normally when adding a proforma it remain proforma until is paid . in case of proforma amount is 0 is not created as proforma and in thge next cronjob converted to invoice , it created directly invoice . so the simple solution 1 - if invoice type is proforma, and amount is 0, do not convert to invoice auto and show a popup with this . 2 - in the cronjob add new cron to convert proformas with 0 to invoice . the option 2 can be remplaced with what PauloV suggested about converting proforma to invoice even if not paid , in that case we can say . 1 - if invoice type is proforma, and amount is 0, do not convert to invoice . then we can convert it manually that's so easy
  4. i don't think is the perfect solution , because i can give another case that need a proforma with "o" to be converted to invoice . what i imagine as a solution , a pop up modal when proforma has "0" , to make the admin attention with it .
  5. i don't think is the perfect solution , because i can give another case that need a proforma with "o" to be converted to invoice . what i imagine as a solution , a pop up modal when proforma has "0" , to make the admin attention with it .
  6. some countries law , is not stricted to this issue , so i think allow only admins to edit the info , and of cource add the edit action in the ACL list , that way i'm shure no one from my staff can edit invoices good piont here , i have already do a custom work for this piont , and is so easy to be implemented . i imagine this is not a bug , also is not in high pritiority , but can be improuvement after the others pionts are done a must have feature , i vote to be in 3.5.0 ; is trivial for us .
  7. just to note CORE-1605 is fixed CORE-1561 is fixed i have not yet tested the fix .
  8. the same question was posted so many mounth ago about the same logic , free paid domain with hosting package . but i don´t remember the answer and the thread
  9. +1 . Very usefull and easy to add . What i suggest is not just a comment box , but rather a checkbox for options inputs field that admin can add/delete from admin side .
  10. you can use my own toolbox plugin . Add Custom html simple Pages : All Client Pages Markup to set in : before the /body tag HTML To Add : <form method="GET" class="form-inline text-center" id="change_language"> <label for="set_language">Language:</label> <select name="set_language" class="form-control input-sm" id="set_language"> <option value="en_us">English</option> <option value="fr_fr">Français</option> <option value="es_es">Spanish</option> <option value="ar_sa">Arabic</option> </select> </form> save . Add Custom JS simple Pages : All Client Pages Markup to set in : before the /body tag JS To Add : // Process change Language request $("#set_language").change(function() { $(this).closest("form").attr('action', window.location.href); $(this).closest("form").submit(); }); save . you are done
  11. Hello all, this thread will show you how to add a langaueg selection for clients/visitors . first thing , the admin tools plugins should be installed and activated to get this working . now what we should add is the language selector in the cleint area , something like <form method="GET" class="form-inline" id="change_language"> <label for="set_language">Language:</label> <select name="set_language" class="form-control input-sm" id="set_language"> <option value="en_us">English</option> <option value="fr_fr">Français</option> <option value="es_es">Spanish</option> <option value="ar_sa">Arabic</option> </select> </form> you can add your own html markup but you should conserve only the selector name "set_language" . didn't change GET with POST form . also add the jquery code inthe footer of the view // Process change Language request $("#set_language").change(function() { $(this).closest("form").attr('action', window.location.href); $(this).closest("form").submit(); }); note any language should be exist in your blesta installation . now the clients/visitor can change language in the client portal/login/order page . best regards
  12. new release 2.4.0 + removed option to correct invoice date , is fixed in CORE-1605 . + aded option to read/write language selector in sessions .
  13. 1 - it save a pdf file in a folder inside your upload folder . it save only the PAID invoices , this because to get a copy of the final invoice , when a client change thier info , you still have the invocie with the old data . 2 - when enabled "Enable EU invoicing" it will make new profoma in sequential numbers . 3 - this feature has been removed in v 2.4.0 that will be released now .
  14. i will try to fix it soon, this is i think related to just php code . i need more detaille to figure your issue . i have tested in 3 installation and is working as it should work . what type of code you want to save and is not saving ?
  15. The problem is from your side or from stripe plugin ?
  16. You can . But you need to chabge the cms controller plugin .
  17. All ajaxed function in client side need jquery and js files . And so many function need js to work even the theme itself . Really i need to know how blesta should appear/work without js . Is a challange . Anyone accept
  18. like my title ... i was with blesta not from the alpha version , but from the 1 first beta release , i think i have started using blesta in a production server in 2007 . 8 years now .
  19. Some nav links are not stored in database , like the two first links , they exist in the navigation class . Xor that reason they are multi-language and for that reason there is no edit/delete buttons in my admin plugin . So you can't delete theme . But yiu can hide theme by css and javascript . I think is suggested and should existca links manager in admin side . That way every admin can add/edit/delete links , and it should be multi-language .
  20. But he is asking about new tickets !! It shouldn't have "update " in the subject , normally "new" label should be in the email ticket .
  21. If there was a events system in the order plugin it will be so much easy . I have some cools ideas to come . Just i need to complete my paid works for others.
  22. Thz first one is already exist . The second one in dev with the same author of digitalocean .
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