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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. if is impossible to use github for all blesta files , i suggest to make templtes, languages, modules , gateways and plugins in github , this ways we can help in introduce new feature , fix bug , send pull request .
  2. this task is a good feature that can do the trick .
  3. restricted package is something that i can't use , why ? if i have 20 packages for hosting , and 20 packages for some TLD domains , and i have about 40 or 50 resellers , imagine how many package should i have in my system , and it hard to change prices in case of increase/decrease . but if the restricted package is available in the order form is something that i will add to my solutions list . the methode fo reseller plugin is something interesting to go with it , it need a lot of code and work to achieve this task via it . my best idea that i have made a shema for it was : 1 - a plugin that i will set prices for clients (Aka resellers ) or for clients group to be used for a specific package . 2 - event in order form , this event will check if the client has a special price for the package in the cart , if yes it will add the overrided price to the service in the cart , this way the invoice generated will have the special price , and the recurrent price for renewals . the only probleme that i have in this is when i wat to change the prices (increase/decrease) (i need to change all the services -- the only solution is a custom mysql query to change them ). but to achieve this the only solution ib event in order form , or i should create my custom order template .
  4. change it just to $proforma_id = 0 ;
  5. for that reason i asked the help , i think i have a poor skil in php to achieve this task, but it apear is impossible . my only solution is to hack the order core files , that is what i heat . @Tyson , when the order plugin will have some events ? i think you hve got my attention (force service price change in order form via events
  6. This is the reason . have you tried my fix ?
  7. but they have price based on package , not on service .
  8. Hello Blesta Staff . is thier any possibilities to make this via a plugin ? any road to go with it is trivial for us now . NOTE : buycpanel has this option , when we login the order frm show the secial prices for us , not the default price . it save time for us to contact theme in every new command, and save time for him to repsponse a new ticket .
  9. you have proforma invoicing enabled ? try changing the line 40 in Admin_Utils_Plugin.php from $proforma_id = $this->UtilInvoices->GetLastProformaID() ; to $proforma_id = (isset($this->UtilInvoices->GetLastProformaID()) ? $this->UtilInvoices->GetLastProformaID() : 0 );
  10. have you error reposting enabled in blesta ? wich PHp version you have ?
  11. you should activate the order widget . to blesta staff : this widget should be activated as default in all installation, and also add it to the update procces for upgrades .
  12. another good news .
  13. Yes, i Suggest to display articles in the main page . No, is a seperate issue , to be more clear , when blesta will add the selector language in the order form (for visitor - not logged clients) , how it would be stored this temporary language ? sessions ? cookies ? the knowledgebase will have issue with it, because he can be shown in the languages clients set in thier profile , or in the default company language . what i suggest here the knowldgebase should heritage the language from the app_controller and not set thier own function for it . so you can open a task for it in jira
  14. and add another filed in Invoive table to store client info as array .
  15. my admin tools will have this option in future release , when i have time i will add (move serices/edit service dates , status .. ect ) and release it . but when i have free time
  16. no , it wasn't , blesta 2.5 was option to change deleted date, then it back to active, but i have added a new option to re-activate(recreate cpanel account with the same login/password/domain ) . it helped us and we have saved time with it . if there was a event in blesta 3 for adding new option in service i can make a plugin for it .
  17. i have done this in blesta 2.5 . in the fact is not a complexe action , i have spent a lot of time in v2.5 todo it , but in v3 i think is a imple task . so +1 for this feature . or simply a change status at the first step is accepted .
  18. what i have understand from your response is that fixing reused numbers in proforma will not be soon , for this reason the other issue has no fix now , if blesta fix reused proforma numbers in the system, other issue can be fixed , because the reused numbers in proforma now is a blocked for other issue .
  19. thanks tyson , but your shema has a limitation , the count views, downloads , rating will be for the app and not for every version , also i have forget to say that the application table should have app name and app version . what i will do is something like : `applications` id, name, version , attr1, attr2, attr3, ..., attrn `application_versions` application_id, version, date, number_views, number_downloads `application_ratings` application_id, rating
  20. it was just a example , my work has nothing related to blesta release
  21. Thanks Serge , your solution was our main solution in the first . but the client has a condition that the every app should has only one row , so no duplication of app in the table . also we need detailled data about every version of the app . like blesta v2.5 , 3000 ownloads, 700000 views blesta v3.0 , 20000 ownloads, 900000 views blesta v3.3 , 50000 ownloads, 950000 views blesta v3.5 , 50 ownloads, 500 views ....
  22. Hello i have setp the native knowledgebase for a client , and i have tested it for a little time , and i see some remark for it . 1 - if we add just article without affecting it to a category , it didn't display in the client side , any article should be affected to a category to appear , in my case the client didn't need any parent category , he need just the article to be apeared in the main page of knowledgebase . 2 - the second observation the language , the knowledgebase has it own language function , normally it should be getted from the app_controller (for multi-language purpose ) , so i think is not raisonable to fetch language twice . let say the controller has the language set "fr_fr" froma event or a plugin , in the knowledgebase he search just the language set for the client if logged , if not a client he set the company language default , so no way to fetch others languages even if they installed . 3 - the saerch engine, let say we have 1 article with two language , title in en_en "Hello World" , title in fr_fr "Bonjor le monde" , we are now with fr_fr language as the Kb page , when i search for World , it show the article but in frensh language , andthat should not happen , normally it should search in the row of the current language , not in all language rows . i hope this has sense for future fix .
  23. Hello All, i have a custom work to do , but i need your seggestion before i begin , we need to store apps details in tables , but every apps can have new version in the future , so we need when we update a existing app version in apps table , we want to let trace for old versions , like downlods, views, ratings .... the apps table will have a ID for each app, this id si AUTOINCREMENT , also the app name is unique so we can't add the same app twice in the apps table . i know we can need to use two table "apps" and "data" , one for apps , and other for data (downs, views, rates) ... in this case if we have 4 app , we will have 4 rows in data , when we release new version of 2 apps, we still have 4 rows in apps table , and we will have 6 rows in "data" table . this is a good structure or thier is a other structure methode that i should use ? what is your suggested shema for this ?
  24. This is bacause i think here it use a inner joir request, is better to store the field in the log table
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