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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. yes i think for the beta.
  2. i have forget to tell you the model is "Emails" and the function is "sendCustom" so the function will be like this public function mailme($event) { // This will execute when the "Appcontroller.preAction" event is triggered Loader::loadModels($this, array("Emails")); $params = $event->getParams(); $invoice_id = $params['invoice_id']; // $from = "me@mydomain.com" ; // you can fetch the blesta email also $from_name ="Your company name "; // you can fetch the blesta email also $to = "youremail@domain.com"; $subject = "invoice edit"; $body = array(); //$body['html'] = "Your html content"; $body['text'] = "the invoice ". $invoice_id ." has been editted!!!"; $this->Emails->sendCustom($from, $from_name, $to, $subject, array $body, array $tags=null, $cc=null, $bcc=null, array $attachments=null, array $options=null); }
  3. have you tested if mail function work in standalone ? and to be sure the event is working, try to print_r() something . also why not to use the inernal mail class ?
  4. Maybe the ADN
  5. Sorry To Bump This Again, any updated news for this ?
  6. my feedback is to creat a seperate page for every domain registrar that use logicbox , then ad a link to the logicbox module ... and replace the logibox logo with resellerclub , and add more logos like resell.biz , NetEarthOne ... ect , that way blesta win seo links for registrar with one module in the backoffice
  7. i prefer the third markup that mke has posted . still in love of v2.5
  8. i have understand that is related to CORE-1360 .
  9. is a good addition , from your answer the service related in pending status , is also deleted ?
  10. This is my last reply in this thread , we are here not to fight or to demonstrate that our ideas are more important than other ideas, but we are here to give the blesta staff a road how to win more and POTENTIAL clients , and what is the locking features and the best improuvement just blesta need to add SPECIALLY for the HOSTING market . blesta accept it or reject it , that is thier decession and not our choice . blesta is the only billing software that has a poor solutions for HOSTING market (at this moment) , regaring other competitor like WHM** , Client****, Boxb*** , AWS* ..... we have found this by experience and testing others solutions . excluding this point, and some minor feature , blesta is the solid, secure and the best ... the most users using blesta , thier are a big probability to have new plugins/modules/gateways.... either free or paid , that way the blesat can have a large base of addons for defferent use .
  11. just a addition , Domain Manager = Core business . Cpanel Module = Core business . SSL Module = Core business . Mass Mailing = Tools . Affiliate System = Tools . i'm NOT against mass mailer , is a essential thing in the system , but we prioritize the things.and as PualoV explained , we can use a third party system tools to achieve the result, but the domain manager , we can't use any third party tools to achieve the result . that is the case and that is the important .
  12. i have updated the first post . check it now .
  13. Don't put multiple choice . Just one choice per user . Or mqke 2categories , one poll for modules abd other for plugins . And im still in my point of view. Domain manager will port more points to blesta that the mailer plugin .
  14. check this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4410-cpanel-module-error-a-connection-to-the-server-could-not-be-established/
  15. are you sure port is open ? try using normal connexion without ssl .
  16. i have made some test , it appear your serverhosting blocking port 8006 . just to note to every one, the core module didn't do any authentification verification , so it accept any data enter , my modulecheck the authentification , if the module can login to the proxmox server , it will be added .
  17. I have missed a javascript code from my tuto to make it wokring . i will update this later this weekend .
  18. i miss the B1 and B2 Lol
  19. that plugins is important for you . but is not important for hosting industry . normally before we buy a forniture , first we must have the real house . another time, i'm totally sur , almost of 80% or 90% of users is testing blesta for hosting besiness , they leave it anr return tothe competitor , because simply blesta is not adecuate 100% for hosting industry , yes we can live with it , but the reality is all the competitors has thier software adequate to hosting industry . and stop defending for something is done in the wrong way in blesta . we are here to show what it should fixed in some aspect, i can't give any opinion in case of selling licences , becuse i don't sell it and i don't have any experience in tis market , and i support blesta is well done ofr this market . but in the hosting market i'm a leader in my country , and i know what is the needed or not needed !
  20. can you PM me the info , that i can test or debug the probleme ?
  21. when planning the new module , just make in mind the exist service for the multiple domains already exist in database . a solution that will ignore the old services is a catastrophique solution . i insist in this , because importing domains from wh*** or blesta v2.5 has this behavior (specially in logicbox ) . every domain imported should be modified in database to work . or at least using my reloaded logicbox module that ignore the order-id .
  22. the install fucntion just search if the curl exist in php . i don't know why .... i have created a nother module from scratch and is working now .
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