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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. if you are looking for this , i have started the work in it , but not finiched and need some tweaks to be complete . http://host-image.net/v.php?id=45397incontext.png
  2. i the top of the pdt file n print the "services" var and chearch in it the var you need . print_r($services);
  3. all of this points are exist ... and VALID PASSED really this is a strange behavior ... i will make more debug and test it in another installation server .
  4. it's custom module . all the package has the same group , every package has a 12 mounth term .
  5. regarding this question , i have set two test packages in one group . but the upgrade/downgrade option is not apearing in the client area action . the group is set to allow dwndrage/upgrade . is there anything i have missed ? EDIT : Package in the universal module are downgradable or upgradable !! this option only work in universal module ? what about other modules or custom modules ?
  6. the TCPDF has the option to add a signature to the PDF . it would be great if there is a option in the invoice settigns that allow admin to add the signature to invoices .
  7. my vote goes to a regix for something.something.something even if is (domain.uk.co) . the second vote goes to what mike suggest ,with a little change , remplace the dropdown with a text field , that way the client can enter any tld or cctld [text_imput=for prefix+domain] . [text_imput= for tld or CCTLD]
  8. are you using nginx ?
  9. big provider like OVH and GOGETSSL and others has the option that you have considired as a bad behavior , and i don't think they all have a bad or poor imagination . they offer you to choose from available payment methode (they have credit as a payment option) , if the credit is not covering the invoice amount they let you pay a part from the invoice , then re-pay the remaining part by another payment option . if my request is not adequate to the blesta design , at least add a option to disable the use aply by credit from client payment page .
  10. big provider like OVH and GOGETSSL and others has the option that you have considired as a bad behavior , and i don't think they all have a bad or poor imagination . they offer you to choose from available payment methode (they have credit as a payment option) , if the credit is not covering the invoice amount they let you pay a part from the invoice , then re-pay the remaining part by another payment option . if my request is not adequate to the blesta design , at least add a option to disable the use aply by credit from client payment page .
  11. Not tested in the LAST release , but it should work . i m in the road To add more features for the this module and add extra action for it .
  12. you can test with this code , of course load the session model . $this->Session->write('flash', array( "message" => "Success Message" ) );
  13. in this case you will need to add html code for success and errors messages . and the probleme in this solution is that some module not using the $var anyelese , so it need to be adjusted in the related module . i have another solution that i have used before , but i don't know hwy i have stopped using it . my solution was based in the same idea of blesta message , i found blesta add a cookies just for the flash messages , so i have write my own function to store the message in the cookies , and when blesta load, it always fetch the cookies for flash messages nad lood it . it worked like a charm , but i have not understand what was the probleme in that time !!!
  14. i mean the "apply credit" eather in client side or in the order form
  15. the task is related to solusvm module , but in the reality this task is concerned by all other modules . is important to be added as soon as possible .
  16. i have create a feature request , this a good option not only to re-order widget but also to re-order native widget like transaction , services , invoices .... http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4594-option-to-reorder-widgets-for-client-side/
  17. as the title , add a option to allow admins to reorder the widget in the clients dashboard , that way we can order wich first and wich last from the widget available to clients .
  18. i suggested to convert the "Apply credit" payment to a gateway . is better for the view and the structure of of the page, also that way we can use the "Apply credit" payment in ajaxed form . if you consider my suggestion is not accepted , add only a option to display/hide the use credit checkbox/field globally . that way i can create my own gateway and use it - will to share it freely with the community - .
  19. i have already asked about this feature in this threads http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3879-allow-module-to-set-message-like-seterrors/ and the answer was http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1269 , now i'm shaked that is not possible ?!!!! is really good feature .
  20. This should be added to blesta core , to allow selecting the order fo the wodgets . you can open anew feature request , you will have my vote .
  21. i think the plugin is not supporting multi-company . i will try to fix or look in this in profound .
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