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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. is very needed, blesta can't take the europe market without thier invoicing law standard in-the-box .
  2. this is a duplicated thread , no ? it prefered to make your plugin in one thread to group all the replies and is easy for us nd you to follow one thread . Moderators can merge the two thread if OP accept the deal .
  3. Enable error reporting in blesta config to see if there are a errors .
  4. Are you sure the directory components/gateways exist and exist the marxhent and non marchent folder in it ,
  5. is a great plugin again mr CyanDark , we are waiting your documentation . jus i little suggestion , - in the view put the .js and .css files in the images directory or add new directory for them . this is just to preserve the standard directory tree . - the tabs you have not aded a view for them , you are returning the output directly , is better to send the output to a view file (ex. ssh_console.pdt , client_ssh_console.pdt ...ect ) - in the view file, you have some regex that can be already done in the module function rather than the view file . i have not yet installed or tested your module , this observation is just from the first view of the code . al final un gran trabajo campeon !
  6. no, is a custom query to the ytransaction table, you can check the function in the transations.php model . and the code to get the balance is : public function getCurrencyAmounts() { // Ensure a valid client was given if (!$this->isAjax()) { header($this->server_protocol . " 401 Unauthorized"); exit(); } $this->requirePermission("_credits"); $this->uses(array("Currencies", "Transactions")); $currency_code = $this->client->settings['default_currency']; if (isset($this->get[0]) && ($currency = $this->Currencies->get($this->get[0], $this->company_id))) $currency_code = $currency->code; // Fetch the amounts $amounts = array( 'total_credit' => array( 'lang' => Language::_("ClientMain.getcurrencyamounts.text_total_credits", true), 'amount' => $this->CurrencyFormat->format($this->Transactions->getTotalCredit($this->client->id, $currency_code), $currency_code) ) ); // Build the vars $vars = array( 'selected_currency' => $currency_code, 'currencies' => array_unique(array_merge($this->Clients->usedCurrencies($this->client->id), array($this->client->settings['default_currency']))), 'amounts' => $amounts ); // Set the partial for currency amounts $response = $this->partial("client_main_getcurrencyamounts", $vars); // JSON encode the AJAX response $this->outputAsJson($response); return false; } note you should remove the ajax condition and remove // Ensure a valid client was given if (!$this->isAjax()) { header($this->server_protocol . " 401 Unauthorized"); exit(); } and replce the ajax return with a simple set var // JSON encode the AJAX response $this->outputAsJson($response); return false; to $this->set("balance", $response);
  7. The uses() function is judt to load the models . Inside your model you should use record components to use the database calls .
  8. i will finich my new cpanel reloaded module , is based in the original cpanel . i will send it yo you to check it , i don't care about the right of the module, what i want is just offer something strong to the community . if you accept of course .
  9. that can cause some blacklistage or at least email will arrive in spam box, as the email sender is not authorized from the server ip . so i prefer recieve emails with my support@...... department that the client email .
  10. I have never tested sharing session with blesta, ihave tested minphp in some project and is good as i want . no issue with sessions at the moment . but from what paul said i you can get stored sessions from database and use it in your sessions vars . i have the intention to do something in my site that will use blesta sessions, like get the cart items . and the logged clients ...ect just from sessions . so i will watch your thread for future use .
  11. Check in my signature a full rtl css thread for client side .
  12. Paste your sample code to get more help.
  13. Post_to is not empty it get the live or sandbox URL . We are using sandbox .in our developer center show a successfully transaction
  14. The same i think should be updated in all virtualization module like proxmox and vpsnet .
  15. the service in the pending status , i can add it from the admin side when it in pending status, but from cron is not added . how i can get more detail log info to se what is causing the problem .
  16. if you want to deliver the result to a template file in the theme isnot possible; use blestaRequest in ajax mode to fetch the content and add them to your pdt file .
  17. i respect your opinion , but i challange you with this .create your own controller in a plugin , make it send some vars to a template file like client_main.pdt . 100$ bounty from me if you do it . in reality what i demand is not changin the way how the MVC work , but improuve or find a reialable solution to do some task to make blesta really different from other and easy to use it . Some concrete exemple, i design a new template and i want to add some extra info that is not provided by the controller , so here we are facing a limitation of adding some extra info that is not available by default . the only solution is to do a direct call to database . http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3422-possible-to-pass-in-external-constant-file-to-templates/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2992-call-function-from-template-file/ the more open doors to developpers/dsigners the more profit we can obtain from them . Finnaly, i'm not against blesta but i push some request because i beleive some of them is like a revolution .
  18. today i get time to see the module structure and code, i found it the same as the solusvm module , and there are just some change . this way we can't work with a solid code, iprefer begin from the scratch . i will search my files for the old module and try to revive it again .
  19. i was forcing the same issue already when i was working in adminLTE template . i think blesta should think about a way that let the developpers/designer to add thier own function or request in the template, as now ,we can just use what blesta offer . there a re a old thread about this subject .
  20. a user from cmommunity has a error in the addservice fucntion from the cron . from the admin side the service is well added . but when i run cron i get this errors messages The pending service #5 from client #1500 could not be made active. The pending service #7 from client #1500 could not be made active. so the task is defferent from crn and from admin side . this is relative to my proxmoxv2 module .
  21. In the past i have write a small module that add servers , the same idea as kerio is adding now . I have some more complexe task that was designed to add like conditional logic , i have success in design the code in the module -client side- the only obstacle i have front is the pricing term , that was the reason that i have abandonned that module . But finally i will help in that module when i get some free time this week .
  22. If i get time this week i will help you in this module .and i will send you a pull request .
  23. Can you try a simple PHP file with function to create new file in blesta directory . and try also to change it with PHP to be sure if is a PHP issue or a webserver issue .
  24. related to this subeject , in some case we have some clients need to add billing contact for each services they have . let say client have 4 services , they need to attach for every service a billing contact , but it should isolated from other billing contact . OVH has this strong way , so i have controle all of services in my area , but invoices are generated and sent directly to thier billing contact . i think this a tremendous FEATURE if blesta can add it .
  25. if i well understand you want a import script of domains ?! you can add domaine from admin side, without check the "use module" box .
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