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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i agree with you in this . personally i can't switch to v3 until now just for 3 reason -Domain Management -Multilanguages -Hosting Order Form i know v3 is better than v2.5 , but i can't move from system that i have adapted it to my use (v2.5) , to a new one than i need wait fix's or spend mounth for adding and customizing . time is matter here .
  2. Hello sktan .. i have laready worked in the paypal express checkout gateway , but i have not finished it , but almost all of the work is done . checkit here http://pastebin.com/HELhSphK it already was designed to support incontext payment , but as i have told before , no time was to finish it . if you can complete the worked we can build the incontext checkout also .
  3. <div class="form-group tlds"> <?php $ext = array(); foreach ($tlds as $tld => $pack) { $ext[$tld] = $tld ; } $this->Form->fieldSelect("tlds[]", $this->Html->ifSet($ext), $this->Html->ifSet($vars->tlds)); ?> </div>
  4. Already exist and from the beta if you have cron job it wiil send email for invoice generated also reminders . You can set the eeminders days in setting .
  5. I want to help . But every time i forget it . I will try this weekend to do it for you . As i imagine is not a hard task .
  6. NO , a lot of old code is no longer used . i remember i have edited a lot of code to make it working , but i have abandoned the test because i have spent a lot of time and i have not success to make the invoice look like the actual one, but the PDF size was ok . if i get time i will revive the test again
  7. this issue is already solved in the new release of TCPDF versions, i have tested in previos time and it worked .
  8. tinymce is a good WYSIWYG i use it in all my project and is sufficient for all the needs and i think is better than chkeditor
  9. Like ovh vps cloud . They bill you by hour just if the vps is ON . Why? Maybe marketing strategy !!!
  10. If this a simple addition , is good to see it in 3.5.1
  11. The first option is not a complicated task . Is easy to add .
  12. some cloud provider bill you just when the vps is on , so when the vps is off is not billed for the time when it was off . some provider bill you for the addidional RAM used in hours .
  13. so big brand as resellerclub is breaking the paypal rules ? they add the fees to the amount funded !
  14. This Plugin will be abandoned , as the GetKudos will shotdown thier services On 14 July 2015 . https://blog.getkudos.me/
  15. I m sure is from the old plugin . I think Mr cyndark has not the attention to make something wrong . Normally it would be acceptable if he sell the service to fix the errors and extend the module rather than selling the module itself fixed . @Paul , what about adding this features to the core cpanel module ? Thats the best solution to stop divide the people with other module for the same purpose
  16. I will sponsor also but with other way . i have some modules & plugins that i have attention to sell them . if blesta add EU I will publish them freely for the community .
  17. From what i know , this plugin is not working with any sessions , is just verify the logged user in wordpres if exist in blesta , is yes then it put it as logged in blesta via the shared plugin .
  18. i lot of request in the forums for the full multilanguages integration in blesta . today i want to talk aboutthe URLs in blesta for multilanguages purpose use . it would be a perfect strategy if blesta can handle the multilanguages urls also , like domain.com/blesta/fr/client/login/ & domain.com/blesta/en/client/login/ ect ... domain.com/blesta/fr/order/main/index/blesta/ & domain.com/blesta/en/order/main/index/blesta/ ect ... domain.com/blesta/fr/client/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/departments/ & domain.com/blesta/en/client/plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/departments/ ect ... when using a direct url "domain.com/blesta/client/login/" , use the default language . this behavior is for non-loggedin users . this is the best practice for SEO and multitargeting client geography . we can achieve the url usage with htaccess , but it has some limitation and also blesta can't generate urls with that format at the moments . this post is just to let blesta staff make in consideration with they will attack the multilanguages features . for reading https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/182192?hl=en&ref_topic=2370587 .
  19. i think Max has identified the probleme .
  20. from your logs it appear a other error than the first "{"status":"ERROR","message":"Invalid DomainName format - **DOMAIN NAME**"}" is a invalid domain name format . what is the output ?
  21. This request is a semilar to a old request i have made , it was simple as attach a module to another module to allow service be managed by two module, each one for a specific tab . my exemple at that time was cpanel for hosting, and add softwacolous for install apps . registrar module for domains, and add DNS management for other module . if blesta can make this is really a dream .
  22. "Invalid domainName For Given ContactType" this error has only one reason , the domain extention is restricted to just some clients that thier country match the TLD extention .
  23. is better to clone the module and change it , because if you change the core module every upgrade you need to revert you changes and maybe you can't use the universal module for other use .
  24. From what i know KVM support ISO file to be mounted as CD-drive to install OS from it, this is known in all KVM architect , like openstack, proxmox ...
  25. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.5.0

    time for 4.0.0 now, what you have guys for the next major release ?
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