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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. about the expired sentanse is lready used in the client and admin board , also i have removed the dead status from database, because we get the expired quotes from sql query with date-valid . client can't close quote , they have only 3 buttons, accept, reject , view . closed quote is not rejected quote . the closed quote is the quote closed by admins, admins can't reject quote in this version the quote is just for clients . about the non clients , is just a option to add or not . if we decied to add we will have some more task like . if the quote is adressed to no client , we should use email instead of client_id , also we should genereta a unique url for the quote . and for accept button , he should take them a to a page of registration , then they fill thier info and click register and accpet button , the account should be created , the quote moved to that account , then cjange status to accept, genereate invoice, delete unique url not a complicated case
  2. Just uninstall the cms plugin .
  3. PM sent, Beta testers is enough now, the first official release this weekend .
  4. Pm sent . it need some css tweak .
  5. i need to buy a cheap licence unbranded of course , anyone need to sell thier licence PM me please . best regards
  6. when we create negative invoice it set as closed in creation , is this a normal case ?
  7. and what about the custom works ? i know there are a lot of module/plugins already done by devs but is not available for other clients . i have some that will be or other maybe for free and some PAID , but not now . when i client hire me to develop a module/plugin and tell me that the work should not be selled to others, i never never accept . i accept only if the client accept my two conditions 1 - i have the right to sell the work (module/plugin) to others after X mounth from finishing the work . 2 - i have the right to publish the work freely after X mounth from finishing the work . for my vision, the client pay for the service and not for my CODE . i can conserve the work in the background and releasing it only if a i found/feel that work is for a MADE-HOUSE custom solution . so be happy , ihave some modules/plugins will be for the community in some next mounths
  8. This is a good news , i was sure blesta devs are talking about this internally , because if blesta will not care , that's a bad practice . to be more exact , i have already tried to code a domain manager module with my own architectures , i have found alot of ideas to implement it , and i was stopped becasue some core limitation of blesta . but in general , how i have tough how it should work it was genial idea (that what i feel ) and i'm ready to share it with you guys , maybe it can help in some aspect . when you are gays open to hear and discuss how the new domain manager should work i will happy to share my ideas . best regards
  9. the plugin is ready now ... where is the beta testers ?
  10. Now is time to silince and let blesta staff think in this subject . i think we have speak a lot regarding this subject , and i'm sur blesta staff has the concience of this subject . let us relaxe sometime and wait the devs to see what they will prepare for us .
  11. Second Step = Completed . Third Step = Completed. in third step i have succed to integrate the quote system with the invoice template core, i ahev created a my own component for quote to communicate with the invoice template, now is possible to download quote as PDF . my HTML template for pdf is also supported now , you can voiw quote as html page i have made change for the status field, now "'open','accepted','rejected','closed'" , i have removed the "dead" status as i can now determinated a expired quote by thier date_valid . also i have removed the "Accept/Reject" from the admin side , as the client only who have the right to accept or reject the quote , admins can edit/delete, reopen a closed quote . clients can accept/reject/view quotes . nothing else . at the moment , there is no option to add tax to quote lines (removed the TAX from quotes ) , it need a huge work for calculation and conditions for inclusive/exclusive taxes , i will added in the next major release . i think this week i will release the first edition
  12. it work , i have a error the status value . now i have fixed it and it saved .
  13. i have stucked with a strange probleme, i want to update timedate field with NULL value . $line['status'] = $status; $line['date_closed'] = null ; $this->Record->update("nh_quotes", $line, $fields); the datetime is not saved with null . when i change it from phpmyadmin it save correctly . i'm missing something ?
  14. you need something like if ($this->isAjax()) { echo 'test'; } else return false;
  15. i back to my old opinion , is better to rewrite the default cpanel to include all this feature that writing multiple cpanel module .
  16. it should not have gateway , is better i thing to have report import tools . it will import all invoice that have paid with SEPA . this is correct ?
  17. first step is done now creation of quote from admin panel is completed . (the same as creating invoices ) now second step = client interface . third step = adding buttons to admins and clients (actions , accept , reject and close) . fourth step = prepare quote to be viewed by clients as html or PDF ( not sur what will be easy ? ). final step = test and test and test and share if i have time i will add the option to send the quote via email , if no i will add it in the next major release .
  18. your probleme is in the importTransactions function , it cannot be with currency as null . soi suggest you to hack the code and ad something like if (!$currency) { $currency = "USD"; }
  19. you should yse array_merge for templateskvm and normal templates .
  20. when the admin is loged as client , and want to edit some client info , we get this error That username has already been taken. that is because the auth show the admin authentification info instead of client authentification .
  21. i have in mind that quote can be for clients and no clients in future release, so i have put this field to null , then i can controle if is empty or not via rules . i have forget to update the shema , because i have already deleted this field , the intention was to hide a quote from client , so client can't view the quote until it was activated by admins . thanks for you feedbacks
  22. this is the mysql shema that i will use , any correction ? $this->Record-> setField("id", array('type'=>"int", 'size'=>10, 'unsigned'=>true, 'auto_increment'=>true))-> setField("subject", array('type'=>"varchar", 'size'=>255))-> setField("client_id", array('type'=>"int", 'size'=>10, 'unsigned'=>true, 'is_null'=>true, 'default'=>null))-> setField("date_added", array('type'=>"datetime"))-> setField("date_valid", array('type'=>"datetime"))-> setField("date_closed", array('type'=>"datetime", 'is_null'=>true, 'default'=>null))-> setField("active", array('type'=>"int", 'size'=>10, 'default'=>1))-> setField("company_id", array('type'=>"int", 'size'=>10, 'unsigned'=>true))-> setField("currency", array('type'=>"varchar", 'size'=>3, 'default'=>'USD'))-> setField("status", array('type'=>"enum", 'size'=>"'open','accepted','dead','closed'", 'default'=>"open"))-> setField("note_public", array('type'=>"mediumtext"))-> setField("note_private", array('type'=>"mediumtext"))-> setKey(array("id"), "primary")-> setKey(array("company_id"), "index")-> setKey(array("date_added", "status"), "index")-> create("nh_quotes", true); // Quotes Lines $this->Record-> setField("id", array('type'=>"int", 'size'=>10, 'unsigned'=>true, 'auto_increment'=>true))-> setField("quote_id", array('type'=>"int", 'size'=>10, 'unsigned'=>true))-> setField("description", array('type'=>"mediumtext"))-> setField("qty", array('type'=>"decimal", 'size'=> (12,4), 'default'=>"1.0000"))-> setField("amount", array('type'=>"decimal", 'size'=> (12,4), 'default'=>"0.0000"))-> setKey(array("id"), "primary")-> setKey(array("quote_id"), "index")-> create("nh_quotes_lines", true);
  23. so to not lose time, the quote status will have 'open','accepted','dead','closed' . 'open', for new quotes 'accepted', when client accept the quote 'dead', when the quote is expired 'closed' when the quote is rejected or closed by admins . i don't know if better to add a new status for rejected and Delivered status . what i prefer if to ad new status for rejected , and add new row for Delivered , but this will be in the >TODO list 2 when i add the option to send the quote via email .
  24. Hello All , i will start in coding Quotes System plugin for the community , and i need some ideas feedbacks . 1 - Why Quotes System ? Quotes is something related to the productivite and add a plus for the admins , also all the big companies use it , also some companies that offer services (design, coding, mobile APP.... ) with hourly rate (like me) , and need every time send a qoute to the clients then the client accept we creat a invoice for them . i want to make this step as easy as possible . 2 - How much cost this new plugin ? Is totally Free , but if you consider it worth , you can donate for it . 3 - Where expected to be released ? first we need to make a simple Quotes system that do the trick , then we will extend it to do more functionality and task and maybe automated task , so the simple thing we begin with it the near future date is released . 4 - what i have a TODO list ? i have 2 TODO list , one if for the first release , and second is for next released versions . i will group ideas based in the easy implementation and the basic feature. TODO list 1 : - Admins can add/edit/delete Quotes .(i'm not sure if i use close instead of delete) - Create Quote for the client . - Client can view Quote from the client panel . - Cleint can accept or reject the Quote . - Admins convert accepted Quote to invoice not needed , as the system convert it auto . - client can view the quotes assigned to them (accepted or closed or rejected or expired) TODO list 2 : - cronjob to convert a accepted quote to invoice . - Clients can receive the quote via email as PDF , they can also download it as PDF. (implemented) - Comments both for client and staff under the qoute (threaded reply/conversation). - Devide Quote in two invoice after accept (for prepayment ,and after final work) - Create Quote for non clients , they can view it with a unique url . - Store Client info in the quotes for history . That is all . any one has an idea to implement it , i will add it to my one of TODO list .
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