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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. normally, blesta list services (any services) in one widget . if you want to do what you need , you should opt for a special page for service (plugin needed) , and disable the services widget .
  2. check if the path are correct
  3. normally you should pass the extra as a line of invoice . that way the invoice will have two lines . 1 first for base price. 2 for extra price .
  4. getAllChildren() not for all services without client_id filtered . the getServices() is the best fucntion , but is pain that is a private . i suggest to return it as public , because it will help in more cases . and the other public function are limited in result (20 max) .
  5. thier it show the module name . check if the module name is wll displayed under the modules in the company settings (place where you install plugins) . i suppose that the langueg file is not well loaded .
  6. yes and yes .... but until that time , it worth a small plugins for those who didn't know/want to change core files
  7. i got a idea of plugin , maybe i will write a plugin just for resend welcome email without hacking the core files
  8. i respect your opinion ! almost all the big companies provide a dropdown list of languages to their users from the dashboard . and almost of them use the language in the client's profile just for corresponce . normally what happen ? when i login to my account it use my profile language . if i select another langauge from the dropdown list , the dashboard and the client or admin area change to my selected language . if i logout the stored language in cookies/sessions are destroyed . is simple as drink water !
  9. Possible ? no . best practice is to make them as a package in one group , that way the client can upgrade/downgrade betwen them .
  10. the clash should be named "Sv" and not "sv" . as blesta use the CamelCase .
  11. i prefer to show a language list in some place (top of header or in the butom of the page) rather than making it in the staff profile . as the staff can change the language with 1 click step . the same for client CORE-1320 .
  12. Some Notes . is better to add a option for KEY or Something else like API KEY , with that the reseller will not using thier own password of blesta . this module is in final Status ?
  13. Good, .. the New/Good news is using Namespace ... so i think is time to begin coding plugins/modules with namespace .
  14. use my HTML invoice components . you get it from my signature . best regards
  15. you should change that from the language files .
  16. i have done the same as described but it has no effect . i'm sur the widget inside section tag , but is not working . in the support manager work . is there anything else should be in consideration to work ?
  17. that is a core fucntion or just a support manager ? if the core support it how to implement it ? just adding the line not working . $this->Widget->setWidgetButton("full_screen");
  18. wich page you want to customize ?
  19. This is something that i was near to opeb bug for it . and yes this is related to the template PDF components . it show invoice date in proforma and draft , normally in proforma it shouldn't show invoice date , it should show proforma date . i'm speaking here about the label in language files . if blesta staff come accross to this thread , they should correct the spelling of every type . "invoice date" , "proforma date" ,"draft date" . Normally a rejected quote is a rejected qoute . i see for somecase the client can change mind . maybe in future release i will let client to re-accept a rejected qoute , but this it should be controlled from a admin settings . already mentioned , not TAX support at the moment .
  20. Thanks Paulov for your support and donation
  21. You van add it as addons . there are already a thread about this . If I have more time . I'm in the road to rewrtite the logicbox reloaded . I will add this feature also .
  22. i will bookmark this to test later . but if i remember , in a old thread , gateways is not able to set messages (error - success) in the view ?!
  23. i see it in the zipped file ?!!!
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