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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Yes, 2 of our office computers successfully upgraded to windows 10 . if left now 3 computer to complete the full office upgrade
  2. Hello i have this code, the js file is well loaded , but the css file is not loaded $(this).blestaSetHeadTag('script', {type:'text/javascript', src:'". $this->view_dir ."js/jquery.modal.js'}); $(this).blestaSetHeadTag('link', {type:'text/css', rel:'stylesheet' , href:'". $this->view_dir ."css/styles.css'}); this code is working well of css $('head').append('<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"". $this->view_dir ."css/styles.css\" type=\"text/css\" />'); is thier any tip or param missed in the blestaSetHeadTag function ?
  3. admin tools also hasthis feature . and in future you will translate it from the plugin also .
  4. Thanks . Usefull . I will add this to my admin tools plugin
  5. My admin tools plugin already has this ability to check languages and missed files and dufinitions . Check it and test .
  6. USE MY ADMIN TOOLS PLUGIN . It does the job .
  7. is possible to add a link in modules like blesta/admin/settings/company/modules/mycustomfunction/28 it appear like the modules support just blesta/admin/settings/company/modules/addrow/28 blesta/admin/settings/company/modules/editrow/28/xx
  8. this is what i doing now , but i prefer to not send all the data every time i want to use this method . but is not a big probleme . the big probleme related to this thread is the limitation links can plugin add
  9. personally , i change language frequenty , as a developper , because i ned to test all the language difinition . in my ofice , my staff change the language if they found some that the language they use is not well exmplained in the place they are, they change to default english to be sur that they are doing something well . but all this is not a probleme . take this case and that is the strong point in this . we have , as others , client from around the world , and we provide at least 4 languages to our clients (in term of support and client interface) . some client call us , and they want to know how TODO something from thier client interface , normally our staff login as client , the staff is using thier language in the client profile, and if the client has another language than the staff language , here we are on a obstacle , the staff need to return to thier profile , change the language and return to client profle and login again . if there are a dropdown languages is the advantage for our staff .
  10. very usefull in proforma PDF , that way any one can have the full information in one page . what i suggest is just textare if proforma is set .
  11. widgets , will be shown in the dashboard . i'm talking in any other page , let say we want to mae downloads show in a page with client info , that is possible with a simple code ?
  12. 99% ?! i not agree with that . from experience from more than 12 years , alot of providers update prices for all if the product remain with the same conditions and tem and caracteristiques . hosting companies laso do that . if you cange the price (increase/decrease) for a tld domain , you will let the old one pay old price than new price ? if you change price for the package hosting X from Y to Z , the old customer remain in the old price for this package ? and what about if a client find the price for package X in your website is Z and he is paying other amount for it ? what will be your answer ? the proffetional way is to create another product/package if you want to play with turnover .
  13. check my signature for quote plugin . you can inspire from how blesta create invoice . check the invoice.php model .
  14. something like this is the best thing we can use ina large table results http://wenzhixin.net.cn/p/bootstrap-table/docs/extensions.html blesta staff any future use for this .
  15. but the $module_id, $last_instance is not defined in my module !! lo i can use public function uninstall($may_var_1, $may_var_1) in all the case is not working . i want to perform a action in the uninstall module .
  16. Activa is right . let say i have plugin X , when i access it page it show a full page not a left side and right side for content . normally we need to use the same logic used in some part like admin_clients.php . this controller by default has left and right side . what really i suggest is to make client info left side a global methode that wa can call it and include it in our plugins . there are no option to show client info and our plugins content without writing and coding the left side . what i prefer really is a option to use a full page or divded page between client_info and content , and that should be in native code .
  17. try blestaSetHeadTag with this code . $fields->setHtml(" <script type=\"text/javascript\"> $(document).ready(function() { $(this).blestaSetHeadTag(\"script\", {type:\"text/javascript\", src: \"". $this->Html->safe( URL_TO _YOUR_JS_FILE) ."\"}); }); </script> "); i have used in a old project .
  18. when a plugin is uninstalled , the fucntion uninstall() is called . this function require 2 params , how we can determinate this two params in the module file ? /** * Performs any necessary cleanup actions * * @param int $plugin_id The ID of the plugin being uninstalled * @param boolean $last_instance True if $plugin_id is the last instance across all companies for this plugin, false otherwise */ public function uninstall($module_id, $last_instance) { // Delete All Packages Files !!! } how to get the module_id in the called function ?
  19. i don't think ...... there are a lot of companies respect thier old customers by giving them the right to the new pricing . and maybe in some countries what you rae asking is againts commercial laws . but if blesta implement it (for thier clients) , it should to be as optional settings . EDIT : if blesta has a event for package:edit() , it can be done with a small pluging . when price is changed for the package , fetch all the active services and override price
  20. my plugin has 2 click to re-send password without to enter the service manage page . in client profile page resend welcome email (action staff link) --- choose a service from the list ---- submit button ---- you are done !!!
  21. basically is possible also , but i have not make a deep look for the default welcome email on registration . but as we have a username/pasword stored in database it can be resent . if i had more time i will check this in profond .
  22. yes of course .. check my quote plugin , has the exemple and proof .
  23. Plugin is done. Near I will release it .
  24. I see this is from other view . if the product X is contracted for term Y by a client . and you have changed the price for it , then the new client will get the new price and the old client should benifict from the new price when they renew . if we keep them in the old price that mean that we stole them for some money . because we can't sell the orisuct X with term Y and conditions Z with different price . ft this reason all the big companies use another package for the new pricing if they want to let the old client in the old price . Here is not a technical issue , as a Cody suggest a quick solution , but is a educative and transparency behavior . I talk about me . I can't sell the same product with term X and the same conditions with different prices , all the client I offer them the same thing .
  25. Nice feature . Note , it can be added in any order form with a simple code . If I had time I will write a small tuto for this .
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