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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i have adressed this in a previos thread . normally login as client , it should use the client language instead of staff languages .
  2. what i can say now, is that the navigation core model is adding the base_uri in every begin of urls . so adding external links now in navigation is not possible .
  3. can you check database to se what url in it this one http://help.hostingdifferent.com'>http://my.hostingdifferent.com/hD/clienthttp://help.hostingdifferent.com or http://help.hostingdifferent.com
  4. you my admin tools plugi to change the links without touching database .
  5. your price 85$ transfer licence cost 25$ renew support cost 29$ your price is almost the resellers price .
  6. i have some days ago , started a thread about routes in blesta . if blesta can allow setting custom url ia admin interface or plugns ,so then we can use our uwn routes witout the need to change in core file.
  7. EDIT i got it working . the pagination has a option results_per_page , by default it 20 , adding this setting to the config array , fixed the issue . // Overwrite default pagination settings $settings = array_merge(Configure::get("Blesta.pagination_client"), array( 'total_results' => $total_results, 'uri'=> $this->base_uri . "plugin/tarata/main/index/[p]/" , 'results_per_page'=> 4 , 'params'=>array('sort'=>'id','order'=>'DESC') ) );
  8. i get contacted by active or this subject . and i hev his code, and i see it well done the code in the controller // Overwrite default pagination settings $settings = array_merge(Configure::get("Blesta.pagination_client"), array( 'total_results' => $total_results, 'uri'=> $this->base_uri . "plugin/tarata/main/index/[p]/" , 'params'=>array('sort'=>'id','order'=>'DESC') ) ); $this->helpers(array("Pagination"=>array($this->get, $settings))); $this->Pagination->setSettings(Configure::get("Blesta.pagination_ajax")); in the template file the pagination build is well set . the pagination is working in page (page 1/ page2 ) ... the probleme the pagination is not displaying in the client view . normally if there are more than 1 page in result it should be displayed . i have made a simple test ; the total result is 6 , the displayed item per page is 4 . the page display 4 item but no pagination displayed, when i go to page 2 i see 2 result .also no pagination displayed
  9. Use my plugin Support Manger Addons (Add Widget/badge) . widget are ready to ue in it .
  10. the plugin is already done . and near it will be available for download .
  11. the better option is to make them all toghe , the important here is the checkout proccess . it has no sense to see in the cart 5 items, and in the checkout you will pay just 2 or 1 !!!
  12. This days i way discovering how the order forms / cart work . and i have discovered (at least for me and my staff and my clients testers) a big problem in the cart system . so if we have 3 order forms let say 1 for vps 2 for dedicated 3 for hosting . the client has make a order of 1 vps, and has not completed the checkout ; then he ordered 1 dedicated and hosting , no checkout at here . when he decide to complete the order , here we have the problem , the cart is not containing the 3 order services . and to complete the order he need to go to order form link and make checkout for every service . that for us/him is a huge and buggy work . so we decided to make our own call to the cart basket to see what are in it . and we have surprised , what blesta do is storing the cart item in the sessions, and every item with their ids and some more data . at here all thing is fine . but the surprise for us was that blesta disting with every order form cart . what we suggest is that the cart/basket should be for all order forms . the solution for us was use 1 order form for all . but we prefer use some list or ajaxed order form for a specific needs, and use styled order form for other services . at the end , for me, it has no sense to have 3 carts sessions in one system for the same place !!!! either the other ecommerce platform use 1 cart like magento/open cart/prestashop ..ect ... i don't want to nominate competitors ... licencecart , Relax is just a discussion .
  13. i got it
  14. recieved, is time to make some update in the module .
  15. Ohh, you have misunderstand the OP question , he is not asking about the cart in the order form , he is asking about integrating the cart in it own plugin ,
  16. any help in this ? just a road to follow
  17. vQmod is a third party software . via a plugin , this something we can discuss , we can set routes without changing any core file ? in wich function we can set routes ? in preaction events ?
  18. No , requesting EPP has nothing to do with privacy protection . the whois privacy protection has only one rule, HIDE WHOIS INFO nothing else .
  19. that is exactly what i have in v2.5 , move just services without any related thing , and move invoices without anyother related thing .
  20. This thread is a just a exemple, there are a lot of request that are more important than the one exist in this thread . (presonnally -1 for this request ) . but i'm talking globally . there are some more essencial feature that should exist and natively (some of them exit as a plugin by other devs. ) but some others not . i don't wan to list them because i have a list that has more than 22 request and all of them are nessasary for a good software . it's true also some of that request are in the JIRA list and from so many mounths ago , but they delayed them to feature releases ... EDIT : Something to read http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1502991 .
  21. this is good request ... i have this already in my TODO list of admin tools plugins .... need just time ....
  22. good news , so a blesta app for modible ? andriod and ios ?
  23. maybe Blesta shouldnt copy features from others ... . . . . but should create features that should be exist in default . that is
  24. More sophistical solution to avoid invoice attachment in email probleme open app/controllers/client_invoices.php if view function change $this->InvoiceDelivery->downloadInvoices(array($invoice->id)); to $this->InvoiceDelivery->streamInvoices(array($invoice->id)); in components/invoice_delivery/invoice_delivery.php under downloadInvoices() add the fallowing function public function streamInvoices(array $invoice_ids, array $options = null) { $invoices = $this->getInvoices($invoice_ids, true); $this->buildInvoices($invoices, true, $options)->stream(); } this will save the email attachement invoice in pdf .
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