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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. i don't understand the case ! if the client switch the language , the language are not changed ?
  2. Hello when i was playing with a custom theme , i have found that the ClientTheme always use the theme.css of the bootsrap template . and normally it should fetch them file from the client set template . in admin side i have set a custom template , normally it should fetch this file from this custom template . // Set the path to the custom theme style sheet $theme_loc = VIEWDIR . "client" . DS . "bootstrap" . DS . "css" . DS . $dir . "theme.css"; a simple fix // Set the path to the custom theme style sheet $theme_loc = VIEWDIR . "client" . DS . $this->layout . DS . "css" . DS . $dir . "theme.css";
  3. this is a old story we have talked about , and is still reviving by the users . multi-languages is not fully supported by blesta . until is supported , you can search your own way or hack the core files no other solutions exist . for changing just the labels you can use my tips for languages selector . for changing the addons names or packages names that is not possible now .
  4. yes, it's add a bubbles and the ticket widgets in the client dashboard .
  5. the sample one , i have added a event.structure that inject a ajaxed request $(document).ready(function() { fetch_data_items(); }); function fetch_data_items() { $(this).blestaRequest("GET", "' . $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "plugin/xxxx/index/get_data/") . '", null, function(data) { if (data) $(".data_items").html(data); }, null, {dataType:"json"}); } in maintenance mode , the url is returning a 404 error , and every time the page is requesting the data and cause a infinite loop . i have resolved the error by disabling the displaying of head, body_start and body_end in maintenance mode in the structure.pdt . what i think , maintenance mode should only show the maintenance message without caring about including the files the javascripts ..ect .
  6. Sound very good option .
  7. when we have a Appcontroller.structure event that inject some html or javascript code (specially a ajax request to a controller) , it keep redirecting with infinit loop . i suggest make a special structure for maintenance mode or disable the event structure for client side in maintenance mode .
  8. i never know about it , is a pain that is just in some europe countries
  9. i let tyson reply here
  10. you need it without hacking the core file ? $vars->id
  11. That is not true . i wil not stop , i just ask and give my opinion . if i will use it in my script i wil ask them . here blesta who shoud ask them .
  12. OR put your code in a js file , and the call it by <script src="blesta/path_to_your_js_file/file.js"></script> that way i use it and it work like a charm . NOTE : is a pain that CMS plugin is limited by a third party helper .
  13. you can use my patch http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4352-add-language-selector-in-client-side/
  14. the answer is clear , wthe notification ned to read from the callback url a output of json .
  15. @PauloV have you tried with this case . http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3562-initiate-blesta-core-in-external-location/
  16. because the token is valid for the curent session , so when you fetch it via curl is a session different from the client sessions public function getCsrfToken($key = null) { $session_id = session_id(); if ($key == null) $key = $this->csrf_token_key; // Prefer computing CSRF using HMAC if (function_exists("hash_hmac")) return hash_hmac("sha256", $session_id, $key); // Sha256 hash is the next best thing if (function_exists("hash")) return hash("sha256", $key . $session_id); // Regretably, fallback to md5 return md5($key . $session_id); }
  17. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.5.3

    Great ...
  18. the file ckeditor/skins/v2/footer.php is not a part of cheditor package . you shold check server log how does it uploaded to that place . if you have shared server with other account , that has sense why the file are thier , if you are running cloudlinux + cagefs , so is not the cause of other sites in the server , is a the cause the main site , are you host any other script in the main domain with blesa script ?
  19. Updated to fix dropdown right menu and the pagination links
  20. the kvm will be added in a future release .but first i need to se how we should implement it , becaise KVM support install iso image and push images . what all do you think the best way ? just add the ISO to the CD-DRIVE and let the client install the OS with the console ?
  21. From the code exit in the no marchent gateway php file se that is in first , before ading any transaction , it search if the the transaction ID exist already . so duplicated transaction is not stored . like paypal send some notification more than twice . the solution that you have posted is also accepted ,"passing the transaction that was created in the callback to the return URL" is another approuch .i love to see those added as soon as possible .
  22. This is a part of the probleme descriped here http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4961-transaction-gateway-not-recorded/
  23. i have describe this in my post #3 . the resume of the problem . validate function = transaction are stored in database , no response to the view , it return no data to the (received view ). success function = transaction not stored in database , it send the response to the view (received view ) Solution . return_url (received view ) should also store transaction response in database . is really strange why blesta is not implemented this . a sample case to reflex with it , let say paypal gateway. when the client make the payment with paypal gateway and is something prevent the payment from be accepted , the client will not know it immediately , as blesta will always show just a processing message . and not handling the response status is success or declined . all the other software specially e-commerce is doing this by native . blesta should accept that - Not all the gateway has a notification system . - The client should see the result of the transaction he made in the blesta system also . - We should provide to the client a transaction id to store it for later use ( claims , late in processing order ...ect ) when the payment has been done (no matter for the status is it) . smething like what activa suggest in post #6 . the only solution for all this case is to make the processReceived() work as processNotification() .
  24. the fix, is to install blesta in a plesk server that are not used to host account . because plesk after any account creation is restarting apache, and normally the blesta connexion will be reset .
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