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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. the standard ISO is correct . blesta is merging between states and cities in some countries like morocco and italy .
  2. you should edit the order conroller and add $this->requireLogin(); now only the logged in client will be able to view the order form content .
  3. he use blesta in their live system also . have you tried to contact them ?
  4. this patch if you use multiple languages in blesta like _es_es , fr_fr , ar_sa . so some gateway hs a different name from the default one es_us , it use the name in languages file instead of saved names in database .
  5. is still in our TODO LIST , when we come to it we will release it .
  6. normally , this is normal . is a pure calculation . the credit left your client can use it in renewal services .
  7. the css is optimized for right-to-left languages, like arabic, farsi, hebrew .
  8. you need to install more languages in your blesta installation . first you need to download the languages files from http://translate.blesta.com/ and then upload it via ftp to blesta folders . install and activate the language .
  9. we have talked about this subject so many times ago and we think is the time to talk about it now . i have made a plan to make something special for my need and provide it to the cmmunity , but i have stack with some limitation and some lock of professional advanced skill and lock of time . so what i have do , first i have decided to make the domain manager as a module , and add the registrar as a components inside the module . the registrar wil have a : - json file to identify the name ,description, version ect ... - folder for API class - module.php (that file has the fields that will be used in the addrow in module + the rules validation ) - manager.php (that file will have the available functions for this registrar ) - package.php (that file will include the fields that will be shown in the package creation ) - maybe we can add more files for other uses . in the module manager , we add registrar as a row (addrow) , in the add row , it list all the registrar exist in components folder as a list , when we select a registrar it load the returned fields in module.php . in the package creation , when we select domain manager , it list the available registrar , when selecting the chosed registrar it can load the required fields by package.php (optional ) . in the client/admin side , we will have a standard function like , name-server, contacts, dns, forwarding , emails ... ect ... the tabs has a relation with the actions available in the registrar or simply if not available show a message of unavailability . so the idea is simple clients/admins tabs --- communicate with the module , the module forward the call to the registrar module . the registrar module return the response , the module show the response (success or errors) . with this way we have a centralized domain management, and we can maintain 1 module rather than multiple modules .we can add the registrars as we want and we can improves them without touching the module it self . the logic is nearly the same used in the gateways , we laod the gateway class inside the gateway model .
  10. your question is not clear ! what you mean by use another language?
  11. is a bad news, but if mujahed need help in anything we are here . what i suggest is blesta staff negoce with mujahed to get the source code of their plugins, as others can fix/update the code if needed like the cpanel extended . but why is closing ? is the blesta market is not rentable anymore ? or there are some new road of business ? @sixwishlist , the real lesson here if for blesta team , no dev can support blesta for long term if they not change the target market . the HOSTING industry is the only market that can help blesta grow and grow , for so months ago we request blesta team to take care about hosting market like the domain management , the order form for hosting also . competitor has grow not by the core software , but the module/plugins they have by them or third party , another example is PauloV, it was so happy with the core code and has and still providing plugins/modules for free , like me , just to provide more option to the clients and encourage them switching/using blesta , now is less active , because the main feature he/and me and so others need it not exist after so many months , a better domain management and a good order form for hosting industry . i'm not against blesta , but blesta should learn what other say about them , and do what the people need (other can call it cloning functions from others , i call it add the defaults futures ) .
  12. you can't do it with a plugin . there are already a thread about a button replcamenet in the client side . i dont remember the thread . but i belevie licensecart can seek it
  13. we can see your website design ?
  14. plugin is not needed here or simply it would not do anything . if you want to be far from the update , just clone the gateway and rename the class , uplad your own pics and all are done .
  15. you can patch the gateway model and use your multillanguages words . http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5064-convert-gateways-names-to-multi-languages/
  16. Never fronted this , can be related to monitor or windows shema color .
  17. Cpanel support centos 7 , cloudlinux also . what about solusvm , they will offering openvz or they will switch . Proxmox has built a conversation tool to lcx with just a clicks and no datalose . perfect way
  18. nowadays , variety of visualization system exist in the industry . openvz is one of the most used and the from oldest one's . but from the last years they have stacked with the kernel upgrades , so no support of RH7 at the moment, just a talk about some dev test and no release until the moment . some new system like LXC and Dockers are now gain more land . openvz will be converted to Virtuozzo 7 , and lock of update and new features of openvz has taked proxmox to drop openvz in thier release v4 . and replace it with LXC . is really openvz has arrive to EOF ?
  19. i have already requested this feature in older thread . so another +1 for this .
  20. something like this can't work ? {num}-{year}{month}{day}
  21. that is the simple solution . config.php is not overrided in upgrades .
  22. Yes , is already fixed, just re-download the plugin again . version 1.1.0 is out .
  23. thanks cody ; i have successfully added your solution to my HTML invoice . now i can't worry about updates !! i will release the updated HTML invoice later this week with some enhancement .
  24. i think he should tick the "Automatically Apply Loose Credits" in settings - company - Billing/Payment .
  25. Great way .... i will test it in my european site and i will use the idea in my HTML invoice components . i have found also some of my clients who use the Quote plugin has the same issue , so i can't force the clients to a custom solution that they don't want it .
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