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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Totally agree with you .
  2. Already adresed and a OCRE has been added to this task https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1686 but i sound this a BIG +1
  3. is the transaction displayed in the transaction page ? if yes, it should be calculated never mind it come from whm** . it show 0 or it show a wrong amount ?
  4. can you paste the code you have in your function ? it will be easy for us to find the cause . yo have firebug installed in firefox ? is yes , when you click in the pagination is the request send ? and what is the output ?
  5. is paypal support partial refund +1
  6. i'm aware of this plugin, but it need a core files hack , to add a new event "Users.pre_auth" and the change the function "auth()" . we need blesta to be ready fo this to allow developper to ad any external/internal login system .
  7. Really is a pain . is there any plan to add custom login system that can support any authentication platform like OPENID or LDAP via plugin or events ?
  8. the same here . as activa says , exist some case that can't be done via addons . for exemple Package A , Term 12 Mounth = Free Domain . (here we need a global invoice or both) Package A , Term 3 Mounth = Paid Domain . (here we need a global invoice or both or separate them , not a problem )
  9. is already done, now we have another case with this . let say we have two service attached and can't be invoiced separately ( like a domain with the hosting ) . the client will receive two invoice instead of one . i think we should think in profound for this feature . like adding attaching services between them , that way they can't be invoiced separately .
  10. This Can Help https://developers.google.com/google-apps/calendar/quickstart/php
  11. if we change transaction to refund , it does not execute the refund function in gateway ?
  12. what i suggestfor you is to create a plugin that act in the event Transactions.add , and get the transaction by thier ID , so if the transaction belong to your gateways and has the status "pending" add it to the plugin page list , then you can easly identify wich transaction need to be ready for capture .....
  13. very useful feature for administrative task . +1
  14. You can do it like that $amount = $this->Currencies->convert($original_amount, $from_currency, $to_currency, $company_id) ; $exchange_rate = ($amount/$original_amount) ;
  15. what about login with user_id ? v2.5 was this option , the clients can log with thier userid and with email adresse . is not planned to add login with userid ?
  16. well done ...
  17. you cancheck y universal paypal gateway , it do the same trick .
  18. Good News about that . is preffered to merge the defalt cpanel with the tasty cpanel , as mainting update one module is better than working in two sides .
  19. can you describe your scenario . you can check order plugin and inspire from it how it done .
  20. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5120-disallow-client-tp-remove-cancellation/
  21. regarding this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5107-plugin-auto-cancel/ , i have imagined another case that is not related to that plugin , when a staff add a scheduled services for cancellation for a service is still active . the client can also remove the cancellation !!! that shouldn't be happen ... only the staff can remove the cancellation . the client can remove cancellation only if he was added the cancellation . normally it should disting beetween who has added the cancellation , if the system or staff , so clients can't be remove it.
  22. read this http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4050-forcessl-issues/
  23. why not , is also a good feature to add .
  24. i have refreshing yesterday for a solution without hacking the core files, and i have remember the events , we can a a event to this plugin for services.cancel , and send email if this event has veen trigger ?
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