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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. good point .
  2. in the invoices model, or client/admin_invoices specify the action botton that will be sent to the view like array ("edit"=>true , "pay"=>true , "viod"=>true) , and then get the array event that will be merged with the actions buttons , in the view you will just make a foreach loop to display the buttons . a simple and a usefull way , that way i use in my custom project with minphp .
  3. Hello All . after 2 mounth of work , i'm almost done the new site and migrate from v2.5 to v3 . my website is totally based in blesta (client area and front end area) . i have made the full website in multi-languages : navigation links in client area are the same core navs , i have just added my magin plugin to make them multi-languages company info / gateways name also is multi-languages with a magic plugin . the woderfull here is NO CORE FILES CHANGED (only init.php) , is a custom plugins and my own CMS plugin . the link are totally seo friendly like vvvv.com default language vvvv.com/es/ spanish languages vvvv.com/fr/ french languages vvvv.com/en/ english languages the language can be changed by clients and guests anywhere in blesta . also i have added the ability to clients/visitors change the currency anywhere in blesta . a cart showed anywhere in blesta . and the template colors also . so the website is coded with a custom CMS plugin that support multi-languages also, now it remain just some tweak in the design , and i want a feedback about it ...
  4. this feature can't be done if blesta cna't handle this other feature http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4769-renew-services-before-thier-end-date/?hl=attach#entry35548 and sorry to ad another +1 to this . either add the feature or at least a dd a way that a plugin can work with it . (i code the plugin freely for the community).
  5. proxmox already exist in core, and i have another one that is free and time by time i will add functions to it freely . so is not worth to lose time in something has a free alternative . from my end , i have the OVH/SOYOUSTART/KIMSUFI module done and need some tweak and test in a my real production to lunch it . if you ask me , i can suggest a cloud module for blesta , like vmware or openstack ...ect ... ovh registrar module is also a good module to go with it . softlayer module ... in my experience the registrar modules is the most wanted one .
  6. i don't think you have tested it with variant case . Groups is not the solution . but it can help in some cases and minimize the confusing for the clients . personally i have my own solution (custom order plugin) . anyway , the behavior to have multiple carts for unique website and unique clients has no sense for me at least .
  7. Event to that location
  8. to read https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Plugin+Cron+Tasks
  9. my world is a small worlda and private one , nothing to have with the real world
  10. a plugin is required ; but it would add more clicks to staff . it would be better if you could just add events to buttons actions near the buttons (Edit, View, Pay) ; that way we can inject our custom buttons in that place . and is easy for staff to achieve the action . the same for the services buttons near the manage , that way we can also inject our custom buttons like move, change term ...ect ... what really blesta need is the events . and i don't how many times i talked about this .
  11. in my world a html tag can be div, span , table ..ect . the missed tag here is a DIV .
  12. I have found the bugs . in cart.pdt just change $this->Widget->end(); to $this->WidgetClient->end();
  13. hello all ... is long time that i have not come here for some projects .I have found that the cart/index page has a no closed html tag . no sure where but I support is in the cart.pdt . I have check this multiple time and I have the same result . a missing HTML tag in that page . to reproduce this just use the standard template and go to the cart index page , even if is empty . you wil fond a missind HTML tag .
  14. the same think here, we can't allow our reseller to offer resellers accounts , they overloaded the servers with account that sometimes can be in over control . but if the module exist is a plus for blesta
  15. I have Sent a PM to you .
  16. in our case, we give th client the full access to thier account in the registrar to change what they need in when they want, . the second option was a catastrophic decision . our support team spent all the time just to response and make change in the domains .
  17. all we did it manually manually from v2 . but is along time (at least for my case) years and years deleting/voiding unpaid invoice mannually . is time to stop this behavior , we need to gain the time spent in this task in other tasks
  18. happy to see/hear you again
  19. Blesta Addons

    Release 3.6.0

    i need to see a task ID in the JIRA
  20. i regret that nothing done until the moment, you can check the backlog https://dev.blesta.com/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=1&projectKey=CORE&view=planning&selectedIssue=CORE-1360
  21. I have switched to Apache mod_lsapi of cloudlinux .. something wonderfull as result .
  22. Can you explain more about the comunication , is from blesta to your eccommerce or from ecommerce to blesta ?
  23. the safe option is the dafault cpanel .
  24. i believe that is the main reason for that error , try using get instead of post .
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