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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. Hello All Again . i'm Alive BLESTA Connect is a single centralised interface to administer and manage all of your servers. Provides a single sign-on solution based on the Cpanel SSO . Utilising Single Sign-On Technology, BLESTA Connect allows you and your staff to access the control panels of all the servers configured in your BLESTA installation that support Single Sign-On with one click , no need to share root or resellers password with your staff . the plugin support permissions, so you can set the permissions for staff groups . Supported Modules : Cpanel (Blesta core) Cpanel Extended (you should setup it with access key) LogicBoxes LogicBoxes Extended More modules will be added if the panel support the SSO . this plugin requiere a the Pro (Silver) subscription . Order Link Plugin page Screen Shoot . LogicBoxes Complete list of released addons
  2. if i have asked how i can handel this behavior i will o the fallowing . i will add a order of the package in thier group . so 1 - package A 2 - package B 3 - package C so from A to B is allowed as upgrade , C to B or B to A is downgrade , is not allowed if the option is active . for other case we can mesure the value , if the new value is lower than the actual value so is a downgrade .
  3. Wonderfull UI Why not bootsrap ? Already a huge change in the UI and has some aspect of bootsrap . Is a technical obstacle ?
  4. Blesta Addons

    Custom Pages

    You can't inject javascript/jquery on CMS pages . We have already discussed this subject , in new release of CMS It should take care of this and multi-languages . The only way for you is a custom plugin to do that. You can add your own table prices ,just search for thos that didnt need a jquery code .
  5. Blesta Addons

    Custom Pages

    you can use my admin tools plugins to add a custom page .
  6. my point of view . the probleme is not the DNS management, as the actual modules can handle the DNS management , it need just a couple of lines code to add the DNS management as a new tab . my request or let say feature request in the new refactor , is to make the DNS/EMAIL forwarding/web forwarding as extention/plugins of module manager , why ? let say i have domain with logicbox or enom or ... , and i want to manage the DNS with other platform like (cPanel & cPanel DNSOnly ,DynDNS , SimpleDNS , PowerDNS ...ect ) , so i want a system that allow me to add the DNS MANAGEMENT to any registrar i want to use is with it or use the default dns manager included with the registrar . i hope the idea is clear .
  7. maybe another bug found : blesta always fetch the cached page even if we have not initialed the startcahing() function the controller . $this->startCaching(Configure::get("Blesta.cache_length"));
  8. Tested the caching system of pages , it cache it under the root directory of cache (maybe is a bug in multi-company installs, as it should cache them under the directory id of company) . in a multi-languages system , is useless tool, as it cache the whole page output (including head/body) . so when the user has a different language rathar than the admin , he will see the page in the admin's language (a improvement to cache page for every language is a awesmone feature to add ) .
  9. The term renewal . What i preffer is a option in package . Something like maximum term or renew . As every service has it own renewal terms and conditions
  10. I will try it today . Specially in a multilanguages system .
  11. from the controller i see the function render , is caching template file if is set to , but is not doing any thing to fetch the cached file from cache system if the cahce system is set and the file is cached ? this is projected for next releases or there is no attention to do that in the core system .
  12. Normally the plugin should add the folder in installation or update . Like the support manager . @tyson , what if we want to cache pdt file instead of calling it every time ? Your example for caching just a data .
  13. +1 for this question . what i can help from the basic code, , the cache system is already enabled by default in blesta Configure::set("Caching.on", true) . a sample code like this can work , but not tested . $cache = Cache::fetchcache('your_plugin_controller_pdt_file', $this->company_id . DS . 'plugins' . DS ); // if a copy of cache existe if ($cache) { // here you should return the cached file return unserialize(base64_decode($cache)); } // no cache existe , return output and create cached file else { $pdt_file = $this->view->fetch("your_plugin_controller_pdt_file"); // get the pdt file // create cached file if cache system enabled if ( (Configure::get('Caching.on') && is_writable(CACHEDIR)) ) { Cache::writecache('your_plugin_controller_pdt_file', base64_encode(serialize($pdt_file)), strtotime( Configure::get('Blesta.cache_length') ) - time( ), $this->company_id . DS . 'plugins' . DS ); } }
  14. sometimes i feel you are disrespect for the whmcs team . they are competitors , yes, but is not a reason for you or others that can lead to a lack of respect .
  15. it's in the TODO list . not yet released .
  16. i have understand that blesta & logicboxes has a different countries list format .
  17. you can use admin tools plugin to change it .
  18. logicbox module should then have a array countries conversion from blesta . i think he will get a invalid response due to mised order-id . already i have talked about this subject . logicbox , should wonly store domain-name , and get the order-id from the logicbox API query .
  19. You mean the navigation link in the top bar ?
  20. it take my total vote 10/10
  21. try changing public function moduleRowMetaKey() { return "server_key"; } to public function moduleRowMetaKey() { return "hostname"; }
  22. you should upload just the folder admin_utils
  23. Have defined the module_row in the json config file if you use it . Can you post the function you have error in it ?
  24. you need to work with firebug of Mozilla to check the console result .
  25. i have a color selector for client side and cookies to keep the choice . and i wil adjust the dark color later . license , for client side i remove it , and it remain in admin side . about the sidebar , i have took the whole page screen, normally it feet to the bottom of screen . is for my old website , it will be available in naja7host.com . now i have finished the ovh servers modules , it need some test and i will move quickly .
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