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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. or set it to N/A ?
  2. some registrar require the state , my idea is to set state to N/A rather than null if not entered .
  3. another thread !!!!!! i hope this enougn for the staff to begin working in a sooner solution for hosting/domain order form .
  4. 1/ but in my case , no transaction is recorded , the normal scenario it should record a payment and then show a warning message , not a succes with a error message !!! 2. thenks for the CORE2105 , i hope it can be fixed in v4 , as this is a essencial for us with some special clients in africa . 3/ for me no matter if exist or not , it was just a riminder for the staff .
  5. we have discussed this subject several times, not just the navigation bar for step but the whole order form for hosting industry is highly required . the actual one is not adequate to the hosting market
  6. i had successfully arrived to a solution that let me print the invoice in a HTML format with the client theme . so the header/footer remain and the invoice template in showed in the content section . now i will search a good html invoice template to integrate it in my solution .
  7. added to the next release of admin tools plugins.
  8. when you set the precision , the invoice are generated or you used the last one ?
  9. the payment button is not shown , so the user cannot proceed with the apply credit .
  10. letting other try to reproduce the bugs. what about the second issue , if credit exist and no available payment method (no gateways, no payments accounts) ?
  11. another issue is the payment_details , is hidden if payment by CC and ACH is not enabled in the system . normally it shouldn't exist in the view even if is hidden, as it never used it has no sense exist as hidden .
  12. when the client want tot pay a invoice with the credit he have in account . when he select the apply credit , blesta return a error message and a success message ; The available credits have been applied, but a balance still exists. Please complete this transaction by paying the remainder below. Please select a payment option. and no transaction is recorded . i have recheck and it give me the same error . is blesta checking if the any gateway is selected when it process a apply credit ? another case , when no gateway available for the currency , and client has a credit , in the payment page it show apply by credit , but without button to continue . the client can't pay . i don't think this is intentional .
  13. i have forget about this thread . Micke your solution will add a unique title for all the support manager pages . take this one , and every page has it own titles . in client_tickets.php controller under this line : $this->set("string", $this->DataStructure->create("string")); add : $page_title = Language::_("ClientTickets." . Loader::fromCamelCase($this->action ? $this->action : "index") . ".page_title", true); $this->structure->set("page_title", $page_title); now every page has it own title . also is better to add a new phrase language in clients_tickets $lang['ClientTickets.departments.page_title'] = "Support Manager > Select Departement ";
  14. Hello Micke. thanks for the reply . see my response in other thread for a better solution . waiting the staff for the other issue .
  15. when the staff change status ticket or re-open a closed ticket , it show in the reply page a alert box with the info about the status changed and date . this info is not translated , i have searched some view files but i can't find where i can make it translatable . The status has been changed to XXXXX . Feb 14 2016 12:55 AM by mohamed anouar only the status is in multi-language mode . note i have translated all the language files . and tested with 3 languages . i don't have time to spend in searching files & files to find where this come . wich file i should look in it ? also i think this line should be in multi-languages format . also i norticed that the client side , the titles pages is not showed !!!
  16. impossible to make it work without sessions . normally blesta load the default language, and there no option to allow guests to change language of display . so my simple solution was to add a language selector and store the selected language in sessions , then read it from sessions and set the language .
  17. i know is impossible to add all the event in one shoot , blesta can add between releases 1 or 2 events , that way we can achieve more events in a small time . for now the most wanted not just for me , and for some other clients is the event in the support manager . - add ticket an event before the ticket creation and after a successfully ticket added . - ticket edit . - ticket closed . - ticket deleted . - ticket reply . for order plugin ( that for my own need) . - product added to cart . - in checkout process. - in order completed . - in order accepted/rejected/deleted ect .. the only limitation i see here is in the ajaxed order form !!! maybe cody can arrive to a magic function that allow us add our own events
  18. ohh , yes , your code is working , i have thought that the input type aren't override by the attributes .
  19. i suggest adding the type "email" in the form helper class . that way we can use some validation jquery to that input . input "email" is a standard now in HTML5 .
  20. in v4 . is their any new events will be released with first version ? is their any known function in blesta v3 will be dropped in v4 ?
  21. Updated ... 1.0.1 now with full screen option . and fixed the title windows . just re-download the plugin again .
  22. thanks for the donations . some great newplugins/modules in the road . but i think iw ill wait until the new v4 released .
  23. maybe next version i will add options to plugin to choose how the page will be render . for the link i have forget about it ....
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