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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. can i know for wich reason this is needed ? the support manager is not adequate for this reason ? just curios to know what we can get from that plugins else than the staff upload docs to client account .
  2. If anyone come and then claim about the same aspect of the product so there are something that should be discussed and asked , why all claim/ request this ??? So the simple response there are things that shouldbe clarified or corrected or changed .Actually we are working in a new order template that is sweeted for hosting market , we have some challange : We didn't want to change the core or the order plugin files. The order plugin has a limited space to play with it , limited to internal function . But we have arrived to 60% of work done . The complexe is coming , and always we will bring the work to the community . Who will pay us for the time spent in this ?! I'm just joking
  3. it's a easy task, even if it not deserve a task on the JIRA
  4. a generic payment buttons is the best solution , i hope it can be done with the new release of 4.0 .
  5. i'm sur it will take a long time . and we can't wait until that .
  6. Thanks for your reply . the plugin idea is clear & i don't think it will cause a problem in coding or schema . you idea it will cause a problem in renewal case , the row will be already marked paid when invoice has been generated for the activation first time. also the fact changing the core tables or core files is not my best approach . i always prefer be away from core files/tables . also there are no event for invoice before creating . and for that case i have opted to create my own table services that will be just accessed inside the module itself . if blesta has or can add option to invoice periodically for certain package/client group that would be awesome, this request already discussed several time here in the forums . something like the cpanel licensing system , they invoice you for every new/renew license in 15th of the mounth .
  7. this plugin may help http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2177-parallel-payment-optimizer/
  8. Hello all i have a module to write , i need your ideas about how to , maybe it can help me inspire a good solution . the scenario is the fallowing . i have resellers for a specific service , the reseller create/renew a service , i don't want to create invoice in any activation or renewal , but i want to create a invoice in 15 and 30 of every month . so at here is clear and that scenario already request in several threads . the difference in my situation , and don't care about saying label of service in the invoice or to see the services list in the services section , i want to generate invoice with two lines , 1st line include just total quantity of registered services, 2nd line with total quantity renewed services, the second request is we prefer to not add services line for every new services that will be shown in the services section , but we need to allow in our module for resellers , when they manage the module from inside to see the list of services and then they can manage every services . i hope the idea is clear ... what i have as a solution at the moment , i will create a module + plugin . the module , will createa table that has the same fields as the services fields (label,activation/renew/suspend/cancel date ...ect) , the module will have option to allow resellers ceate/renew services , no renewed services will be deleted auto after x days from thier expiration date , and manage the services inside the module tab ). the plugin will just for cron to be execute every 15 & 30 of month to create invoice for renewed and activated new services . and delete no renewed services . is that a good implementation or there are some thing that i have missed ? my other custom solution is to add new status in the services status field (open/closed/suspended/canceled/my_custom_status) , here the services will not listed as i think in the services list , and i will let my plugin to generate invoice for that services . adding new status can impact the function for other services or blesta work?
  9. it always in that file in cpanel .
  10. you can do it with a custom plugin and modification of blesta structure.pdt . we have already aded this option in one of our work in blesta-addons.com , you can check it .
  11. a logical & well code version should be like <?php if($this->Html->ifSet($description_head, false)){ ?> <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $description_head; ?>" /> <?php } ?> but i prefer do it like this : <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($description_head,"your description about company"); ?>" /> so if no description are set it show a default description about your company for example .
  12. good addition . your implementation is a nice solution . what if you have a cms (let say your cms ) and you have 100 posts/pages , you should do 99 IF statement in the structure ?!! or if you have multi-languages the page title will change no ? a sample solution that didn't need any change in the tructure.pdt is to add the description via the custom_head like $this->structure->set("custom_head",'<meta name="description" content="Description goes here" />'); this will inject the meta in the header , this will have only obstacle if you are using some advanced coding that nee injecting css js, multi meta from different function . another professional solution is to add your custom header var , in structure.pdf , under the title tag . <title><?php echo $this->Html->safe(($this->Html->ifSet($page_title) ? $page_title . " | " : "") . $this->Html->ifSet($system_company->name));?></title> add this line <meta name="description" content="<?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($description_head); ?>" /> in your plugin or any page add this line $this->structure->set("description_head", "here add your description or any var fetched from database "); i have used a similar solution but is advanced rules in my custom multi-languages CMS .
  13. they are working in v4.0 , no ETA for it now, but it seem near . after that the v4.1 will come .
  14. that was the perfect deal .
  15. no , you need to write a custom plugin that give to your client ability to communicate with blesta .
  16. Please read this threads http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1744-monthly-billing-for-daily-services/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3326-some-billing-things/ and finally you need a custom plugin/module to do this .
  17. when i finish , i will upload more screenshoot .
  18. Working in a new version . that will include + Tax support . + Redesign the client interface . + Send Quote on creation . + attach Quote to invoice . any new idea i'm open to listen .
  19. relating to this , i have found my old thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4593-convert-apply-credit-to-gateway/
  20. ajax boxes has no options to remove items . i have already adressed that http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3776-remove-item-from-cart-in-ajaxed-order-form/
  21. Hello All . Celebrating 1 year from the first release . i have changed the HTML output to match the blesta theme . so the html will be shown inside the blesta client area . you can check exemple in my first post .
  22. First sorry for my bad english, mybe i don't have the capacity to explain well ! i don't claim about the sentence , my claim was about showing a success and a error message in the same time ! with your explanation , i think i have discovered the issue , this issue is related i think to my other issue (CORE-2105) . here we are fronting a case that has a relation with the model business and the question is : you allow client pay partial invoice ? allow your client to pay the invoice in 3 payments before the due date ? let me explain a my point of view , i have a client that has invoice with 100$ . my client will make a payment of 40$ with Gateway X , another payment of 40$ with gateway Y , another payment of 20$ with gateway Z, my client will not see any error in the 3 payments even if they will not cover the full invoice . the second scenario , when he pay the first payment of 40$ with Gateway X, the second of 40$ with the his credit , here will not show a success payment (or let say success apply of credit) , he will see a error message with a success message . so to resume the case , the clients when they want to pay with thiers credits is not necessary to check if they select gateways or not . as they already selected the credit , already blesta change the button label when they select apply credit . NOTE : now i remember a old threads ,first one talking about order form i think ajax version , there are no option for client to apply credit with the order , the second thread was a request to allow/disallow the showing of the apply credit in the client side (payment page) . that time i have suggested to make the apply credit as a GATEWAY . now what i can suggest again : 1 - option in admin side to enable/disable apply credit option in payment page (nothing to have with the auto apply credit with cronjob) . 2 - convert apply credit to a nomarchent gateway , or allow applying credit without the need to check a gateway if selected . i hope that my ideas was clear enough .
  23. my staff will not answer with the company's language , they should reply with the client language that understand also the log is shown as a info not as a answer , so is better that the status info should be in the client language . is so pad to have all the page in Spanish language and some info with other language . this is just my 2 cent , the better behavior is that the status/log should be shown in the language's client .
  24. as i have descriped in my first post , all languages files was translated . i have also changed the en_us languages as you told me , but still the same problem , this sentence is displayed in English in any other language . i have decided to search the source of this problem , and i have surprised , the whole sentence was saved in database as a log type .!!!!! for a multi-languages system this should not be happen in any case ...... it was better to save something like . {SupportManagerTickets.log.status} mohamed anouar. rather than saving the translated phrase (Assigned to mohamed anouar.) {SupportManagerTickets.log.status} {SupportManagerTickets.status.closed} rather than "The status has been changed to مغلقة." . from the above solution we can easily translate the saved status log to the user language . IS TRUE that is not a trivial issue , but is not professional to see two languages in one sentence . maybe my opinion can help to improve the actual scenario .
  25. what normally it should show is a warning message and redirect the client to the dashboard , when the credit was applied . showing the error message & staying in the same page mean for me and my client that the apply credit was not done and the system require something from them that is not available for them !!!!!! i have tested my sefl and really is confusing for me also , as i have tought that the credit was not applied and i should do something i don(t know what is it !!!! , so for my point of view here when the client try to pay a partial amount with the credit , when he apply the credit , the system should return it to the dashboard saying that the credit was applied successfully , and the invoice(s) still remain to be fully paid .
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